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Request from our Neighbours

Dear Parents and Families ,

We have had a number of complaints this week, when the weather has been better, from our close neighbours about families from our school using the green space at the front of the flats  on Fortrose Street.

May we ask that our families remember that the residents at the lower levels of these apartments often have mobility or care issues and require as peaceful an environment as possible.

Our neighbours are concerned at the level of supervision and respectful use of the small grassed area and entry points of the flats as well as school related litter in the area.

We have been advised that the issue  has become so problematic and impacted adversely  on residents housing experience that a referral will be made to the community police if matters do not improve.

Our school has always played an esteemed and affirmative role within our community, and we greatly value the opinions and support of all of our neighbours.

Please help us to restore the social equilibrium in Fortrose Street by respecting our neighbours requests to reduce noise and carefully supervise any young people using the grassed space and do not use the courtyard entrance as a play area.

On a secondary matter, our school has suffered significant damage to our outdoor classroom and extensive littering over eveings/weekends recently ,which reached a peak over the Jubilee Weekend.

Our Janitorial Team faced such a large scale clean up on Monday that it was prioritised by potentially harmful litter and we were unable to complete this sweep  before the children came into school and the operation continued well into the morning. Debris from alcohol, food and substance misuse was strewn across every playground and the MUGA. With our valued partners in Afty many make shift interventions have had to be applied in recent weeks because of horrendous vandalism and tagging of school property.

We know how challenging it was for our families to raise the funds for the creation of structures that improve children’s quality of outdoor play; it is demoralising having to assess the damage which is being inflicted every day. We have referred this to our community police team . We would appeal to anyone using the social spaces on campus (although not condoned) to do so respectfully. If you are aware of any information that may help our policing team resolve this antisocial behaviour please contact our office or SLT who will act as a conduit to Police Scotland


Many thanks

The Hyndland Team

Rising Stars

As some of you have already noticed, our Rising Stars subscription for some of our digital reading books has now expired.

Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete the survey about the Rising Stars resource that was shared earlier in the term and provide such honest and constructive feedback – this is greatly appreciated! I have since been able to share the findings of this with the Hodder Education who produce the resource.

I communicated the difficulties that staff, parents, carers and learners have experienced at various points over the last year of subscription during a phonecall with the sales manager and have also been in regular contact with the Director of Digital Change from the company. As a result, they are currently looking into ways that they can make up for this to the school and our families moving forward.

I will be in touch in due course when I hear the outcome form the company. Many thanks again for your ongoing patience and support.

S. Frame

Depute Headteacher

Words for the World

Words for the World

Before the October holidays a number of pupils from across the school submitted entries for a competition called “Words for the World” which was being run by the Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. Pupils were to share a message that they had for the world in relation to COP 26 and what they hoped it would achieve. The judges were very impressed with all of the entries submitted from Hyndland Primary and we are pleased to announce that two of these entries have been shortlisted for the final on Wednesday 17th of November.

We are very lucky to have so many languages spoken within our school community and are very proud of these pupils for sharing them with us.

Have a look at some of the entries below.

Gregory, Reyansh & Jack – P7 worked together to record a song about Sustainable Development Goal number 2 – Zero Hunger

Isla and Bonnie created beautiful posters with messages in Italian and Japanese

Isla P5 & Bonnie P1

Haruki P3 and Tristan P6 both created Scratch Games which can be viewed at the links below:

Haruki –

Tristan –

Seyon P2



February 27, 2021

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Useful Support & Links

Family Liaison Officer

We are very fortunate to be able to welcome Angela Boyle to our team this session.  She is our Family Liaison Officer, working with us every Tuesday.

You can contact Angela if you need help or support with anything which will help you to better support your child.  This may be accessing parenting support resources, financial support, advice or training.  She may also help you to better engage with your child’s life at school, or meet people if you are new to our school community.  Angela has a wide network of further support and is happy to visit families, and share her expertise; have a chat and listen – whatever you need.  She can be contacted on:

Mob: 07754715155

Here are some links parents and carers may find useful …

This Parenting site from Place2Be has handy, bite-sized information for parents on many issues – it has advice from child mental health experts and just launched across the UK (November 2021).  We think it is really useful and is well worth a look. Click on the link above to access it.


Click above – This website gives advice and information to help you support your child.




This website is very user-friendly and gives advice and information about ALL things Parenting-related.  They also have a Facebook page. Click above to access the website.



Click above to access the Glasgow City Parents Group Twitter Feed.  They represent Parent Councils and have a lot of information designed to support parents and carers across the city, as well as opportunities to have your voice heard on the current issues.  They work in collaboration with Education leaders in the city to support schools in their work for all our young people.



June 24, 2020

Letter to Parents & Carers from Maureen McKenna

– 23rd June 2020 – Return in August

Please see below a letter from Maureen McKenna, Director of Education, to Parents and Carers following the Deputy First Minister’s statement today about return to school in August.

MMcK Parents Letter 23 June 2020 (002)