Tag: Building a reading culture

Collaborative Literacy: Early Years

16th March 2021 at 3pm

We look forward to welcoming you to our first ‘Early Years Exchange’ event for Early Years practitioners which will kick off a series of Literacy focussed sessions providing the opportunity for FVWL colleagues to share good practice and build a collaborative network.
In this session we will hear from two colleagues on how they have helped develop Literacy outdoors and build a culture promoting reading for enjoyment.
Literacy Outdoors: Reading areas are not all about cosy cushions, ivy and fairy lights. Sometimes they are repurposed tyres, swaying grass and a big dose of fresh air!
Building a Reading Culture: Developing children’s early literacy skills through play-based learning, combining practitioners’ knowledge and understanding with fun-filled family engagement.

Join us either via CPD Manager or by emailing RIC Literacy PT Chiara Sportelli: sportellic14s@glow.sch.uk