Literacy – We will be continuing to work on spelling and punctuation this term as well as using simple connectives to extend sentences. We will also be learning how to vary our sentences by using different openers, especially instructional verbs. Procedural writing will be the focus this term for writing. We will also be continuing with daily supported reading with pupils to continue to develop fluency and expression.
Numeracy – This term in numeracy we will continue to develop our understanding of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). We will also be working on money and position and movement.
RME – We will continue to learn about Judaism this term until our visit to Garnethill Synagogue, after which we will be looking at a variety of festivals from the main world religions in the lead up to Christmas.
PE Days Monday & Friday. This term the children will be learning some Ceilidh dances on Mondays in the gym hall and on Fridays we will continue to use the pitch for as long as the weather allows. We will use a variety of PE equipment so the children can be guided to create their own games either as a group or in pairs. No earrings or jewellery being worn on these days would be greatly appreciated.
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