Category Archives: CPD

National Creative Learning Network at SLF 2012 #slf12

The National Creative Learning Network (NCLN) is a community of practice which has a leadership role in championing and advocating creativity in both formal and informal learning contexts. The Network is well represented at this year’s SLF, with members from local authorities across Scotland leading workshops and seminars throughout the two days of the festival.
Seminar Programme: Find out about the benefits of being involved in a Creative Learning Network at Fife’s CLN Showcase seminar. Or, find out what being creative means to Edinburgh’s young apprentices in the Creative Learners, Creative Thinkers, Creative Careers session. Visit the SLF website to view the full seminar programme.
Education Showcase: The Showcase programme features demonstrations, experiments, drama and music making with NCLN contributions from a number of authorities. To view the Education Showcase programme click here.
Creative Learning Networks: The NCLN consists of the group of coordinators who lead each local authority’s Creative Learning Network. Visit the Creativity Portal to find out who your local Creative Learning Network contact is:

Find out more about the Creative Learning Networks by watching one of the short films on the Creativity Portal:

Social studies

National Records of Scotland (NRS) Schools Programme – bookings open for September 2012 – March 2013

The National Records of Scotland has launched its 2012-13 programme of free workshops and Glow Meet sessions for primary and secondary schools. New topics include ‘What is the Census?’ and ‘Newhaven Families’.

Full details of the Schools Programme and the booking form are available on the NRS education website.

Scottish Learning Festival 2012 – just over 2 weeks to go!

SLF 2012 takes place on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 September in the SECC, Glasgow.The theme for this year’s festival is Creative Learning…Creative Thinking.The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning will give the opening address to SLF. There will be the following keynote speakers:


  • Professor Keith Grint, Professor of Public Leadership, Warwick University Business School
  • Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, RSA
  • Paul Collard, Chief Executive of Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE).

The full programme of keynotes and seminars, along with details of the range of additional activities, is available on the SLF website.

We will be there Showcasing Fife’s Creative Learning Network on Wednesday 19th September…come along and support us!

Creative Week 9th-13th July


Stand by for the first ever UK Creative Week.

Packed with interactive debates, lively discussions and in-depth demonstrations broadcast live online. You won’t want to miss a thing.

With creative industry luminaries, tech experts and special guests we’ll be discussing where the creative industries are heading – and who’s in danger of getting left behind.

You can watch the whole thing or dip in and dip out whenever you want – just make sure you don’t miss it

Click here for more info

First ever Scottish conference on Jazz Education




For everyone involved in jazz education in Scotland – teachers, instrumental instructors, bandleaders, jazz musicians or organisers – the Scottish Jazz Federation (SJF) is running two one-day events with group discussions, presentations of teaching materials and expert speakers from Scotland and Europe.

Delegate one day fee – only £25

to include lunch and refreshments

Book by 29 June and pay only £20!

The conference is on:



The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Or – the same programme repeated – on



The Ironworks


If you haven’t taken part in our online database collection survey, please do it now. It only takes a few minutes

 CLICK here  for online survey

CPD – Home Excellence – event for home economics teachers

Click on the image for more info

Education Scotland is holding an event on Saturday 1 September 2012 for all home economics practitioners.

It aims to:

  • examine the key messages around the embedding of health and wellbeing across learning
  • review support around new qualifications
  • showcase innovative, inspiring examples of emerging practice from across the country
  • focus on the skills within the subject.

This event is free to attend and will take place at Caledonian University, Glasgow.  Please email Anne-Marie Lamont ( to book a place.

Understanding Social Enterprise – a two day programme for CLD practitioners.

20th and 21st June 2012 in Perth from 10am – 4pm.

Venue to be confirmed

The CLD Standards Council for Scotland in partnership with the Scottish Social Enterprise Academy is offering a two day Understanding Social Enterprise Programme to community learning and development practitioners who work directly with young people in Scotland. The programme will introduce the concept of social enterprise, the challenges faced by enterprises and assess the future for this dynamic and emerging business model. Participants must be able to commit to the full two days and numbers will be restricted to a maximum of 16.

The Standards Council is meeting the cost of the course programme and this will include refreshments and lunch on the two days, plus transport on study visit(s).

If you are interested in this event please contact Angus Williamson for further information and an application form.

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland- CPD

The Short Courses programme 2012/13 from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is now available!

The Short Courses programme at the exists to support access to and participation in the wide range of performance and production arts specialisms here at the Conservatoire.  They also help widen participation by creating schemes, projects and partnerships to engage with communities of students less likely to take part.  Their short courses are designed to benefit all ages and stages of development, lifelong learners and also on-going professional development requirements in dance, drama, music, production, screen and teaching skills. 

Click Short Courses – Portfolio 12-13 to view the programme

Poetry CPD Sessions

June 15th

The Byre Theatre, St.Andrews

10am and 1.30pm

With St.Andrews being named a Winning Words Beacon town for the year 2012, The Byre Theatre is running two CPD sessions with a top poet this June.

Ryan Van Winkle, Poet in Residence at Edinburgh City Libraries, will be running two training sessions for primary and secondary teachers, focusing on how to bring poetry into the classroom via the Olympic Games and Sport.

 Click Winning Words CPD for all the details!