Category Archives: Whole School

Puncture Repair Session with Sustrans

An-dè thàinig Rory bho Sustrans a-staigh gus leasan sònraichte a’ toirt gu C7/6 air a bhith càradh tuill ann an cuibhle baic. Chòrd e ri na sgoilearan uile agus tha sinn air bhioran barrachd rudan a dhèanamh le Sustrans san àm ri teachd.

Yesterday Rory from Sustrans came in to lead a special session with C7/6 on how to repair a puncture in a bike tyre. The pupils all thoroughly enjoyed the session and are looking forward to future sessions with Sustrans.

Seo pìos a sgrìobh sgoilearan C7/6 mun leasan –

Here is a piece that pupils from C7/6 wrote about the lesson –

A’ càradh tuill ann an cuibhle le Sustrans

An-diugh thàinig Rory bho Sustrans a-steach airson a bhith ag obair còmhla rinn a càradh tuill ann an cuibhle baic.

Chaidh sinn ann an dithisean is dh’ innse Rory dhuinn mar a tha sinn ga dhèanamh agus chleachd sinn acfhainn càradh puncture agus pump.

Tapadh leibh Rory, bha e uabhasach inntinneach agus feumail!

Le Iris, Isabel agus Charlie. (C7/6)

Eco Update 01/12/17

Fhuair a’ Chomhairle Eco cothrom eile ag innse dhan sgoil mun obair as ùra aca. O chionn goirid tha bha iad a’ deanamh ath-sgrùdadh sgudal sgapte san raon-cluiche agus chuir iad am fiosrachadh ri chèile airson innse dhan sgoil mun adhartas.

The Eco Committee fed back to the school about their most recent work. Recently they have been conducting a litter review of the playground and they collated the information in order to inform the school of our progress.

Dh’ innse am fiosrachadh dhuinn gun fheum sinn a bhith a’ lùghdachadh an àireamh de pacaidean a tha air an leigeil san roan-cluiche.

Bi sinn:

  • A’ gluasad na bionaichean gu àitichean nas fhasa.
  • A’ cumail sùil air an clàr togail sgudal-sgapte.
  • Comhairle Eco a’ cumail a’ dol a’ togail is a’ brosnachadh daoine togail sgudal sgapte.
  • A’ toirt duais Eco dhan clas as fheàrr air togail sgudal-sgapte aig deireadh na bliadhna.

The information told us that we have to reduce the number of packets being dropped in the playground.

We will:

  • Move the bins to easier positions.
  • Make sure classes are aware when their week is on the litter-picking rota.
  • Have the Eco committee regularly picking up litter and encouraging others to do the same.
  • Have an Eco award at the end of the year for the best class at picking up litter.


Aibidil a’ Gheamraidh / Winter Alphabet

Bha C7/6 a’ fiolmadh còmhla ris a’ BhBC airson a’ cur Aibidil a’ Gheamhraidh ri chèile.

C7/6 were filming with the BBC to make a Winter Alphabet feature.

Bha aca ris an scriopt a sgriobhadh, dealbhan airson cùl a’ chamera a dhèanamh, fiolmadh agus smachd a chumail air am fuaim.

They had to write their script, make the backrgounds, film and record the sound.


Every day a new video is released. The short clips can be viewed here.


Seachdain Trang / Busy Week

Tha seachdain trang againn ri thighinn an seo aig Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Ghleann Dail.

We have a busy week ahead of us here at Glendale Gaelic Primary School.


Diardaoin 23mh An t-Samhain – Oidhche nam Pàrant

Thursday 23rd November – Parents’ Evening


Dihaoine 24mh An t-Samhain – Cruinneachadh Buidheachais 9.30m

Friday 24th November – Thanksgiving Assembly 9.30am

There will be a collection for Trussells Trust who oversee the foodbanks. Donations for the foodbank may be brought into school on the day or beforehand.

Disathairne 25mh An t-Samhain – Fèill na Nollaige 1-4f

Saturday 25th November – Christmas Fayre 1-4pm



Poileasaidh Sgudal-sgapte / Litter Policy

Tha a’ Chomhairle Eco air a bhith trang o chionn goirid a’ sgriobhadh poileasaidh sgudal-sgapte airson na sgoile.

The Eco Committee have been busy recently writing a litter policy for the school.

As deidh aontachadh bho Mrs Bowman, dh’ innse sinn dhan sgoil mu dheidhinn.

After approval from Mrs Bowman, we informed the school about it.

Anns an am ri teachd bidh sinn a’ coimhead air sgudal san raon-chluiche againn.

In the near future we will be looking at litter in our playground.

Chi sibh ar poileasaidh an seo / You can view our policy here – Poileasaidh Sgudal-sgapte / Litter Policy

Isabel agus Finlay a’ bruidinn aig cruinneachadh.


P1 Enrolment

P1 Enrolment

This year, Glasgow City Council have changed the enrolment process and it can now be done online which removes the requirement to come into school to complete the enrolment paperwork.  In order to undertake online enrolment, families require to register on ‘myaccount’.  ‘myaccount’ is a free and secure sign-in service for accessing public services online in Scotland, which has been introduced by the Scottish Government.   If families do not have one the system will take them through the process of creating an account. However if parents/carers do not have an email address they will require to use the paper application process. 

Applications should be submitted no later than Friday 10 November 2017.  

Below is the link to the enrolment process:

Caismeachd Oidhche Shamhna / Halloween Parade

An-diugh an àite sgoilearan ann am Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Ghleann Dail, bha measgachadh de bana-bhuidsich, uilebheistean, taibhsean is iomadh creutairean eile! Bha Caismeachd Oidhche Shamhna againn agus abair gun do rinn na sgoilearan (is pàrantan!) oidhirp sgoinneil le’n èideadh aca.

Dh’ ionnsaich sinn mu mar a thoisich Oidhche Shamhna agus rinn gach clas caismeachd mun cuairt an talla a’ taisbeanach an èideadh aca.

Bha an obair doirbh aig Miss MacDonald, Miss MacRuary, Miss Caimbeul, Mrs MacMillan agus Mrs Sloan tagh na deiseachan as fheàrr.

Nach math a rinn sibh uile!

Today instead of pupils, Bunsgoil Ghaidhlig Ghleann Dail was filled with a mixture of witches, monsters, ghosts and many other creatures! Our Halloween Parade took place and the pupils (and parents!) made an excellent effort with their costumes.

We learned about the origins of Halloween and each class took their turn to parade around the hall, showing off their costumes.

Miss MacDonald, Miss MacRuary, Miss Campbell, Mrs MacMillan and Mrs Sloan had the difficult task of picking the best outfits.

Well done everyone!

C1 – Clara agus Sandy

C2/1 – Mirrin agus Robbie

C3/2 – Isabella agus Apollo

C4/3 – Leo agus Audrey

C5/4 – Orrin agus Jasmine

C7/6 – Charlie agus Iris


Bha sinn gu math fortanach o chionn goirid, oir thàinig Rory bho Sustrans a-staigh gus teagasg rothaireachd agus scooting. Abair gun robh spòrs aig na sgoilearan a ghabh pàirt agus tha sinn air bhioran an cothrom fhaighinn ga dhèanamh a-rithist. Mòran taing Sustrans agus Rory!

We were very fortunate to have Rory from Sustrans in to teach cycling and scooting recently. The pupils all thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and we are excited to take part again in the near future. Many thanks to Sustrans and Rory!

Seo pìos goirid a sgrìobh Rebecca (C5/4) mu rothaireachd:

Bha Clas 5/4 a’ dèanamh rothaireachd le Rory airson 6 seachdainean. Chòrd e ri tòrr dhaoine sa chlas. Chòrd e ri Jack agus Amelia oir bha e spòrsail agus chòrd e ri Daibhidh a bhith a’ putadh nan casachan. Bha eagal air Ruthie a bhith ga dhèanamh an toiseach, ach dh’ fhàs i misneachail.

Seachdain Eco / Eco Week 2017

Tha seachdain trang air a bhith againn ann am Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Ghleann Dail, is sinne a’ cur fòcas air a h-uile càil Eco! Seo uile na rudan a rinn sinn –

  • Dh’ ionnsaich gach clas mu dheidhinn Atharrachadh na Gnàth-shìde agus na atharraichean beaga a dh’ fhaodadh gach neach a dhèanamh gus lughdachadh ar lorgan carbon.
  • Airson an leasan seo neartachadh, chaidh a’ Chomhairle Eco mun cuairt na clasaichean a’ teagasg mu a bhith sàbhaladh lùths aig an taigh. Rinn iad seo bhon trèanadh a fhuair iad bho South Seeds – tapadh leibh!
  • Fhuair sinn cothroman a’ cur lusan còmhla ri Rachel is Rhona agus tha sinn cho taingeil gu bheil lusan a-nis aig gach clas airson coimhead as dèidh. Mòran taing dhuibh airson a’ tighinn a-staigh!
  • Chaidh cuid clasaichean air turas gu na ‘Hidden Gardens’.
  • Rinn gach clas còcaireachd – cuid le Miss MacRuary agus cuid eile le Urban Roots. Tapadh leibh!
  • Rinn sinn ‘Woodland Workout’ gus sealltainn mar a dh’ fhaodadh sinn eacarsaich a dhèanamh a’ cleachdadh an àrainneachd.
  • Chaidh clasaichean a-mach a’ togail sgudal-sgapte ach nach sinn a bha toilichte a’ faicinn nach robh mòran nar raon-cluiche co-dhiù!
  • Chruthaich sinn iomadh rudan ealain le a bhith ath-cuairteachadh is a’ cleachdadh stuthan nàdarra.

We have had an incredibly busy week here at Bunsgoil Gàidhlig Ghleann Dàil as we have focused on everything Eco! Here are some of the things we have been up to –

  • The classes learned about Climate Change and the small changes we can make to reduce our Carbon Footprints.
  • To reinforce this, the Eco Committee went to all the classes to teach pupils how they can become more energy efficient at home. This was organised from training we received from South Seeds – thank you!
  • We had the opportunity to do planting with Rachel and Rhona and we are so grateful to now have plants to look after in our classes. Thank you both very much for coming in!
  • Classes went on trips to the ‘Hidden Gardens’.
  • Each class took part in cooking activities – some with Miss MacRuary and others with Urban Roots. Thank you!
  • We all took part in a ‘Woodland Workout’ to demonstrate how we can exercise using our wonderful surroundings.
  • Every class took part in a litter pick either in the local area or in the playground. We were delighted to see how clean our pupils keep our playground!
  • We created many wonderful art projects in our classes using recyclable materials and materials from our environment.

Bu toil leinn taing mhòr a’ toirt gu na pàrantan a thàinig air na tursan againn. Tapadh leibh Paola, Carolyn, Pamela agus Rachel!

We would like to especially thank the parents who accompanied us on our trips. Thank you Paola, Carolyn, Pamela and Rachel!

Mòran taing cuideachd gu na pàrantan eile a bha deònach tighinn a-staigh agus a thug tòrr stuthan ath-cuairteachadh dhuinn airson ar pròiseactan.

Thank you also to all the parents who volunteered their time to come in, the response was wonderful and we hope to have you in another time! Also, for all the donations of recyclable materials for our projects.

Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri Seachdain Eco 2018 mu thràth! Ma tha thu an sàs ann an obair Eco sam bith agus ag iarraidh a bhith an sàs – leig fios thugainn!

We are looking forward to Eco Week 2018 already! If you work in an Eco related area and want to get involved – please get in touch!



Latha Fosgailte C1 / P1 Open Day

Latha Fosgailte C1

Air Dimàirt 10mh Dàmhair tha sinn a’ cumail latha fosgailte airson pàrantan C1 ri teachd aig 9.30m agus a-rithist aig 1.30f. Ma tha sibh eòlach air duine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann am Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig le pàiste a tha gu bhith a’ tòiseachadh anns an sgoil ann an Lùnastal 2018, thoir dhaibh am fiosrachadh seo. Tha sinn air an deit agus na h-àmannan a thoirt dha na Sgoiltean Àraich mu thràth.

P1 Open Day

We are holding an Open Day on Tuesday 10th October for prospective P1 parents at 9.30am and then again at 1.30pm. If you know anyone who may be interested in attending then please pass this information on. This information has already been shared with nurseries.