We were delighted to host The Attendance Symposium on Monday 27th March 2023. Please see below for the brochure which details our speakers and workshops. Click here for links to view the brochure, keynote and workshop presentations.
Our Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative Strategic Plan 2022-24
Click here to access our FV&WL RIC Strategic Plan 2022-24
Our FV&WL RIC aims to add value to the service our Local Authorities provide. Our role is to support our Local Authorities to enhance the educational experience and outcomes for all of our children and young people.
Through collaborate collegiate working we can collectively:-
1. Better support the professional development of our practitioners through enhanced CLPL.
2. Build professional networks to allow our practitioners to collaborate and share best practice.
3. Provide opportunities to broaden and enhance curricular opportunities for all our children and young people.
Given the limited resources of our RIC, the main focus of our work will be targeted at those learners who are at the greatest disadvantage through circumstances such as poverty. It is hoped however, that by developing pedagogy and skills, and by building practice sharing networks that all learners in our RIC will benefit from improved pedagogy and broader curricular opportunities.
Our RIC therefore has the following specific aims over the course of this three year strategic plan:-
• To improve the quality of the learning pathways of learners affected by poverty
• To work collaboratively and proportionately to raise the attainment/achievement of
learners affected by poverty
• To facilitate support and professional development to support educational recovery
and accelerate progress.
Three over-arching themes set the focus and permeate our plan for 2022-24:
- Participation
- Wellbeing
- Equity & Inclusion
Diversity in STEM Education Scotland event Wednesday 25th May 4-5pm
Education Scotland are offering a one-hour event exploring Diversity in STEM.
Framed within the SAC refresh stretch aims, a webinar with opportunities for discussion to consider the question:
How does your current curriculum, options choice and pathways on offer enable sustained positive destinations in STEM?
This webinar is for all practitioners involved in curriculum design, options choice processes, DYW co-ordinators and CLD practitioners who support achievement of positive destinations
Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award iDEA – mini course3rd Feb, 4pm shared from DigiLearnScot
The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA is helping people of all ages develop digital and enterprise skills, discover new talents and gain digital confidence, for free.
There are over 80 bite-sized modules available to try on iDEA which have been created with industry experts and innovative employers. iDEA enables learners to showcase their skills as they earn digital badges, certificates and Awards which can be added to LinkedIn profiles, CVs and applications to help them stand out from the crowd.
This is your opportunity to find out more about how iDEA works straight from the iDEA team and Mr Pyott, Principal Teacher of Computing Science at Grove Academy, Dundee.
Click here to book your place.
CLPL Digital Futures: using our digital past to shape the digital future.
Forth Valley and West Lothian RIC are offering a programme of webinars, exploring the digital experiences of teachers in the past two years and how these can inform future classroom practice. Please sign up using CPD Manager and the course IDs below. These webinars are being hosted on our FVWL RIC CLPL Sessions Microsoft Teams. The join code for this team is: z8jtl30
The programme is being supported by the Education Scotland regional improvement team. A short-life professional learning community will provide the opportunity for information sharing and collaboration.
January 25th, 4-5 pm. Our Digital Experience 2020/21. CPD Manager course ID: 77631. Course Ref: RICVL01
By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe how digital approaches were employed in different contexts; understand what the evidence tells us about the impact of such approaches; identify which approaches could be retained and built upon to further enhance teaching and learning. There will be a panel of practitioners to share their experience and participate in professional dialogue.
February 22nd, 4-5 pm. The National eLearning Offer. CPD Manager course ID: 77632. Course Ref: RICVL02
By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe the components of the offer and how they can access its different elements to support teaching and learning; understand how they might provide content for the offer; suggest how they would like to see the offer develop. There will be representatives from Education Scotland, e-Sgoil and West OS participating in this webinar.
March 29th, 4-5 pm. Embedding Digital Change. CPD Manager course ID: 776313 Course Ref: RICVL03
By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe a range of frameworks that are commonly used to implement and evaluate digital practices; understand the barriers and enablers to successful digital implementation; identify digital approaches that may want to develop in their own school context and where to seek support for this.
Links to CPD Manager
Professional Learning Video resources at your fingertips
The Education Scotland Professional Learning and Leadership Team recognise that educators, particularly now, are extremely busy and are likely to be engaging with professional learning in a different way.
They wanted to provide a library of previously recorded seminars and sessions, categorised by theme, to allow you to access professional learning at a time that best suits you.
Some of the themes discussed in these recordings will be expanded upon in their online professional learning activities that you may wish to explore. The themes are:
- School and Systems leaders
- Middle Leaders
- Public Health
- Health and Well-being
- Research and enquiry
- Learning and Teaching
- Scottish Learning Festival 2021
- What Scotland learned.
This library will continue to be updated and added to throughout 2022.
Click here to access the collection of recorded webinars and professional learning sessions led or supported by the Education Scotland Professional Learning and Leadership Team or on the clickable themes above.
Q: I’m a secondary teacher – which online resources are there for Senior Phase learners to use to support their independent learning? A: You could share this SWAY with them.
We have created an easy to use SWAY which collates some useful online resources to support learning in the S4-6 Senior Phase. It is designed for learners to be able to use the interactive SWAY independently. There are also resources for learners with complex additional support needs. Please get in touch, using the contact form, with any feedback or if there are other resources you would like support with.
Collaborative Literacy: Early Years
16th March 2021 at 3pm
We look forward to welcoming you to our first ‘Early Years Exchange’ event for Early Years practitioners which will kick off a series of Literacy focussed sessions providing the opportunity for FVWL colleagues to share good practice and build a collaborative network.
In this session we will hear from two colleagues on how they have helped develop Literacy outdoors and build a culture promoting reading for enjoyment.
Literacy Outdoors: Reading areas are not all about cosy cushions, ivy and fairy lights. Sometimes they are repurposed tyres, swaying grass and a big dose of fresh air!
Building a Reading Culture: Developing children’s early literacy skills through play-based learning, combining practitioners’ knowledge and understanding with fun-filled family engagement.
Join us either via CPD Manager or by emailing RIC Literacy PT Chiara Sportelli: sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk
Stephen Graham Webinar sessions
We are delighted to confirm a series of Stephen Graham webinars for FVWL primary and English teachers on 28th May, 4th and 11th June (9.30 – 11am). Please sign up by email: CLjadam@glow.sch.uk
Reciprocal Reading CLPL – Literacy Academy Online
Reciprocal reading is a structured approach to teaching strategies (questioning, clarifying, summarising and predicting) that students can use to improve their reading comprehension. The strategy is based on robust research examining what effective teaching and learning in literacy looks like and practitioners will develop a deeper understanding of pedagogical approaches that engage learners and lead to improved outcomes.