Category Archives: Learning

Creative Week 9th-13th July


Stand by for the first ever UK Creative Week.

Packed with interactive debates, lively discussions and in-depth demonstrations broadcast live online. You won’t want to miss a thing.

With creative industry luminaries, tech experts and special guests we’ll be discussing where the creative industries are heading – and who’s in danger of getting left behind.

You can watch the whole thing or dip in and dip out whenever you want – just make sure you don’t miss it

Click here for more info

First ever Scottish conference on Jazz Education




For everyone involved in jazz education in Scotland – teachers, instrumental instructors, bandleaders, jazz musicians or organisers – the Scottish Jazz Federation (SJF) is running two one-day events with group discussions, presentations of teaching materials and expert speakers from Scotland and Europe.

Delegate one day fee – only £25

to include lunch and refreshments

Book by 29 June and pay only £20!

The conference is on:



The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Or – the same programme repeated – on



The Ironworks


If you haven’t taken part in our online database collection survey, please do it now. It only takes a few minutes

 CLICK here  for online survey

Curriculum for Excellence

Click on the image

BeXcellent website

A new website which will bring Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) to life for young people has been launched by Children in Scotland and the Scottish Youth Parliament, in partnership with the Scottish Government.


is the first CfE resource created specifically for children and young people, and offers an easy-to-understand approach to the new curriculum and the personalised, creative learning it promotes. The site was developed in consultation with groups of children and young people and features a simple guide to the new curriculum as well as activities designed to stimulate independent learning and new ways of thinking.

There is also a competition on the website which is open to anyone living in Scotland who is 18 years or under.

Discover Aberdour Castle!

Visit Aberdour Castle as part of your class project and book a session with the Monument Manager.  Each session includes a tour of the castle and an interactive activity.  NEW for 2012! Try your hand at 16th century dance complete with lords and ladies costume.

Suitable for P1-P7

Tuesdays only

Duration 90 minutes

Maximum number 33 pupils


Contact Aberdour Castle to book a session on 01383 860 519


Have you used Glow Science yet?

Glow Science includes over 650 short films that hundreds of teachers are using to enrich and support their teaching in the sciences and technologies. Tailored to Curriculum for Excellence – and tagged to levels 2, 3 and 4 – the films provide teachers with accurate and engaging visuals for the teaching of science, technology and health and wellbeing.

All resources are free with your Glow log-in.

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland- CPD

The Short Courses programme 2012/13 from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is now available!

The Short Courses programme at the exists to support access to and participation in the wide range of performance and production arts specialisms here at the Conservatoire.  They also help widen participation by creating schemes, projects and partnerships to engage with communities of students less likely to take part.  Their short courses are designed to benefit all ages and stages of development, lifelong learners and also on-going professional development requirements in dance, drama, music, production, screen and teaching skills. 

Click Short Courses – Portfolio 12-13 to view the programme

Won’t make the Scottish Learning Festival???

Then go to Teachmeet- The Scottish Learning Fringe instead!

TeachMeet – teachers sharing ideas with teachers

What is TeachMeet Scottish Learning Fringe?

The Scottish Learning Festival is great. It’s a fantastic opportunity to find out about what’s going on, have your thinking stretched and network with colleagues from across the country, and beyond. However, it’s midweek. Many classroom teachers struggle to make it to SLF as they’re too busy teaching classes! And anyway, in Scotland a festival is not really a festival unless it has a fringe festival. Enter, TeachMeet Scottish Learning Fringe

Click here for all the info

Scottish Learning Festival 2012 – registration now open!

The SLF 2012 Conference Programme and visitor registration are now available on the SLF website

The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning will give the opening address to SLF.

In addition, there will be the following keynote speakers:
• Professor Keith Grint, Professor of Public Leadership, Warwick University Business School
• Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, RSA.

The full programme of keynotes and seminars, along with details of the range of additional activities, is now available on the SLF website.

Your future in the creative industries – a guide for young people


–        5.00pm – 6.00pm

–        Church Hall (upstairs)

–        FREE

–        Age 14-21

A rare opportunity to be guided by a top professional TV and film director Stewart Svaasand.  Stewart’s work includes Hollyoaks, Missing, One Last Chance being shown later tonight and Waterloo Road Reunited.  Stewart will outline the challenges and opportunities in the creative industries – a not to be missed event for any young person determined to succeed in this field.