Words for the World
Before the October holidays a number of pupils from across the school submitted entries for a competition called “Words for the World” which was being run by the Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. Pupils were to share a message that they had for the world in relation to COP 26 and what they hoped it would achieve. The judges were very impressed with all of the entries submitted from Hyndland Primary and we are pleased to announce that two of these entries have been shortlisted for the final on Wednesday 17th of November.
We are very lucky to have so many languages spoken within our school community and are very proud of these pupils for sharing them with us.
Have a look at some of the entries below.
Gregory, Reyansh & Jack – P7 worked together to record a song about Sustainable Development Goal number 2 – Zero Hunger
Isla and Bonnie created beautiful posters with messages in Italian and Japanese
Haruki P3 and Tristan P6 both created Scratch Games which can be viewed at the links below:
Haruki – https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/585191346
Tristan – https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/584554130
Seyon P2