Primary 1A with Mrs Callaghan

Summary of Learning

The children will be building on their talking and listening skills through Circle Time and the introduction of phonics. The children will be participating in lots of songs, games and play to develop their phonological awareness and rhyme. The children will be learning about different sounds through Jolly Phonics and how to blend them together to create words. The children will also be working on mark-making using a variety of materials to develop their fine motor skills and support them in writing. We will be doing lots of activities and hopefully this term everyone will be able to write their first and second name.

In numeracy, the children are working on number recognition of number 0-20. We will be practising counting through songs, games and movement. The children will have the opportunity to explore number in a variety of ways in the classroom, the street area and the playground. We are also using SumDog as a home learning link for Numeracy which the children LOVE! The children will also be given the opportunity to build on their number formation through sand, play dough, chalk, paint and of course through practice of pencil on paper. The children will be learning lots about 2D shapes too.

Our topic this term is ‘Emotions’ and we are covering this through our stories and books in class discussing different feelings and how to manage these.

PE Days

PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please remove any jewellery and remember appropriate clothing & jackets for outdoor play.