
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

April 8, 2019
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Goals for 1PP1b

GOALS FOR THIS COMING PLACEMENT (LINKED WITH SPR): These may come from the areas for development noted above. Your goals and references to the SPR should be drawn from your reflection on your development needs. You should discuss your identified goals with your tutor prior to the start of your block placement. You are advised […] Continue reading

October 9, 2018
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Makey Makey🕹

On the 26th of September we had a lecture with Derek. No one knew this lecture would lead to us being Derek’s most successful ‘Makey Makey’ class throughout his time teaching this module. Derek firstly spoke to us about using technology in the classroom, its benefits and purposes for real learning. He then introduced the […] Continue reading

October 8, 2018
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Storytelling in Music🎼

Today we had a music workshop with Sharon. The workshop started with Sharon showing us how to introduce music to children through using your body and vocals for making sound. The advantage of this is that there is less mess and disruption than if you were to get musical instruments out in the classroom. This […] Continue reading

September 28, 2018
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RRS Discovery⚓️

Today we had a day off from university, so Jennifer, Beth and I decided to use the time to do an education trip to the RRS Discovery ship in Dundee. Our aim was to learn about the history, geography and science of the exhibition and reflect on the suitability of the exhibition for children and […] Continue reading

September 22, 2018
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Values Week 1

On Tuesday the 18th of September, all of us teaching students, social work and CLD students were in lecture theatre 4 together from 9am to 11am. This first part of the lecture was an introduction to the Values module and the second half was learning about the three bias’ we all have as humans. We […] Continue reading

September 19, 2018
Comments Off on Geographical Mapping🗺

Geographical Mapping🗺

In our lecture today we learnt about using maps with children and how it develops new skills and knowledge of their local and global surroundings. You should use maps with children as maps are a way of communicating information about a specific place, they give children the support to interact with an environment they can […] Continue reading

May 8, 2018
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End of Placement Review

May 8, 2018
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End of Placement Reflection

This placement has been a huge eye opener for me. I have learned and experienced so much while being here in France. From a professional perspective I have learned about other cultures/backgrounds in terms of ethnicity and nationality. There are a lot more ethnicities in French schools than there are visible in Scottish schools. Along […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
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Values & Culture

Wednesdays The French have had a midweek break/half-day in primary schools on Wednesdays dating back to the 19th century. It is a government concession to the Roman Catholic Church, which wanted children to study the catechism (Catholic book) on their Wednesday afternoons off. In today’s secular (schools not connected with religion) France, Wednesdays afternoons are […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
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Week 6: Day 30

20/04/18 Today is my last day at École Louise Michel. I’m very sad to leave as I’ve had such an amazing experience and enjoyed every minute of it. Today was also special as they had a carnival dress up day for my last day. I dressed up at Lilo for Lilo and Stitch and all […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
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Week 6: Day 29

19/04/18 Today I was with Sylvie Lambert and her class CE2. Today there would be no canteen food so the pupils were supposed to have taken a packed lunch but many of them forgot it. The teacher then had to phone certain pupils parents to ask if they would take a packed lunch in for […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
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Week 6: Day 28

18/04/18 Today we were not in our French school but rather we had an end of placement meeting with Nina Huss at the ESPE centre. At the meeting we discussed; how we felt our placement went, what we had noticed that was similar and different from schools in Scotland, if we felt we had integrated […] Continue reading

April 20, 2018
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Week 6: Day 27

17/04/18 Today I was with Axelle Holef in CE1. Axelle started the day by asking the children the day of the week and what day comes before and after today’s day. She then spoke about the weather and asked the children to describe it to her. She then started a mathematics lesson linked to a […] Continue reading

April 16, 2018
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Week 6: Day 26

16/04/18 Today I was in Benjamine Duplouy’s class, CP/CE1. They started off the day by assigning the classroom helper roles. Benjamine went down the list of roles and asked who would like to do them for this week. The children put up their hands if they wanted to do the job and Benjamine picked a […] Continue reading

April 16, 2018
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Week 5: Day 25

13/04/18 Today I was in Françoise Monclere’s class with CP. She started off the day by asking the children what the date was. She wrote it on the board as on of the pupils recited it out. She also had a pupil writing it on the board alongside her so that they could practice writing […] Continue reading

April 12, 2018
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Week 5: Day 24

12/04/18 Today I was in Benjamine Duplouy class with CP/CE1. I started off the day with an English lesson. My lesson contained teaching of the colours, animals and numbers form 0-10. I used two books to aid the teaching. The books were all in English. One was called ‘Spot Can Count” and was about numbers […] Continue reading

April 11, 2018
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Week 5: Day 23

11/04/18 Today I was in the nursery again and I brought a new song for the classes to learn today. I taught the classes a song to do with the days of the week so that they could learn the order of the days in English. I firstly went over the days of the week […] Continue reading

April 11, 2018
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Week 5: Day 22

10/04/18 Today I was with Sylvie Lambert and CE2. She started the day with asking the children to use a noun in a sentence with the colour blue, a verb in a sentence with the colour red and an adjective in a sentence with the colour green. I thought this was a good was to […] Continue reading

April 9, 2018
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Week 5: Day 21

09/04/18 This morning I was with Laura Bellout in CE2/CM1 and she started with a dictation lesson. The lesson was about new years resolutions. I was able to follow the dictation and translate it. “La veille du premier Janvier, on à organisé un réveillon merneilleux pour fêter l’arrirrée de la mouvelle année” It translated as “On […] Continue reading

April 8, 2018
Comments Off on Week 4: Day 20

Week 4: Day 20

06/04/18 Today the temperature in Orleans reached a high 22 degrees! A perfect day for a day of activities outside of school. The CM1’s from Laura’s class along with CM1/CM2 and CM2 classes all had a day of activities relating to health and well-being, which included nutrition, physical education and the body, CPR and how […] Continue reading

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