Primary 3A with Mrs Aitken & Mrs Yuill
Summary of Learning
Within writing we will be looking at the genre of a ‘report.’ This is a non-fiction text which gives factual information about a topic. We will be writing some reports about our class topic ‘Space.’ We have been learning cursive joins for each lower-case letter. Once we have completed this we will be joining the letters together. We are continuing to read 3 times a week within our groups looking at common words and comprehension skills. We will also be working on some spelling patterns in class this term. Our class novel is ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark.’
Numeracy & Maths
In numeracy, we have been revising number bonds and related facts (4+6=10 so 10-4=6, etc) and will spend the rest of the term looking at various addition and subtraction strategies. Within maths, we are looking at the concept of time. We will cover reading and setting analogue and digital times to o’clock, half past and quarter past times. We will also discuss other forms of measuring time, such as days, months and seasons.
PE Days
Our P.E days are a Monday (on the outdoor pitch) and a Thursday (in the Gym Hall). We also have P.E.E.K on a Tuesday afternoon which is active play in the playground. Please dress your child for P.E on these days (and for the weather) and ensure they are not wearing any jewellery.
Home Learning Help/Websites
We are setting a Sumdog challenge each week to help consolidate the learning we do in class.
You can access this via the website If you need any log in information, please get in touch.