We have launched our new Learning, Teaching and Assessment Guide which is a comprehensive, interactive toolkit with an abundance of learning, teaching and assessment resources from videos, podcasts, articles, CLPL presentations, examples and many more resources to support practitioners, teams and schools in their improvement journey striving for excellence in their learning and teaching. You can access the Guide here. Check out our Learning & Teaching blog page here.
Category: Career Long Professional Learning

Diversity in STEM Education Scotland event Wednesday 25th May 4-5pm

Education Scotland are offering a one-hour event exploring Diversity in STEM.
Framed within the SAC refresh stretch aims, a webinar with opportunities for discussion to consider the question:
How does your current curriculum, options choice and pathways on offer enable sustained positive destinations in STEM?
This webinar is for all practitioners involved in curriculum design, options choice processes, DYW co-ordinators and CLD practitioners who support achievement of positive destinations

Closing the Vocabulary Gap with Alex Quigley
7th of June at 4pm
Alex explores the phenomenon of the ‘vocabulary gap’ and its crucial impact on learning in the classroom. In this session, he explores how teachers can support vocabulary through rich academic talk, alongside applying vocabulary approaches to ensure pupils read and write with success. Alex holds a mirror up to word-rich classrooms and offers practical strategies that you can apply in your own classroom context.
Sign up via CPD Manager – course ID: 78389

Closing the Reading Gap with Alex Quigley
11th of May at 4pm
Alex explores the brilliantly complex act of reading in this session. He tackles practical issues, such as developing reading fluency, and how to support pupils to become strategic and knowledgeable readers. The session draws upon Alex’s best selling book for teachers, and is research-informed but also packed with practical strategies every teacher can apply in the classroom.
Sign up via CPD Manager – course ID: 78388

FVWL RIC HWB Guest Speaker Event
Open to all Education Staff across Forth Valley and West Lothian
5 Key Strategies to Build and Maintain Mental Resilience presented by Emma Bell
Thursday 24th March 2022 4-5pm
Do you want to remain calm, grounded and resilient in the face of pressure and stress?
Join Emma Bell- Audible Bestselling Author and Multi-Award Winning Speaker as she presents an interactive online webinar- ‘5 Key Strategies to Build and Maintain Mental Resilience’
‘During this interactive online webinar, you will learn 5 practical ways in which you can build your mental resilience and thrive in the face of difficulties, large and small. You’ll be inspired by stories of remarkable individuals who flourished through adversity using these same strategies, and who shared them with author of ‘9 Secrets to Thriving’, Emma Bell, during her 3-year worldwide research into what makes us resilient. You will be able to immediately apply these strategies in your own life and work, to remain calm, grounded and resilient in the face of pressure and stress. ‘
Sign up via CPD Manager- Course ID-78205 Course Code-RICHWB1
***If you do not have access to CPD Manager, and wish to join the course, please use the contact button (Julie Bell) on the Health and Wellbeing Landing Page ***
Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award iDEA – mini course3rd Feb, 4pm shared from DigiLearnScot
The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA is helping people of all ages develop digital and enterprise skills, discover new talents and gain digital confidence, for free.
There are over 80 bite-sized modules available to try on iDEA which have been created with industry experts and innovative employers. iDEA enables learners to showcase their skills as they earn digital badges, certificates and Awards which can be added to LinkedIn profiles, CVs and applications to help them stand out from the crowd.
This is your opportunity to find out more about how iDEA works straight from the iDEA team and Mr Pyott, Principal Teacher of Computing Science at Grove Academy, Dundee.
Click here to book your place.
Education Scotland extend coaching offer to educational staff
We are delighted to announce that Education Scotland are offering an extension to the workforce support package offer to include group coaching sessions to support health and wellbeing.
Education Scotland coaching offer to support staff health and wellbeing
One to one coaching sessions have been offered to the education profession since 2020 as part of the workforce support package funded by the Scottish Government to help practitioners in navigating the challenges caused by Covid-19. This offer has now been extended to include five additional group coaching sessions and a ‘Supporting the Supports’ group to ensure practitioners and local authority staff who are supporting others do not face isolation in the challenges of their role.
Please share this information with your network and if you have any questions about this then please don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form below:.
Our December FVWL RIC/Education Scotland SWAY Newsletter
FVWL RIC /ES December SWAY Newsletter
Just a reminder of our equity themed December SWAY Newsletter which showcases some of the amazing work going on across our Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative (FVWLRIC). You can see the work across our FVWLRIC workstreams, locally and nationally. This is #OurRIC so please get in touch if you would like more information, have any suggestions or if there is something you would like to share for upcoming February newsletter.

Embedding a Play Pedagogy and Learner-Led Approach in Primary 2 and Beyond
Tuesday 1st of February
4pm – 5pm
We continue our sharing practice in Play Pedagogy sessions with another opportunity to hear from practitioners who have embraced play and will share practical tips and suggestions for wherever you are on your play journey.
This session will provide a glimpse into Allan’s Primary School (Stirling) and how they are re-inventing the school experience for their Primary 2 learners. With a focus on Outdoor Learning, regarding their Environment as the third educator and valuing Curiosity Time (learner led experiences), they are harnessing the excellent, play-based practice identified at Early Level and exploring how this may look at the next stage of the school experience.
Sign up via CPD Manager, course ID:77641
For further information Contact Chiara Sportelli – Literacy Workstream
CLPL Digital Futures: using our digital past to shape the digital future.
Forth Valley and West Lothian RIC are offering a programme of webinars, exploring the digital experiences of teachers in the past two years and how these can inform future classroom practice. Please sign up using CPD Manager and the course IDs below. These webinars are being hosted on our FVWL RIC CLPL Sessions Microsoft Teams. The join code for this team is: z8jtl30
The programme is being supported by the Education Scotland regional improvement team. A short-life professional learning community will provide the opportunity for information sharing and collaboration.
January 25th, 4-5 pm. Our Digital Experience 2020/21. CPD Manager course ID: 77631. Course Ref: RICVL01
By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe how digital approaches were employed in different contexts; understand what the evidence tells us about the impact of such approaches; identify which approaches could be retained and built upon to further enhance teaching and learning. There will be a panel of practitioners to share their experience and participate in professional dialogue.
February 22nd, 4-5 pm. The National eLearning Offer. CPD Manager course ID: 77632. Course Ref: RICVL02
By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe the components of the offer and how they can access its different elements to support teaching and learning; understand how they might provide content for the offer; suggest how they would like to see the offer develop. There will be representatives from Education Scotland, e-Sgoil and West OS participating in this webinar.
March 29th, 4-5 pm. Embedding Digital Change. CPD Manager course ID: 776313 Course Ref: RICVL03
By the end of the session practitioners will be able to: describe a range of frameworks that are commonly used to implement and evaluate digital practices; understand the barriers and enablers to successful digital implementation; identify digital approaches that may want to develop in their own school context and where to seek support for this.
Links to CPD Manager