
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

October 11, 2016
Comments Off on We’re all going on a family holiday?

We’re all going on a family holiday?

October time brings about the Halloween half term for children all across the UK. This, for many children, means a chance to go away on holiday and spend time with their families. However, where should we stand, as teachers, regarding children leaving the class during term time for holidays? Families in England have been fined […] Continue reading

October 11, 2016
Comments Off on Quelle est le date ton anniversair

Quelle est le date ton anniversair

This song pretty much sums up my memory of learning a modern foreign language (MFL) at primary school. We learned it until we were blue in the face, and then … Continue reading Continue reading

October 5, 2016
Comments Off on Learning from Packaging (Art 4H)

Learning from Packaging (Art 4H)

This task requires me to compare and contrast different food packaging and decide which one is my personal favourite and why. As well as this,  I have to decide on the message they give out and to whom the message would be for. Lastly, from this I will look at how this can be used in […] Continue reading

October 4, 2016
Comments Off on The Issues with the Outdoors

The Issues with the Outdoors

Reflect on what you have read. What challenges may there be when beginning outdoor learning with a class? How would you plan and prepare for this? Evidence – Write a reflection on the positive aspects and challenges of outdoor learning. Plan an outdoor learning lesson with a focus on Health & Wellbeing. Where will you …

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October 2, 2016
Comments Off on GIRFEC – The debate on the Named Person

GIRFEC – The debate on the Named Person

In this evaluative post I am hoping to reflect on Thursday’s class debate and come to my own conclusion on the issue. GIRFEC (Getting it right for every child) is built on 3 main aspects. The wellbeing wheel, The Named Person and the Child Plan. While I could sit and talk about GIRFEC all day there is one key area I […] Continue reading

September 29, 2016
Comments Off on “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

When I was younger, primary 5 age to be exact, I had a really influential teacher who taught me my first understandings of segregation and racism, particularly at the time of Martin Luther King Jr’s existence. It was a time, the first time, that I saw the harrowing, poignant image of the Ku Klux Klan. I […] Continue reading

September 26, 2016
Comments Off on Our first values workshop: Experiencing inequality and how it effected the group

Our first values workshop: Experiencing inequality and how it effected the group

On Tuesday, we had our first of the values workshops. For this, we were split into 4 groups. I, unaware of what was to come, was put into group 4. All four groups were handed an envelope, that included items in which we had to use to make a resource for freshers coming into the university that […] Continue reading

September 23, 2016
Comments Off on It’s not fair!

It’s not fair!

“Life is not fair”. Different people ascribe varied meanings to the statement. In return one often hears, “Deal with it”, and those who respond this way are more likely to be in a position that society deems as privileged. In our most recent workshop for the Values module we explored social inequality through a devious exercise orchestrated […] Continue reading

September 23, 2016
Comments Off on Why #BlackLivesMatter and not #AllLivesMatter

Why #BlackLivesMatter and not #AllLivesMatter

Now, before you call me out based on the title, let me clarify this. Very obviously, all lives do matter. Whatever your race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, (dis)ability; Your life matters. Then why is it so crucial that in times like these, we spread the message behind a simple hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, rather than promoting […] Continue reading

September 21, 2016
Comments Off on My Teaching Philosophy (‘Why Teaching’ Revisited.)

My Teaching Philosophy (‘Why Teaching’ Revisited.)

As one of our first Tdts in MA1 we were asked to write about why we chose teaching as our profession. I did not take the straight forward route to university like so many of my fellow education students did. I did not know from day dot that I wanted to be a teacher in […] Continue reading

September 18, 2016
Comments Off on Is Scottish history the only history that matters in the classroom?

Is Scottish history the only history that matters in the classroom?

Scotland. BUT WHY OH WHY ARE WE BEING TOLD TO ONLY TEACH ABOUT SCOTTISH HISTORY? Recently, I started back at University (what a shock to the system – let me tell you) and my elective module is history. This got me thinking about something that was said to me in my first year of training, […] Continue reading

September 14, 2016
Comments Off on Different Understanding of Childhood?

Different Understanding of Childhood?

The first lecture of the year really got me thinking about the differences between childhood 20 years ago to childhood in the present day. On first thought childhood for most people carries the reminder of being carefree, having no stress and being able to play outside after school until the street lights turn on. However […] Continue reading

May 10, 2016
Comments Off on A schools intake of children – It’s not for all!

A schools intake of children – It’s not for all!

I am back fresh from Florida and thought that on the train I would get familiar with the goings on in the UK since I was away. So, apparently according to the BBC education section online, the biggest thing that has happened since my departure 10 days ago is that children are missing out on […] Continue reading

April 13, 2016
Comments Off on My computer has taken over my life!

My computer has taken over my life!

The use of computers in the classroom is becoming increasingly more widespread. IWB are in most classrooms now as a teaching tool and computers, even iPads have been introduced for children to work on. While I believe that the internet is a wonderful resource to find information and share ideas with other members of the […] Continue reading

April 8, 2016
Comments Off on Enhancing Digital Technology

Enhancing Digital Technology

Would you accept children being failed to be educated on maths or language?  Although they are being brought up/growing up surrounded by it and to have a successful, positive experience within and out with school they must have developing knowledge and skills of these subjects.  I’m assuming your answers would be no, therefore, why do […] Continue reading

April 2, 2016
Comments Off on Can you teach creativity?

Can you teach creativity?

  This is a question I have begun to ask myself after reading Elisabeth Gilbert’s (the author of Eat, Pray, Love) 11 ways to think smartly about creativity (2015). Creativity is an area which I personally want to develop within myself which is why I initially began reading this article. However, it sparked this question […] Continue reading

March 25, 2016
Comments Off on The Internet is my Teacher

The Internet is my Teacher

This morning my brain is buzzing with a thousand thoughts. Through a connection on Twitter (did I mention that I love social media?) I was advised to listen to a wonderful show on BBC iPlayer entitled ‘My Teacher is an App‘. This is a fascinating piece about the ever increasing role of technology in education. […] Continue reading

March 17, 2016
Comments Off on Me, Me, Me or more importantly not Me

Me, Me, Me or more importantly not Me

Due to recent bombardment of both placement, house moving, toddler parenting and essay writing my E-Portfolio has taken a back seat. I am here to rectify that, while also igniting debate on one of my favourite topics (mainly because it’s up for debate)… learning styles. During my placement at a local Dundee school I was […] Continue reading

February 25, 2016
Comments Off on To VARK or not to VARK, that is the question

To VARK or not to VARK, that is the question

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to teaching! Throughout planning, implementation and reflection, it is essential for a primary teacher to recognize that every pupil is an individual. This means that there are numerous learning approaches and preferences throughout any class. In 1987, Niel Flemming devised categories of learning in order to encourage teachers and students […] Continue reading

February 23, 2016
Comments Off on Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Tricia asked us as part of our questioning and discussion to come prepared to the second workshop with a context and questions to follow this context.  When looking at this I felt extremely nervous as it looked a lot more difficult than she had explained.  However as I got started it was such a straight […] Continue reading

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