This report outlines the findings and recommendations from a pilot project carried out between late 2022 and early 2023, by Education Scotland and partners in the Forth Valley and West Lothian (FVWL) Regional Improvement Collaborative area (RIC). The pilot investigated how young people’s personal achievements, out with the formal curriculum, are currently recognised and recorded across schools and community learning and development (CLD) providers. The aim of this investigation was to identify ways to support practice across schools and CLD providers, so that a wider range of children and young people’s learning and achievements can be recognised, recorded and tracked, throughout their education journey. View our Achievement project Interim Report here
Category: Curriculum and Virtual
Curriculum Conference
Clackmannanshire held a successful Curriculum Conference attended by senior leaders across Forth Valley and West Lothian to showcase innovative and exciting examples of good curricular practice from across our RIC and beyond.
You can access the workshop presentations here.

Digital Wellbeing Updates- November 2022 (2)- WIZE
Please see below for Digital Wellbeing Updates-
Planning Event, 22nd NovemberSafer Internet Day 2023 Planning Event Scotland Tickets, Tue 22 Nov 2022 at 13:00 | Eventbrite Educational Resources UK Safer Internet Centre has released a set of online safety educational resources to support professionals working with or for children and young people. The resources are tailored to 3– to 18-year-olds and include lesson plans, assemblies, games and other activities for children.Educational Resources – UK Safer Internet Centre
At this free hybrid event for Scotland you’ll hear from UK Safer Internet Centre, Internet Watch Foundation and Ofcom about the Safer Internet Day campaign, free educational materials and the latest trends and research into children’s online lives.
Internet Safety Day 2023- Free Hybrid Planning Event! – Digital Wellbeing
Safer Internet Day Planning Event, 22nd NovemberSafer Internet Day 2023 Planning Event Scotland Tickets, Tue 22 Nov 2022 at 13:00 | Eventbrite
At this free hybrid event for Scotland, you’ll hear from UK Safer Internet Centre, Internet Watch Foundation and Ofcom about the Safer Internet Day campaign, free educational materials and the latest trends and research into children’s online lives. Book your ticket to watch the livestream or attend in person in Edinburgh on 22nd November
WIZE-Digital Wellbeing Updates- October 2022
Victim blaming languageChallenging victim blaming language and behaviours when dealing with the online experiences of children and young people – GOV.UK ( Safer Internet Day Planning Event, 22nd November At this free hybrid event for Scotland, you’ll hear from UK Safer Internet Centre, Internet Watch Foundation and Ofcom about the Safer Internet Day campaign, free educational materials and the latest trends and research into children’s online lives. Book your ticket to watch the livestream or attend in person in Edinburgh on 22nd NovemberSafer Internet Day 2023 Planning Event Scotland Tickets, Tue 22 Nov 2022 at 13:00 | Eventbrite Responding to nude image sharing: elearning course NSPCC Learning has launched a new course to help designated child protection leads understand the risks around children sharing nude images and how to respond appropriately. Please note there is a charge to undertake this course.Sharing nudes and semi-nudes training | NSPCC Learning Digital Resilience The University of East Anglia (UEA) has conducted research in England on how to help children ages 8-12 recognise, manage and recover from online harm.Using a socio-ecological framework to understand how 8–12-year-olds build and show digital resilience: A multi-perspective and multimethod qualitative study | SpringerLink
The UK Council for Internet Safety has produced guidance for professionals in education settings on how to effectively challenge victim blaming language and behaviours when talking about the online experiences.WIZE- Digital Wellbeing- Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day -Theme Announced !Theme announced for Safer Internet Day 2023! – UK Safer Internet Centre
The UKSIC has announced the theme for next year’s Safer Internet Day, taking place on 07 February 2023. The theme, ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’ will focus on encouraging children and young people to shape the online safety support that they receive.WIZE- Digital Wellbeing Update
Protecting Children OnlineProtecting children and young people online – Cyber ScotlandCyberSprinters – NCSC.GOV.UK Cyberbullying The online security company McAfee has published a report exploring the extent of cyberbullying that children face in different parts of the world (including in the UK). Cyberbullying in Plain Sight ( Child Sexual Abuse Imagery The Guardian reports on new data from The Internet Watch Foundation on child sexual abuse imagery in the first six months of 2022 in the UK.Huge rise in self-generated child sexual abuse content online, report finds | Internet safety | The Guardian Online Extremism and Radicalisation The Guardian has published a news story on its investigation into children exposed to online extremism and radicalisation by far-right groups online.
CyberScotland have published a blog for parents on ‘Protecting Children and young people online’ with a link to an interactive online security challenge from the National Cyber Security Centre, aimed at 7-11 year olds
Healthy Relationships Resources from CEOP (August 2022)
CEOP has released a new resource created to help develop understanding around healthy relationships and unhealthy behaviours for children aged 12-14 to help protect them from harmful sexual behaviour both off and online.Respecting me, you, us – RSE lessons (

Online Safety- WIZE Updates May 2022
The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) has released new figures on child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation online. Findings include: 97% of all child sexual abuse material identified in 2021 featured the sexual abuse of girls, compared with 65% of all imagery ten years ago.
The Internet Watch Foundation | IWF | IWF
Channel 4 has aired a documentary on the Metaverse, which looks at the harmful content young people could be exposed to on the 3D virtual online community.
Inside the Metaverse Are You Safe? Dispatches – All 4 (
The May 2022 edition of the CyberScotland Bulletin
has been published.
CLPL Opportunity
Keeping Children Safe: Tackling Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour Conference
Monday 27th June 14:00 – 17:00 online via Microsoft Teams
Cost: FREE
Stop It Now! Scotland, in partnership with the RS Macdonald Trust.
Technology assisted harmful sexual behaviour online is when children and young people use the internet or technology such as mobile phones to engage in sexual activity that may be harmful to themselves or others. It is a growing issue for all professionals with a role safeguarding children and young people.
This online conference will showcase learning from Reducing Online Sexual Abuse (ROSA) project that ran between 2018 and 2021 in Glasgow. The project was co-located in Shawlands Academy a large high school in Glasgow and the HALT project for children who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour. Throughout the four years we worked with young people who displayed online harmful sexual behaviour and also engaged collaboratively with young people to develop initiatives that prevent online peer on peer sexual abuse, harassment and exploitation in school settings.
To register for this FREE event please visit Eventbrite here.

Online Safety Updates – April 2022- Child Protection Committees Scotland
Please find below an update of information from Child Protection Committees Scotland.
Technology Assisted Sexual Harm Webinar
NOTA Scotland and the Forensic Network will host this free webinar on 29/04/22, 13:00 – 15:00. Stuart Allardyce, Stop It Now! Scotland, Scott Hunter, Education Scotland and DC Stewart Fleming, Police Scotland will deliver presentations on Tackling Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Schools and the ‘You, Me, Together’ Educational Resource. Sexual Harm: Young People in Focus April 2022 (
Scottish Government Online Safety Campaign
The Scottish Government national Child Online Safety campaign aims to increase awareness of the importance of online safety to parents and carers of children aged 8-11 year olds. There is a Toolkit for partners and a supporting hub with practical ideas and advice for parents. Child Online Safety – Partner Resources | Parent Club
Online safety and relationships
CEOP has created a new website for children aged 11-18 that has information on online safety and relationships. 11-18s | CEOP Education (
Children’s media use
Ofcom has released a report exploring how media was understood and used by children and young people aged 3-17 in the UK in 2021. Findings include: in the past 12 months, 36% of children aged 8-17 said they had seen something ‘worrying or nasty’ online. Children and parents: media use and attitudes report 2022 – Ofcom