Primary 3A with Mrs Aitken & Mrs Yuill 

Summary of Learning:


In phonics, we have started by revising some vowel digraphs to increase our confidence and ability when applying them within our reading.   

We are continuing to read within our groups with the support of Ms Brown.  Here we are focussing on common word recognition, decoding unfamiliar words, asking and answering questions about a text and reading with confidence.   

Within writing, we will be learning about the genre of ‘recount’ and retelling events.  We will also be reinforcing the use of basic punctuation when writing in sentences.  We will start to learn joins in our handwriting.   

Numeracy and Maths 

Within numeracy we will be revising numbers to 100, ensuring children have a solid understanding of the value of each digit in a number and can read, write and order these.  We will be learning to use a variety of concrete materials to make numbers as well as partitioning them, placing them on number lines, skip counting and estimating. There will be opportunities to move beyond 100 to provide challenge.  Within maths, we will be exploring 2D and 3D shapes, focusing on using mathematical language to describe their features.  We will also incorporate this into our artwork and look at some famous artists who use shape and pattern in their work.   

P.E. Days 

Our P.E. days are Monday (on the outdoor pitch) and Thursday (in the gym hall).  Please dress you child for P.E. on those days (and for the weather) and ensure they are not wearing any jewellery.  We will have outdoor learning on Friday at the Trim Trail, please dress your child appropriately.    

Home Learning and Helpful Websites 

Home learning tasks will be posted on Showbie following the September weekend, more information on this will follow.   

Home learning websites:

www.sumdog.com – Numeracy & Maths 

www.topmarks.co.uk – Numeracy, Maths & Literacy 

www.doorwayonline.org.uk – Literacy