Category Archives: Opportunities

NMS – Methilhill Primary and Community School

Early Years and Primary School pupils from three Local authority areas have been working with National Museums Scotland in an innovative project to create new resources to be used at other schools.

On 2 February 2012 the National Museums of Scotland Community Engagement team ran an open day at Methilhill Primary and Community School; giving pupils an opportunity to show off their work to other pupils in the school, their parents and wider families.

Watch the video here

‘Museum2Go’has resulted in four new loans boxes and a mobile discovery dome, to be unveiled for the first time together at the National Museum of Scotland’s Learning Centre on Friday 18 May.  There will be an exhibition designed by the pupils, films where the pupils explain what the project has meant to them and a performance piece developed in partnership with YDance and Chief Sulemen Chebe
From giant creepy-crawlies to eye make-up pots covered in goats’ skin, rain sticks to a whole cheetah skin, pupils picked their topics and objects, inspired by the new National Museum of Scotland galleries which opened in July 2011.

CPD- Historic Scotland- Primary Teachers

Exploring Castles through Stories and Scots!

A cpd for P1-3 teachers

Organisation : Historic Scotland

Presenter : Senga Munro

Date: 9 May 2012

‪Venue : Claypotts Castle, near Dundee

Time : 4.00-5.00pm

‪Cost : FREE

‪Booking essential :  contact HS learning services (0131 668 8793) ‪

Come along and discover the delights of Claypotts Castle just outside Dundee, how a visit can support your teaching and how our Maids’ Story activity can support a variety of subjects from social studies to literacy, as well as overarching themes such as Studying Scotland, with its emphasis on Scots language.

Wear suitable footwear and clothing for exploring an old castle!  Tea and coffee provided.

Click here for details

Historic Scotland- Glenrothes Town Art Competition

Historic Scotland and Fife Council are sponsoring a photography competition to help celebrate the wonderful modern sculpture which brings the New Town of Glenrothes in Fife to life.
The closing date for this competition which was 30th April has now been extended for another week .  All entries should be sent to Historic Scotland by May 7th 2012.
There are two categories – 8 to 15 years and over 16 – so don’t hesitate to give it a try. There are prizes to be won and best of all, winners and top submissions will be included in a photography exhibition to be held at the Rothes Halls this summer.

Click here for more details

Download this guide to glenrothes town art

Edinburgh Book Festival

The Edinburgh Book Festival schools programme is now available and will be posted to schools this week, 

The closing date for RBS Transport Fund Applications is 25th May 2012.

Edinburgh Book Festival schools programme available now

Access the programme to see the fantastic learning and CPD opportunities available!

Book online here from Mon 23 April:



Glow Meet- Wednesday 25 April, 4.00 pm – 4.30 pm

Glow TV event: Building the Curriculum 4 – How skills for life, learning and work can be supported by labour market intelligence

This Glow Meet, in conjunction with Skills Development Scotland, is appropriate for all practitioners in secondary schools, colleges and community-based settings.

Skills Development Scotland provides labour market intelligence for its staff so that career information, advice and guidance (CIAG) is informed by what we know about the labour market. This is a key principle of Career Information, Advice and Guidance in Scotland – A Framework for Service Redesign and Improvement the Scottish Government’s CIAG strategy.


A unique insight into the processes and choices made during the rehearsal period. Be warned, participation may be required!

Further Than The Furthest Thing – Thurs 3rd May @6pm

Ticket £2 per person plus the cost of a ticket

The Tempest – Thurs 21st June @6pm

Ticket £2 per person plus the cost of a ticket

To book please phone Box Office on 01382 223530

Please contact Gemma Nicol, Education, Skills and Training Manager for further information on 01382 342660 or email

Exciting creative event- 27th and 28th April!

Culture Hack Scotland is a fast-paced and highly creative event that challenges designers, technologists and artists to make innovative new culture-related projects in just 24 hours.

If you are a designer, a developer or a creative technologist and you want to make something amazing, new & culture-related in the time it take the earth to revolve around its axis, then this is the event for you.

If you work in the arts & culture sector and want to learn more about the skills and thinking required for programming, then join our Culture Track which includes a Learn How To Code workshop…click here for more info.

Education Scotland- NEW!

A new series of briefings designed to provide practitioners with information and advice to support their implementation of Curriculum for Excellence.

CfE Briefings 1 (19 April 2012)

This Briefing raises some key issues which secondary schools should be considering as they plan to develop their provision for the broad general education at the S1 to S3 stages.