Live lessons:
We are delighted that e-Sgoil and our Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional improvement Collaborative are offering an Easter programme of real-time, interactive webinars covering Nat 4 to Advanced Higher, for Scottish Senior Phase learners. The programme is not designed to deliver whole course content but will focus on key aspects of the subject(s) and hints and tips on how to be successful in assessments.
The programme which covers over 60 courses runs from 6th – 16th April and there will be three Live Webinars per course. Webinars are run through Microsoft Teams, accessible through GLOW logins, and will use a ‘flipped learning’ approach. This means that young people will have had access to high quality, online resources prior to attending each webinar.
Week 1: 6 – 9 April 2021
· Start times are from 1.00pm -5.00pm each day.
· Subject Webinars will take place on Tuesday/Thursday or Wednesday/Friday e.g. English could be at 1.00pm on Tuesday and Thursday and Biology at 4.00pm on Wednesday and Friday.
Week 2: 12 – 15 April
· e-Sgoil Easter study support webinars will be running as per the existing e-Sgoil evening webinar schedule. Additional webinars have been arranged to match week 1 provision.
Useful information
· The focus for the webinars will be on helping pupils succeed in SQA assessments as part of the Alternative Certification Model.
· Resources will be posted in the Webinar teams and they will either be SQA past papers or assessments as well as any relevant materials from West OS and the Supported Learning materials from the National e-Learning Offer.
· To book a place, Senior Phase pupils should have their SCN number ready and visit
Recorded lessons:
We are delighted to also be offering a range of recorded lessons on our FVWL RIC YouTube Channel which can be fully and freely accessed over Easter and beyond … This range of resources is continually evolving and will be added to as the session progresses.
For our Easter school we will have lessons for Senior Phase pupils designed to support them to succeed in National 5 and Higher SQA assessments. So far these include: Maths, English, Geography, History, Modern Studies, Classical Studies, Computing Science, Design Manufacture, Biology, Health and Food Technology.
We are also offering a range of Literacy and Numeracy lessons for BGE pupils. There will be over 50 lessons available initially and these will be added to as the session progresses.
Learners can also access a range of over 1500 high-quality short learning videos through West OS, which can be accessed through your GLOW launch pad.
Audrey Farley
Curriculum & Virtual Learning Lead