Getting It Right For Every Child

Getting It Right For Every Child is a way of working for people who work with children.  The new way of working has been brought in to help every child in Scotland have a good life. It does not change how you should look after your child but it does change how people who work with your child look after them.  When people talk to you about your child they will probably talk about the new way of working.

The new way of working is called Getting It Right For Every Child. Getting It Right For Every Child is sometimes shortened to GIRFEC. It comes from the first letter of each word in Getting It Right For Every Child.

The two main parts are:

  • People who work with children will check every child has what they need to have a good life.
  • Every child will have one person who looks out for them and their family if they need help.

Getting It Right For Every Child says there are 8 things that every child needs to have a good life. The 8 things every child needs to have a good life are to be:

  • Safe
  • Healthy
  • Achieving
  • Nurtured
  • Active
  • Respected
  • Responsible
  • Included.

Every child needs to be Safe. Being safe means things like…

  • Your child is kept away from dangerous things like fire and traffic
  • Your child has a safe place to live
  • Your child is protected from abuse
  • Your child is not bullied

Every child needs to be Healthy. Being healthy means things like…

  • Your child eats healthy food
  • Your child gets enough exercise
  • Your child is happy and feels good
  • Your child goes to the doctor and dentist when they need to

Every child needs to be Achieving. Achieving means things like…

  • Your child learns new things
  • Your child wants to work hard at school
  • Your child feels confident
  • Your child gets praise when they do well

Every child needs to be Nurtured.  Being nurtured means things like…

  • Your child is cared for
  • Your child knows they are loved by their family
  • Your child has someone to turn to when they are upset
  • Your child has daily routines for eating, sleeping and personal care

Every child needs to be Active. Being active means things like…

  • Your child plays at home
  • Your child plays outdoors, for example rides a bike or plays in a park
  • Your child does fun things with the family
  • Your child does activities they like to do

Every child needs to be Respected. Being respected means things like…

  • Your child is treated as an individual
  • Your child is listened to and taken seriously
  • Your child can keep things private if they want
  • Your child gets a say in things like how their room is decorated and what to watch on TV

Every child needs to be Responsible. Being responsible means things like…

  • Your child knows about right and wrong
  • Your child says sorry when they do something wrong
  • Your child has the right level of responsibility for their age – they tidy their room or do the dishes
  • You trust your child to do the right thing

Every child needs to be Included. Being included means things like…

  • You and your child get the support you need
  • Your child can be part of a group like Scouts, Brownies or a football group if they want to
  • Your child joins in with their friends and other children at school
  • Your child is not left out

Most children get everything they need to have a good life from…

  • their parents
  • grandparents, aunts and uncles
  • brothers and sisters
  • other people around them.

But some children might need extra help. Getting it right for every child says…

  • every child should have one person to look out for them and their family if they need help
  • this person should be someone from outside the child’s family
  • this person should be someone like a nurse or a teacher.

This person is called a Named Person. Every child in Scotland now has a Named Person. Every child has a Named Person from when they are born until they are 18.  Your child’s Named Person does not take over from you as a parent. The Named Person is there to help you and your child if you need it.

You and your child can ask the Named Person for help and advice if you want it. Having a Named Person means you will know who to go to for help and advice.

Your child’s Named Person will change as they get older. Most children will have three different Named Persons as they grow up.

  • Between birth and when your child starts primary school their Named Person will usually be the health visitor.
  • When your child is at primary school  their Named Person will usually be the Head Teacher or Deputy Head.
  • When your child is at high school their Named Person will usually be the Head Teacher or a guidance teacher.

Further information can be found at North Ayrshire’s GIRFEC website at

For more information on



-Named Person and Child’s Plan: