The P7s previewed the Loch Insh video last week. Click on the link below, where you will be taken to the video. P7s will get a copy of the full DVD, including the Loch Insh filmed video at the end of term.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

What a week P7 had at Loch Insh. We’ve arrived home safely – 34 extremely tired pupils and 4 staff plagued with fatigue who can’t wait for the weekend to begin.
We hope you all rest over the weekend, and we’ll see you back on Monday, rested and raring to go for the next 6 weeks!
P6 had a great week with Mrs MacLeod and are excited to get all of the Loch Insh stories on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

Bravo! Bravo!
Roger was very most impressed with your singing this afternoon. Remember his advice – Don’t let a little problem grow into a big problem. If you’ve not learnt your words yet, spend some time over the next week learning them. Our final performance is on Wednesday 29th May.
Loch Insh – P7 pupils going to Loch Insh, you are reminded that you will need to bring a packed lunch for Monday, and should wear your school uniform to school. We will change when we arrive at Loch Insh.
We’ll still be collecting tinned potatoes and biscuits for the Highland Foodbank next week – any donations will be appreciated.
Have a great weekend!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice
REMINDER: NO swimming tomorrow – we have Scottish Opera in the afternoon
Lochardil Primary School is supporting the Highland Foodbank. We have been asked to support the Highland Foodbank by donating tins of potatoes and biscuits. We’ve got until next Friday, 17th May, to make a donation. Let’s see if P6/7 can really make a difference.
Well done to the Netball team – you all performed excellently at the tournament yesterday. It was great to see you in with your medals today.
Loch Insh rooms – find images of the room plans below. Please note that some of the rooms will have different furniture (e.g. bunkbeds) which may not be on the floorplan.

Keep rehearsing those Scottish Opera words – Roger is here tomorrow!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice
In preparation for our Garden Party, can the ECO Cairns, ECO Bedding Plant and ECO Planting groups please ensure that they have clothes that they don’t mind getting dirty, and shoes/wellies that are suitable for the garden tomorrow (Wednesday). We will be continuing our work from last week.
Bikeability (P7) – starts tomorrow (Wednesday). You need to make sure you bring your bike and your helmet with you. This week will be the safety check. Miss Shimmield has been extremely busy sorting it out – thank you again Miss Shimmield.
Loch Insh – Remember that over the next week and a half, you should start bringing in any medicines you have, along with the medical slip. That way we can ensure that we’ve organised the medical resources in advance. We are awaiting confirmation from Loch Insh regarding the different room sizes we have this year. Once we have got this, we will be able to put the groups together.
Reports 2013 – This week in writing you’re writing YOUR section of the report. The three titles are ‘My Curricular Learning’, ‘My achievements’, and ‘My next steps’. Have a good think tonight if there’s anything that you want to add to your final draft tomorrow.
We think that’s everything on the ‘notice-board’!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice
FAIRTRADE CHALLENGE – Well done to all of those people who have submitted answers in the Fairtrade Challenge below. No one has managed to find the common theme I’m looking for between the three places. Have a go – we’ll talk about it on Wednesday!
Just as we thought that Mother Nature had blessed us with Spring, down came the snow… A reminder that tomorrow we are walking to Eden Court for ‘A Cat in Paris’. It is important that you have sensible walking shoes, in case the pavements are slippy. A jacket is also a must – the minus temperatures require suitable clothing.
The Loch Insh meeting is tonight at 7pm in the hall. If you are unable to attend the meeting, we will send the information pack home with your child tomorrow.
Good news – Thanks to Mr Nairn, we will be able to provide each pupil from P6/7 with a copy of Rock Challenge. This will be given out at the end of term for you to enjoy over the Easter break.
We’ll see any primary 7s who are coming to the meeting in a few hours, and everyone else – we’ll see you in the morning.
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice