Tag Archives: christmas

Last Monday!

Here it is, the last Monday of P6/7 2012!! Only a couple of more days until the holidays! A few things however still going on before the end of term.

Tuesday 18th December – P7 Party!
The P7 party begins at 7pm, and will finish at 9pm. Pupils should be dropped off and picked up from the reception area.

Wednesday 19th December- Christmas Assembly!
The Christmas assembly will be at the CCC. We are currently monitoring the weather conditions. We will review this on Wednesday to ensure that the assembly can go ahead at the CCC. If not, the alternative arrangments will be within the school hall.

Thursday 20th December- Last day!
School will close at 3pm for P6/7 pupils.

Play the ‘Spot the difference’ Christmas game which Mrs MacLeod showed us today. It’s quite tricky to get the five differences first time!

Santa Spot The Difference- CLICK HERE!

See you all tomorrow,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

P7 Choir at Drummond

This week our P7 choir have been supporting the Drummond School pupils in their annual Christmas concert. The choir pupils have been rehearsing each week with Mrs Hunter in preparation for the concert. They had two rehearsals on Tuesday and Wednesday, finishing their week with the concert this afternoon. Staff and parents from both Lochardil and Drummond commented on how fantastic our Lochardil pupils were. You were all excellent ambassadors for the school- Well Done!!

 Have a fantastic weekend- sledge safely!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

Bah Humbug!

Mr Cook was a bit of a scrooge yesterday, but Mrs MacLeod and Mrs Prentice have both twisted his arm into liking coloured Christmas lights, and tinsel! You never know, he might even put one of these up in his house this year!!


A Christmas tree covered in coloured lights!!




Party season is about to begin!

P6 Christmas party- Please bring your party clothes to school, and you will change into these tomorrow after lunch and before your party. Remember Christmas food donations, as we’ll be setting up the food at lunchtime!

P7 Christmas party- You can order more than one piece of pizza if you wish. Pizza money is to be in by Monday 17th December!

The P7 choir had their first rehearsal with the Drummond children today. They will have their dress rehearsal tomorrow, and then the concert on Friday. Thank you to Mrs McRobert for volunteering to help!

See you all tomorrow,
Mr Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

What’s on?

With another extremely busy week in P6/7 over; what’s coming up next week?


P7 Choir at Drummond- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. Pupils will be leaving at 12.40pm, so school/packed lunch only on these days, Thank you!

P6 Party- Wednesday 12th December 2012 1.30pm – 3pm

P7/S1 Transition talk- Mr Fyffe from the IRA will be coming to talk to P7s on Friday morning about moving on up in 2013!

Pupil of the Month

Well done to our NOVEMBER Pupil of the Month recipients! You’re all excellent ambassadors for Lochardil!


James and Morven– James and Morven took on the leadership role this month of organising the book fair, with minimal guidance. Everyone agreed that they did an excellent job, the event being a fantastic success.

Danni– Danni has been described as a ‘fantastic friend who is always there for you’. A great friend to his peers, as well as polite and helpful to his teachers.

Well Done from everyone in P6/7!

Have a fantastic weekend!
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice

Manic Monday!

The title to this post definitely describes the type of day P6/7 had. It was ‘GO GO GO’ all the way through to 3pm.

The leaderboard for the decimals game has been reset this morning. Try and get P6/7 up to number one this week by clicking the link below:

Decimal TENTHS

Mr Cook’s register class watched part of ‘Horrible Histories’ this morning whilst the other two register classes finished evaluating the Weather Reports.

Your questions is: Who were the suffragettes, and what did they do? Post your answers on the blog.

Suffragettes Song: CLICK HERE

In preparation for our writing on Wednesday, we continued to UP LEVEL sentences. We did this by using adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases and clauses. We’ll continue to work on this tomorrow.

Well done to Betsy who switched on the CHRISTMAS LIGHTS in Inverness last weekend. See the article by clicking the link below:

Christmas Lights SWITCH ON: CLICK HERE!

For the ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ powerpoint quiz, click the link below:

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? CLICK HERE!

See you all tomorrow,
Mr.Cook, Miss Grant and Mrs.Prentice