Tag Archives: UNCRC

Article 29 – Goals of Education

Over the course of this year pupils at Ardrossan Academy have been able to take part in a number of activities aimed at developing their talents, skills, interests and abilities. These have included.

The S2 digital photography group

The Nail Art Group

Leadership Skills



Photo published for School pupils make tasty tapas treats


Art Exhibitions

Drama Workshops


Web Design





Skills Academy 2017

Our Skills Academy this year was lead by Mr Bell involved a small group of pupils working to gain valuable skills for life and work.

The pupils have taken part in a range of activities over the last four weeks.

As part of this they have earned qualifications in Customer Service and Barista from Ayrshire College. They have visited the Waterside to learn about applying these qualifications to work.

The pupils have engaged with many outside partners including a STEM event with the RAF; team-work and leadership training with the Army; alcohol awareness with North Ayrshire Council and yesterday spent the afternoon at Maximum Potential Gym. Unfortunately due to the Critical Alert at the time our day with the Fire Service was cancelled.

Pupils have also received brilliant training in Heart Start from Catriona, Finlay and Louise; Skills for Work training with Lee and Beth; and enjoyed their climb up Conic Hill with Kris and Catriona.

Pupils also took part in a focus group before receiving their certificate to graduate Skills Academy.


Alcohol Awareness Week 28th Nov 2016

Our focus in personal support this week was alcohol. We talked about ow much alcohol people drink and how much it is recommended to drink. There are health implications associated with drinking alcohol, we talked about the different ways it can affect our bodies and how much this costs the NHS.

Advertising of alcohol can often imply that it is fun and will make us have a great time, or people will like us more, this type of advertising is not allowed. We looked at adverts for alcoholic drinks and discussed the message it was trying to send and if this was appropriate.

In addition to its effect on our health, alcohol can also influence the decisions we make. We discussed the effect of alcohol on crime in Scotland and it bringing in legislation to restrict alcohol would help this.

During our focus week we considered article 3(adults should always consider what is best for children) when discussing if legislation is required for sales of alcohol. We also considered article 19, Children should be protected from all forms of harm. Alcohol causes harm through effects on health and associated violence. We also discussed Article 24, children have the right to nutritious food and information to enable them to stay healthy. Through our discussions we have highlighted the effect of alcohol on our health.


Anti-Bullying Week

During anti-bullying week (14th – 18th of November) we had a number of activities taking place across the school raise awareness of bullying and how to deal with it. Our S1 & 2 pupils took part in a workshop, lead by S6 pupils, looking at different aspects of bullying. This was a really worthwhile activity, allowing our S6 pupils to develop their leadership skills and increasing awareness of bullying and how to deal with it for our junior pupils.
Throughout the week, pupils in personal support discussed what they would do if they saw someone being bullied and the distinction between fear and respect. Pupils were able to watch an interactive video showing a school pupil being bullied, they were able to chose what to do at key stages, report it or do nothing, and then discuss how this affected the victim in each case.
Our rights respecting schools group sold anti-bullying wrist bands throughout the week to raise money to support victims of bullying and organised a non-uniform day on Friday too. We joined the “wear blue campaign” to support victims of bullying in the UK.
Mr Milligan’s S2 student council members demonstrated the benefits of kind words and actions by encouraging pupils and staff to “take a compliment” strip and pass it on. Mr Burrett was particularly pleased when he was told he was “On Fleek.” The S3 student council members also produced a presentation about bullying which was displayed on our school TV all week.
On Thursday had a visit from the band “White Eskimo” who entertained pupils from S1-3 and spoke to them about the importance of making your own life choices and not being influenced by others. Money raised from the event was donated to RespectMe, Children in Need and BullyingUK.
In classes we used discussion points as lesson starters and during personal support we also discussed the difference between fear and respect. This helped us to talk about what we knew about bullying and discuss our opinions.
Article 19 states that every child has the right to protection from harm and abuse, we are supporting this through raising awareness of signs of bullying and discussing what to do if you or someone you know are being bullied.



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Personal support – Syria and Haiti

From the 24th to the 28th of October we discussed the recent issues in Haiti and Syria during personal support time.

Haiti was seriously affected by Hurricane Matthew, the loss of life and destruction caused by this natural disaster has been devastating for a country still recovering from an earthquake in 2010.

Syria has been severely affected by conflict for several years, many people have died, homes and schools have been destroyed and people are fleeing the country.

I both Haiti and Syria people need access to fresh water, food, medical care and shelter. These are basic rights of every child and at Ardrossan Academy we have tried to support those who need our help. We held a coffee morning for staff and sold Halloween cakes and sweets to raise Money to send to Haiti and Syria. The money raised was added to our charities committee fund and made donations of £400 to the Syria appeal and £400 to the Haiti appeal




House Ambassadors

The call for house ambassadors has encouraged 90 pupils from S1-S3 to volunteer to be the voice of their class and support the school. Everyone interested in becoming a house ambassador completed an application form and selection will take place after the October break. We look forward to our House Ambassadors working to ensure that the voices and opinions of all pupils at Ardrossan Academy are heard.

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