
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 29, 2016
Comments Off on “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

When I was younger, primary 5 age to be exact, I had a really influential teacher who taught me my first understandings of segregation and racism, particularly at the time of Martin Luther King Jr’s existence. It was a time, the first time, that I saw the harrowing, poignant image of the Ku Klux Klan. I […] Continue reading

September 26, 2016
Comments Off on Is there Social Imbalance?

Is there Social Imbalance?

The Exercise: To demonstrate social imbalance in a small scale, first the class was separated into 4 groups. We were spaced around the room and given a packet of supplies and instructed to plan and make a tool which may be useful for a future student of Dundee University. I was placed in group 1 […] Continue reading

September 26, 2016
Comments Off on Our first values workshop: Experiencing inequality and how it effected the group

Our first values workshop: Experiencing inequality and how it effected the group

On Tuesday, we had our first of the values workshops. For this, we were split into 4 groups. I, unaware of what was to come, was put into group 4. All four groups were handed an envelope, that included items in which we had to use to make a resource for freshers coming into the university that […] Continue reading

September 14, 2016
Comments Off on Different Understanding of Childhood?

Different Understanding of Childhood?

The first lecture of the year really got me thinking about the differences between childhood 20 years ago to childhood in the present day. On first thought childhood for most people carries the reminder of being carefree, having no stress and being able to play outside after school until the street lights turn on. However […] Continue reading

May 22, 2016
Comments Off on L4L Placement: Reflection

L4L Placement: Reflection

Following what seemed like a never-ending pile of paperwork for my placement portfolio and an unfortunate trip to A&E, I have had little time to write a blog post that I felt did my placement justice. My intention was to blog throughout my time at the school however I was so busy that I needed […] Continue reading

March 26, 2016
Comments Off on L4L Placement: Goleman, Gardner and ELSA?

L4L Placement: Goleman, Gardner and ELSA?

As mentioned in my previous post, I am utilising my blog as a reflective tool for my Learning from Life placement. My placement is based in an integrated mainstream and special school and I have had the opportunity to work with the pastoral team over the past two weeks to begin my work experience. Working […] Continue reading

March 4, 2016
Comments Off on LFL Placement: What am I ‘Learning from Life’?

LFL Placement: What am I ‘Learning from Life’?

“What? Why? That doesn’t make sense when you’re training to become a Scottish Primary Teacher?” – A common response when I explain to my friends and family that my second year placement cannot be within a Scottish primary school. At first I shared a similar opinion, studying Languages and Science and Mathematics modules, then going […] Continue reading

February 23, 2016
Comments Off on Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Tricia asked us as part of our questioning and discussion to come prepared to the second workshop with a context and questions to follow this context.  When looking at this I felt extremely nervous as it looked a lot more difficult than she had explained.  However as I got started it was such a straight […] Continue reading

February 21, 2016
Comments Off on We Need More!

We Need More!

Health and Wellbeing. This is a subject which I strongly, strongly believe should be introduced more throughout every single year spent within school.  I understand that a lot will be covered within this as it is a main focus within the curriculum however personally I find that many teachers are too shy or uncomfortable with […] Continue reading

February 18, 2016
Comments Off on A Child’s A-Z Guide

A Child’s A-Z Guide

 What can you tell from this picture ? You may agree or disagree with me, but certainly when I think of doing anything to do with children: look at activities; plan lessons; or prepare any task including children what sparks up in my mind first is the HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF A CHILD. Definitely something […] Continue reading

February 15, 2016
Comments Off on What does my body say ?

What does my body say ?

Having watched the video on body language it became apparent to me that there are various ways in which you can use your body to convey what you mean. The approach that the teacher used at the end of her lesson to get the children organised would be highly effective to use within my placement […] Continue reading

February 11, 2016
Comments Off on A colourful, organised and engaging atmosphere.

A colourful, organised and engaging atmosphere.

My Ideal Classroom. It’s difficult to design a classroom on a small single A4 piece of paper. I have always had this picture in my head of my perfect classroom since I was a little girl and slowly I am getting closer to that dream. I have designed my ideal classroom to suit 22 Boys […] Continue reading

February 1, 2016
Comments Off on Scientific “literacy” ……

Scientific “literacy” ……

So what actually does, “scientific literacy”, mean? Being literate is ‘the ability to read and write’ (Oxford University Press, 2016). Being able to read and write helps us understand daily processes we wouldn’t be able to otherwise. Without being able to read and write, we wouldn’t understand travel timetables, signs, how to tell the time, […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Building Financial Resilience: Is it our responsibility?

Building Financial Resilience: Is it our responsibility?

In a recent Mathematics and Science input, we were very fortunate to be visited by guest lecturer Brenda Rochead who works for the Scottish Financial Education Group. The input focused on how we can raise financially capable children in a society rife with poverty and undesirable financial situations through education starting in the early years. […] Continue reading

January 25, 2016
Comments Off on Tackle Inequality to Achieve Better Outcomes for Individuals

Tackle Inequality to Achieve Better Outcomes for Individuals

Colin Miller. Head of Essential Skills and Progression at West Lothian Council says: “We’re finding that girls who are good at maths and science at school tend to go into the care side of things (doctors and nurses) rather than engineering and construction”. ….This could be due to the fact that engineering and construction occupations […] Continue reading

January 25, 2016
Comments Off on I’m sorry, I’ll try harder…

I’m sorry, I’ll try harder…

I’ve not been a good student! Okay, that is maybe an over exaggeration but in terms of this blog, my engagement has declined severely as semester one was drawing to a close. Having looked back through some of my posts I have realised that most of my posts are influenced by lecturers who are telling […] Continue reading

January 23, 2016
Comments Off on Responding to Technology

Responding to Technology

Having recently had an ICT input on searching, researching and presenting we had a discussion about how crucial it is to teach children about internet safety. Technology has grown drastically over the years. I remember as a teenager my brother and I would argue about who had been on the internet for the longest or […] Continue reading

January 22, 2016
Comments Off on National Testing and Sweeping Statements.

National Testing and Sweeping Statements.

After Scotland rid itself of National Testing in 2003 in an attempt to move away from testing and back to teaching Nicola Sturgeon seems to have brought us right back to where we started. Aside from the issues I have with the reintroduction of national testing on the grounds of the stress it causes children […] Continue reading

January 22, 2016
Comments Off on Overcoming the ‘Fear of feedback’

Overcoming the ‘Fear of feedback’

  One of my student peer’s recently published a ‘blog post’ called ‘Fear of feedback’. After reading their fantastic and informative post, I have personally been inspired to actively look through more of my other peer’s work, commenting and helping them with feedback. In this particular post, the way in which the individual has crafted […] Continue reading

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