Dear Families,
As you know, this session we had hoped to forge ahead with our usual Parents Evening format either before or just after the October break, but unfortunately centralised guidance clearly directed that all ‘in person’ parents meetings should not go ahead and that this position will not qualify for review until March 2022, and as a result, parent and teacher discussions should be replaced by either phone calls or in some instances, online meetings.
We will be proceeding with our planned dates for consultations (WEDNESDAY 17TH NOVEMBER AND THURSDAY 25TH NOVEMBER), but after investigation, it has been confirmed that our wifi capacity will not support a high volume of video calls on the same evening for all classes. To avoid further rescheduling and inconvenience for families, we have made the decision to pilot video calls at our two key stages for transition and have Primary 1 and Primary 7 online consultations via Microsoft Teams. Primary 2 to Primary 6 parent and teacher discussions will be by phone call this term. We hope to be able to meet all of parents in person for parents evening in 2022 if restrictions are relaxed.
Our dates for parents evenings are confirmed as WEDNESDAY 17TH NOVEMBER AND THURSDAY 25TH NOVEMBER.
If you previously had a Wednesday appointment, your original time transfers to Wednesday 17th of November. If you had a Thursday appointment, then this moves to Thursday 25th November. Teachers will re-post the scheduled appointments on SeeSaw as a reminder on Monday for families. If you can no longer take your call at the time you were offered then please let your child’s teacher know by contacting our school office on 0141 339 7207 as soon as possible.
In order for you to access the P1 or P7 Teams video call you will be required to download the Teams app onto a personal device such as a tablet, iPad or smartphone and login using your child’s details. Information on how to access Teams and how to access your child’s login details will be sent out tomorrow both digitally and in paper copy; Primary One pupils will have their glow details released to allow our school to use this email address as the link for the parent and teacher consultation, Primary 7 pupils already have this information. If you have any difficulty sourcing a device for this meeting please let us know so we can find an alternative or supported means of contacting you. Telephone consultations will run from the first contact details on your child’s records; if you need to change a contact number for the discussion, please let our office know.
For P1 and P7 video calls- Families will be asked to join the call at the specified time (your appointment) and the teacher will invite parents into the call at the time you have been allocated. Should you connect earlier than your appointment time you will wait in a virtual lobby until the teacher admits you at your scheduled time. Telephone calls will be placed at the scheduled time, we hope that there will not be any overlap. We respectfully remind all parties that these calls need to run to time, so that other calls are not disadvantaged and that all calls (whether video or telephone) should not be recorded.
Should technical difficulties arise on the date of your video call then we will contact you by telephone instead.
We look forward to meeting with you virtually or via phone calls on the 17th and 25th of November.
Kind regards
Hyndland Primary School Team