Colours of the Commonwealth

Creativity challenges - Main curriculum area expressive arts, other curriculum areas social studies and sciencesExpressive artsArt workshopSciencesGarden

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Colours of the Commonwealth Listen to what the Colours of the Commonwealth learning experience is all about

Glasgow will host the Commonwealth Games in 2014. Scotland is one of the 71 nations and territories that will participate in the games. These nations and territories work together to promote peace, democracy, sustainable development, human rights and health, and to share ideas, knowledge and experience. It is hoped that learners from schools across Scotland will learn together to share creative solutions to design problems as we upcycle materials to create National flowers from the Commonwealth. These flowers will promote the Convention of the Rights of the Child and will be assembled to create a peaceful flower garden in Glasgow.  This set of colour creativity challenges will give you the opportunity to make a creative and peaceful contribution to the 2014 countdown.

learn to ...expressive artsSocial StudiesSciences

  • Identify the Nations and territories of the Commonwealth
  • Research the National flowers of the Commonwealth
  • Identify the parts of a flower
  • Respond to artists work
  • Use curiosity and imagination to solve design problems
  • Collaborate with others across Scotland

Learn with....Expressive artslearn with...sciences

  • Learners across Scotland
  • Clyde – the official mascot of the 2014 Games
  • Botanists
  • Artists
  • Education Scotland Citizenship Team
  • Project Ability

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  • If you are a learner, you can sign up for yourself. Please include your Glow username
  • If you are a teacher or other educator, you can sign up on behalf of a group of learners. Please include a list of Glow usernames
  • Email for any enquiries.
  • A Glow Login is required for your submissions.  If you have forgotten it or don’t have one click here.