
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

October 4, 2017
Comments Off on Uniform Controversy

Uniform Controversy

What is more important, education or outward presentation? I’m sure that at the age of thirty-two the twenty Margate pupils sent away from Hartsdown School will look back with embarrassment at the row created regarding their uniform. On the 5th of September, however, their young teenage selves were outraged to be sent home because they […] Continue reading

October 3, 2017
Comments Off on Making Maths Fun

Making Maths Fun

Last week in an input with Eddie we explored how to make maths fun in our classrooms. The activity we did involved looking at tessellation – fitting shapes together to make a pattern with no gaps. We had to cut out the shapes we wanted – from a choice of triangles, squares and pentagons – […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Task

Resource Allocation Task

Derek commenced the task by numbering each table from 1-5 and giving each group an envelope. Each group were allocated the same task and were requested to produce an item which could assist a new student in their first week at university using only the resources contained within the envelope. My group was at table […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation Workshop

Resource Allocation Workshop

Recently we took part in a resource allocation workshop. Here we were split into 5 groups, each receiving an envelop with resources inside. I was in group 1, which we were first to receive our envelop. Straight away we realised that we had the fullest envelop but didn’t really think much of it. We were […] Continue reading

September 29, 2017
Comments Off on Resource Allocation – Meritocracy Within the Classroom

Resource Allocation – Meritocracy Within the Classroom

Our first seminar with Derek, saw us split into five groups. He told us to come up with the a ‘guide to fresher’s week’. He handed out envelopes full of equipment we were to use. Whilst doing so, we spotted that group 1 and group 2’s envelopes were much bulkier than the one we received. […] Continue reading

September 28, 2017
Comments Off on Resource allocation task.

Resource allocation task.

Last week I had my first workshop as a student at the University of Dundee and it opened my eyes to an issue I have, until now, overlooked; the impact poverty can have on a child’s education. In the workshop we were split into groups, given envelopes filled with materials and told to make a […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on How Our Resource Allocation Task Reflects Society

How Our Resource Allocation Task Reflects Society

The resource allocation task seemed a simple endeavour. However, little did we know how thought provoking such a small and seemingly simple task could be. As one of the many enthusiastic freshers in the room, I was eager to begin the activity. The task was to create a tool for a new student, using the materials […] Continue reading

April 5, 2017
Comments Off on I want to be part of it. New York, New York.

I want to be part of it. New York, New York.

Today I have been lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to go to New York City and visit the Tracy Locke office there on Madison Avenue (as previously stated this is known as TLNY). This have given me a good opportunity to, yet again, to meet more new people and tell them a […] Continue reading

March 13, 2017
Comments Off on Day 1 at Somerset

Day 1 at Somerset

Okay. So. Somerset is AMAZING! Arriving at the school this morning was incredible. The campus is so big there are separate gates for pre-prep, junior and high school. I am still overwhelmed at the size of this school and the amount of staff they have for everything. They even have a snake catcher! The beginning […] Continue reading

March 12, 2017
Comments Off on Placement Jitters

Placement Jitters

Current mode: panic! No, not really. However, I am feeling very nervous about placement which begins TOMORROW. I say placement but is, in fact, a “prac”. I arrived in Australia Friday just passed and about to undertake a placement in Somerset College, an International Baccalaureate world school in Queensland! As well as all of the […] Continue reading

March 7, 2017
Comments Off on Pedagoo Perth

Pedagoo Perth

My aim throughout my time as a student is to continue developing my professional practice so that when I graduate then I will already be in the habit. From day one, the University of Dundee have encouraged our use of twitter, twitter chats and blogs to effectively share our experience with others. I can safely […] Continue reading

January 10, 2017
Comments Off on Science: How does it work?

Science: How does it work?

Today’s Science input showed me that as an adult we don’t tend to question why things are the way they are. This is something which has been explored within the International Baccalaureate module which encourages teachers to engage children’s natural curiosity and facilitate inquiries. Yet, this isn’t often something adults do for themselves! Liz asked […] Continue reading

November 3, 2016
Comments Off on Football and Numbers

Football and Numbers

On further reflection of numbers in football, I am going to attempt in using my skills as a football referee to explain some maths in football that even I hadn’t thought about. Something that is apparent when reviewing these numbers in football is that the preference of measurements has changed over time since football began, […] Continue reading

October 11, 2016
Comments Off on We’re all going on a family holiday?

We’re all going on a family holiday?

October time brings about the Halloween half term for children all across the UK. This, for many children, means a chance to go away on holiday and spend time with their families. However, where should we stand, as teachers, regarding children leaving the class during term time for holidays? Families in England have been fined […] Continue reading

September 11, 2016
Comments Off on Review of first year placement

Review of first year placement

I have just finished my first placement.  I spent six weeks in an upper year’s class.  Overall I have enjoyed my placement.  However there were days when I found it very difficult.  It was a real learning curve.  But saying that I am glad I did it and overall I’m sure it has improved my […] Continue reading

May 16, 2016
Comments Off on Placement Reflections 1PP1

Placement Reflections 1PP1

Having just come to the end of my first year placement, I would like to share some of my reflections from the last 4 weeks. In the first week I was quite overwhelmed by the workload faced by every teacher. This was on top of being solely responsible for and managing a class of 29 […] Continue reading

March 25, 2016
Comments Off on The Internet is my Teacher

The Internet is my Teacher

This morning my brain is buzzing with a thousand thoughts. Through a connection on Twitter (did I mention that I love social media?) I was advised to listen to a wonderful show on BBC iPlayer entitled ‘My Teacher is an App‘. This is a fascinating piece about the ever increasing role of technology in education. […] Continue reading

March 18, 2016
Comments Off on Transforming Learning

Transforming Learning

“Digital technology can enhance learning and teaching across the curriculum and equip all of our learners with the essential digital skills they need to succeed in life, learning and work.” – Angela Constance, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning. The world we live in is surrounded by digital tools and spaces that everyone is consuming […] Continue reading

February 25, 2016
Comments Off on To VARK or not to VARK, that is the question

To VARK or not to VARK, that is the question

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to teaching! Throughout planning, implementation and reflection, it is essential for a primary teacher to recognize that every pupil is an individual. This means that there are numerous learning approaches and preferences throughout any class. In 1987, Niel Flemming devised categories of learning in order to encourage teachers and students […] Continue reading

February 22, 2016
Comments Off on Bloom’s taxonomy

Bloom’s taxonomy

When scrolling through my Facebook account the other day, this display came up. As we had just had lectures which involved Blooms Taxonomy, this made me intrigued to know more about it and what skills are used in Blooms Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy was created in 1956 by the educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher […] Continue reading

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