Primary 4B with Mr Borland & Mrs Charleson

Summary of Learning

Literacy – We will be continuing to work on spelling and punctuation this term. Report style writing will be the focus this term for writing. We will also be continuing with daily supported reading with pupils to continue to develop fluency and expression.

Numeracy – This term in numeracy we will be developing understanding of working on rounding and place value. For maths we will be exploring shape.

RME – We will continue to learn about world religions focussing on Judaism this term.

PE Days Monday & Friday. This term a coach for football will work with the children on a Friday, this will take place on the school pitch so we ask that children are dressed appropriately on these days.

Home Learning Help/Websites

Sumdog – www.sumdog.com

BBC Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary#scotland

Topmarks – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/place-value