Primary 5B with Mr Singer
Summary of Learning
In Reading this term we are focussing on summarising the main points of fiction and non-fiction texts that we read. As well as this, we are creating different kinds of questions to help us comprehend the texts we read in class. In Writing, P5B are focusing on factual Report writing.
For Numeracy P5B are investigating multiplication and division facts to the 10th multiplication tables. We are going to develop our adding and subtracting skills with the range of 0 to 1 million! We will be estimating length and weight before using instruments to measure them accurately. We will also be learning about degrees and angles.
Our IDL topic is a history topic chosen by the children. We will focus on research and creating a fact file about our topic.
PE Days P5B will have PE on Tuesdays (outside) and Thursdays (inside). Remember appropriate clothing for these days and remove jewellery.
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