Category: Literacy

Video support for NQs


This website was created by Philip Ford, an English Teacher from Glasgow. A few years ago he started making YouTube videos for the kids in his classes, to help them revise and retain the knowledge that they needed to succeed in their SQA exams. When he discovered that his students were also being helped by lots of other teachers across Scotland who were doing the same thing, he thought that it would be a good idea to bring all these useful videos together on one website.

On this site you will find links to short videos that explain key concepts for the most popular National 5 and Higher qualifications. They have all been made by Secondary School teachers to help students to understand their chosen subjects, and ultimately get the best possible grades.

Online Resources

We are currently gathering and re-tweeting useful English and Literacy           e-learning resources:
Lindsey Duncan@duncanlindsey

FV&WL RIC Workstream Plans 2019-2020

We have set out our vision and priorities. In this document workstreams provide a detailed overview of their aims, priorities and plans set out in short, medium and long term timescales for implementation.


FV&WL RIC Workstream plans 2019-2020


The underpinning workstreams are Improving Performance, and Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL), which support the work of the core priority work streams: Numeracy, Literacy and Early Learning and Child Care (ELC). New workstreams have also been introduced this session: Health and Wellbeing (HWB), and Curriculum including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

We work in close partnership with colleagues in Community Learning and Development (whose plan is included in this document) and the RIC Educational Psychology team who are supporting the CLPL plan. The
RIC Education Scotland team have worked collaboratively with the RIC Strategic Board and the Connect workstream leads to develop an offer of support that ties with local authority and national plans.


Disciplinary Literacy

Dr Jessie Ricketts spoke to TES as part of their ‘Podagogy’ series on literacy. She explores early literacy, but also the shift in focus for literacy in secondary school, including the role of vocabulary – find the podcast HERE

Science teacher, Amanda Fleck, part of the ‘Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools’ EEF panel, has written a blog post on ‘Why Words Matter in Science’ – see HERE.

Hayley Mallinson, geography teacher at Blackpool Research School, has written a blog on the importance of vocabulary in Geography, entitled ‘Poles Apart’ – see HERE.