Monthly Archives: November 2017

Seachdain Trang / Busy Week

Tha seachdain trang againn ri thighinn an seo aig Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Ghleann Dail.

We have a busy week ahead of us here at Glendale Gaelic Primary School.


Diardaoin 23mh An t-Samhain – Oidhche nam Pàrant

Thursday 23rd November – Parents’ Evening


Dihaoine 24mh An t-Samhain – Cruinneachadh Buidheachais 9.30m

Friday 24th November – Thanksgiving Assembly 9.30am

There will be a collection for Trussells Trust who oversee the foodbanks. Donations for the foodbank may be brought into school on the day or beforehand.

Disathairne 25mh An t-Samhain – Fèill na Nollaige 1-4f

Saturday 25th November – Christmas Fayre 1-4pm



Poileasaidh Sgudal-sgapte / Litter Policy

Tha a’ Chomhairle Eco air a bhith trang o chionn goirid a’ sgriobhadh poileasaidh sgudal-sgapte airson na sgoile.

The Eco Committee have been busy recently writing a litter policy for the school.

As deidh aontachadh bho Mrs Bowman, dh’ innse sinn dhan sgoil mu dheidhinn.

After approval from Mrs Bowman, we informed the school about it.

Anns an am ri teachd bidh sinn a’ coimhead air sgudal san raon-chluiche againn.

In the near future we will be looking at litter in our playground.

Chi sibh ar poileasaidh an seo / You can view our policy here – Poileasaidh Sgudal-sgapte / Litter Policy

Isabel agus Finlay a’ bruidinn aig cruinneachadh.


P1 Enrolment

P1 Enrolment

This year, Glasgow City Council have changed the enrolment process and it can now be done online which removes the requirement to come into school to complete the enrolment paperwork.  In order to undertake online enrolment, families require to register on ‘myaccount’.  ‘myaccount’ is a free and secure sign-in service for accessing public services online in Scotland, which has been introduced by the Scottish Government.   If families do not have one the system will take them through the process of creating an account. However if parents/carers do not have an email address they will require to use the paper application process. 

Applications should be submitted no later than Friday 10 November 2017.  

Below is the link to the enrolment process: