Category Archives: News

Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival

Why not be part of Fife’s contribution to the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival between 1st and 24th October 2012?

The Festival celebrates getting creative and connecting with others to improve everyone’s mental health and wellbeing.
This year’s theme is ‘Walk in my shoes’ – a chance to share what it’s like to be YOU.

If you would like to be part of the Festival contact Shona McEwan on 08451 55 55 55 ext 442134 or email: before 22 July.

SMHAFF 2012 poster

ArtWorks Scotland

Take part in a national survey for artists who work in participatory settings, from ArtWorks Scotland.

The purpose of this survey is to consult with artists in order to explore the following:

  •  The skills and knowledge needed to work in participatory settings 
  • Career paths of artists working in participatory settings
  • The nature of work in different participatory settings
  • Training needs and aspirations
  • Levels of awareness of training opportunities 

(A participatory setting refers to the place where the artist works with participants, which could be school, community spaces, prisons, healthcare settings etc.) 

The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. 

Click here for more information about the ArtWorks Scotland project.

New Qualifications- June update

New Qualifications- June update

Assessment overviews have now been published on SQA website for every Course from National 2 to National 5.

The assessment overviews describe the Course and Unit assessment support materials that SQA will produce for practitioners in session 2012/13 by subject and level.

Use the subject drop-down menu at to find the assessment overviews for each subject.

The Creativity Post

The Educational Value of Creative Disobedience


In this age of innovation, even more important than being an effective problem solver, is being a problem finder. It’s one thing to look at a problem and be able to generate a solution; it is another thing to be able to look at an ambiguous situation, and decide if there is a problem that needs to be solved. That’s a skill that isn’t really targeted by traditional teaching methods, and in fact, it is often discouraged. Rule-breaking , to an extent, should be tolerated and encouraged, and yes—even taught. To reach this end, we should be teaching and encouraging creative disobedience.

Click here to read the full article

Creative Week 9th-13th July


Stand by for the first ever UK Creative Week.

Packed with interactive debates, lively discussions and in-depth demonstrations broadcast live online. You won’t want to miss a thing.

With creative industry luminaries, tech experts and special guests we’ll be discussing where the creative industries are heading – and who’s in danger of getting left behind.

You can watch the whole thing or dip in and dip out whenever you want – just make sure you don’t miss it

Click here for more info

Watch again – Rio+20 Glow Meet

On Tuesday 19 June, schools from across Scotland linked up with Stewart Stevenson MSP, Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, who is in Rio as part of the official UK delegation to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which is taking place from 20-22 June. Over 100 heads of state and world leaders are in Rio de Janeiro for crucial talks at this summit, referred to as Rio+20.

During the Glow Meet, learners from primary and secondary schools were able to put questions to the minister about the conference and about Scotland’s efforts to tackle climate change.

Log in to Glow and watch the recording of this Glow Meet.

Curriculum for Excellence

Click on the image

BeXcellent website

A new website which will bring Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) to life for young people has been launched by Children in Scotland and the Scottish Youth Parliament, in partnership with the Scottish Government.


is the first CfE resource created specifically for children and young people, and offers an easy-to-understand approach to the new curriculum and the personalised, creative learning it promotes. The site was developed in consultation with groups of children and young people and features a simple guide to the new curriculum as well as activities designed to stimulate independent learning and new ways of thinking.

There is also a competition on the website which is open to anyone living in Scotland who is 18 years or under.

After the success of the Scottish arm of U.Dance 2012, which included the Scottish Connections weekend at Anniesland College and the Scottish Platform Event at MacRobert, we are delighted to be developing and running a similar youth dance programme in Scotland over the next 2 years (up to 2014). You can find out more about the Scottish U.Dance 2012 programme here.

As we are branching out on our own we’re renaming the programme YDance Routes and need your help to make sure that it benefits the youth dance community and our dancers of tomorrow in the best ways possible. As such everyone is invited to join us for an afternoon of ideas and discussion on how we move forward:

YDance Routes, Moving Forward Consultancy

Wednesday 27 June at MacRobert in Stirling

1.30pm to 3.30pm

This meeting is open to anyone involved in the youth dance community so please share this with any other dance leaders and professionals you know. Please email to let us know if you can attend.

 Here are some of the ideas so far!