Community Development @ Wallacewell Primary

At Wallacewell Primary we believe that our school is the heart of the local community. 

We believe that schools should help shape young people, and young minds, so they can move forward and make a difference within their local community and beyond.  A successful local community needs a lot of things. One of those things is a successful school. We aim to work with our local community to improve outcomes for the young people we work with, their families and our wider school community.

As part of our School Improvement Plan over the next 3 years we are committed to working in partnership with our children, young people, families and community to promote lifelong learning & ensure inclusive and quality education for all. This will include –

  1. Building strong and effective partnerships with families and other stakeholders that can help children and families thrive
  2. Working collaboratively across our learning community to create a Learning Community Learning and Teaching Strategy

How do we plan to do this?

  • Parental Engagement – Promotion and further development of family engagement opportunities, contributing to a positive school ethos
  • Family Learning – Promotion and further development of family learning opportunities, contributing to a positive school ethos, improved social and emotional development and improved attainment
  • In partnership with Glasgow University work with our local community to identify and understand issues with a focus on play & recreation, facilities & amenities, traffic & parking and identity & belonging
  • Continued close partnership working across our learning community, with associated primary schools and Smithycroft Secondary School, to create a bespoke Learning and Teaching Strategy that encapsulates Wallacewell Primary’s ethos of learning and teaching and encompasses the Smithycroft Learning Community Strategy and Glasgow’s Pedagogy