Tag Archives: Book Week Scotland

Book Week Scotland 2023

We have had a busy, fun and exciting week celebrating Book Week Scotland! Thank you to all of our Reading Ambassadors, from P1-7, who shared wonderful and creative ideas for ways in which we could celebrate this week.

Hyndland’s Favourite Favourite Scottish Picture Book

Each class from P1-7 read ‘Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted’, ‘Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy’, Phantom the ginger mog an  the Dreamy Pie Pauchle’ and ‘There was a Wee Lassie who Swallowed a Midge’. Pupils voted today for their favourite book and the winner with 166 votes was… ‘There was a Wee Lassie who Swallowed a Midge’. 

Scavenger Hunt

On Wednesday the P7a Reading Ambassadors organised a P1-3 and P4-7 Scavenger Hunt. This involved pupils finding pictures of books in the playground, answers questions and collecting letters each time they got the answer correct. They then had to unscramble the letters to make a title of a book. P1-3’s answer was Dogman and P4-7’s was The Wonder Brothers.

We had 1 winner from each stage who each got to choose a book of their choice as a prize.

Well done to P7a for fantastic leadership and organisation skills!


Second-hand Book Fair

P7b Reading Ambassadors organised a second-hand book fair, which went down a treat! Thank you for all of your kind book donations; our pupils were spoiled for choice! Each class visited and our Reading Ambassadors across the school were kept busy organising and selling books. Well done for your super organisation, leadership and entrepreneurial skills, P7b Reading Ambassadors!


Dress up! 

It is wonderful to see so many pupils in costume, reading or in their casual clothes today, reading away!


Thank you for all of your support with our activities this week. The Reading Ambassadors have worked very hard to make it a fun and enjoyable week for all. We are very pleased to announce that we have raised £435.63! All money raised will go towards our Library Development Funds, helping us to purchase new shelving, soft furnishings, lighting, as well as continuing to purchase new books for the space.