
Primary 2/1 with Mrs MacMillan

Summary of Learning


This term in Talking and Listening the children, during Circle Time, will have the opportunity to share news with each other and continue to develop their skills through Health and Wellbeing lessons.

We will be building on the great start the children made with their sounds and building on the P2’s prior knowledge. We will continue the Jolly Phonics programme, and the children will be learning to blend and segment. The children will be learning about various traditional tales, songs and games, to develop their reading skills such as the concepts of print, predicting, visualising and more. P2 will continue with our Daily Supported Reading programme each morning to increase fluency and expression when reading texts.

In Writing, the children will be learning to about procedural writing. P1 will learn how to write their second names and use a story map approach to create procedure writing pieces. P2 will continue to construct sentences which make sense, with appropriate punctuation and will begin to add more detail by using connectives. The children will be encouraged to write learned words on a daily basis.


The children will be continuing their work on number recognition which will be P1’s 11-20 and P2’s 30 and beyond. We will be

practising counting through songs, games and movement. The children will be introduced to concepts such as partitioning and addition and subtraction. The children will be using a variety of concrete materials to support this such as ten frames, counters, cubes, counting teddies and more. We will be spending time outdoors to work on numeracy using chalk and the natural world around us.

Beyond number, the focus for P1 this term will be money. Through play opportunities in our class shop and classroom learning the children will learn to recognise coins to £2, order the coins according to value and use their addition skills to make totals. 

P2 will learn about time. Through play opportunities and classroom

learning the children will learn to recognise half past, o’clock, quarter to and quarter past in real life contexts


Through pupil voice the children chose our topic this term! We have decided to learn about ‘Under the Sea’. We will learn about sea creatures, the world map and oceans, jobs at sea, pollution and how we can help protect the sea by encouraging people to recycle plastic. 

PE Days

Our PE days this term will be Wednesday and Friday. Please come to school dressed for PE and wearing no jewellery. Friday’s PE is outdoors, so please bring a jacket.