Category Archives: Curriculum for Excellence

Refugee Week Scotland 2014

Community Celebrations Grant Application
Deadline: 3rd March – 5pm

At the Scottish Refugee Council we have been busy organising a very exciting programme for Refugee Week Scotland 2014! It will run from 16th – 22nd June in venues across the country, and we’d love for as many organisations as possible to get involved this year. The 2014 theme is ‘Welcome’, so we want you to have a think about how ‘welcome’ is shown in your community.

The SRC are awarding grants of £100 – £450 to help small community organisations to organise your own events as part of Refugee Week Scotland 2014. We strongly encourage you to apply and to spread the word to any other organisations or community groups that you think may be interested!

There are two files attached below – an Application Form and Grant Application Guidance Notes. Please read them both before applying! Receiving the grant from the SRC is unfortunately not guaranteed, so to make sure you are in the best position for acceptance, we urge you to read through these Guidance Notes thoroughly.  We are looking for ideas that explore the theme – ‘Welcome’ – and discuss all the different things that this word can mean. For example, your activity could:

–          Explore how welcome is shown in your community

–          Encourage people to share their experiences of how welcome they have been made to feel here

–          Encourage people to share experiences of how they have welcomed life in Scotland

Most importantly, you must demonstrate how your event will appeal to other communities and general public, and how you plan to involve them! The Community Celebration Events are the first step towards wide-scale understanding and integration among asylum seeker, refugee and local communities across the whole of Scotland. We want to know how your event will help this become a reality!

The deadline for submission is Monday 3rd March, 5pm. Please send all completed applications to

If you need help – we are happy to discuss any ideas and give advice where necessary – just email can also browse last year’s programme for inspiration.
Good luck!

Community Celebration Grant Application Form 2014

Community Celebration Grant Application Guidance Notes 2014 Final

The Rise and Fall of Dunfermline Linen

a Talk by Hugh Walker
at the NQ Community Centre
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

This illustrated talk about the history of Dunfermline’s Linen Industry by Hugh Walker is divided into two parts.  In the first half, he describes the process of damask linen weaving and how the beautiful damask tablecloths of 100 years ago were created and manufactured.  In the second half of the talk, Hugh takes the audience on a historical trip round well-known buildings in Dunfermline, tracing the history of the industry from its early beginnings through hand looms to the growth of factories in the second half of the nineteenth century.  The talk concludes with how the industry faired in the 20th century and came to an end in the 1980s.

Click here for more details.

The Tin Forest Light Up

The National Theatre of Scotland is asking you to make a Light Up Lantern out of junk, and join hundreds of others in your local community and around the world, to plant your lantern in a forgotten place. It might be a local park or derelict ground; it might be your garden or back court. What’s important is you plant it and share the moment when Spring arrives, with the promise of a flowering future.

So, anytime from Thursday 20th March, take a photo or video of your Light Up Lantern and your promise.

Then post it at OR tweet it with the hashtag #TinForest OR email it to

For more information click here.

Drama CPD with David Farmer‏

Samantha Cedermark, a Primary Drama Teacher working at Crossford P.S. in Fife, is hoping to organise a Primary Teachers Drama CPD event in Edinburgh sometime in the Autumn of this year with David Farmer, author of several books on ideas for teaching Drama.  The event would also be of use to Secondary Drama Teachers with regards to teaching S1 and S2.

If you are interested in attending this event please could you email Samantha on the address below so she can gauge potential interest

Innovative new Environmental Education Centre opens

Tullis Russel’s TREE Centre is a ground breaking educational resource that uses imaginative displays and interactives to teach visitors about climate change, the environment and sustainability. The Ecology Centre will be providing educators to lead visitors through the displays, providing engaging games to educate and inspire. Sessions cost £160 plus VAT for a whole day. Please see for more info or contact to book a visit.

Into Film in Fife

Into Film is a new film education charity, bringing together FILMCLUB and First Light, gives 5-19 year olds a chance to experience film and the moving image creatively and critically, as well as learning about the film industry and careers within it. In or out of school Into Film cultivates their interest, and provide teachers and youth leaders with the tools and training to support engagement at all levels.

The film education programme includes learning resources, CPD and training, film clubs, filmmaking film festivals, industry interactions, youth engagement and more. For information or to register for updates visit or if you’re interested in starting a film club to watch, make and understand films register at

First World War: Trench Warfare – Glow TV

12 March 13.30

Join the National Museum of Scotland for a unique opportunity to explore the experience of Scottish Soldiers serving on the Western Front between 1914 and 1918 through objects – including uniform and weapons – and first-hand accounts of life in the trenches, including letters and photographs. The sessions will be led by one of the expert enablers, who will work with participants to build up a picture of life on the front line.

Click here for more information.

Libraries Spring Book Sale – 27th FEB ASDARC

Below is a poster giving details of the Spring Book Sale for Schools taking place in ASDARC on Thursday 27th February.  All welcome!

The books (all ex children’s public library stock) are priced at only 50p each and many are in almost new condition.  We also have some sets available suitable as class readers.  This sale covers all primary stages from nursery to P7 and offers both stories and information books.

If no one from your school is visiting ASDARC that day then call Maggie Gray (contact info below) with your requirements and we can select a box for you.

Hope your school can benefit from these amazing bargains.

Spring school Booksale Poster

Maggie Gray
Young People’s Services Co-ordinator
ON with Fife Cultural Trust
FCT Headquarters
16 East Fergus place

Direct tel: 03451 555 555 ext 442022

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas – Book & Film Events‏

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas book and film events, will run on 19th March (Carnegie Hall), 20th March (Regent Cinema) and 25th March (Adam Smith Theatre).

As always there are class sets of the books available for loan, on a first come first served basis, and there will be a short sharing session after the film to encourage children to think about and discuss the impact the film/book has had on them.

Ticket prices are still £2.50 per seat, or £5.00 including coach travel.

There are a limited number of seedcorn grants available to fund transport (schools who successfully claim seedcorn funding or organise their own transport pay £2.50 per seat; schools who are unsuccessful in claiming seedcorn funding and still wish me to arrange their transport pay £5.00 per seat).

All relevant forms are below,  and should be returned directly to:

Jennifer Yardley
Administration Assistant
ON with Fife Cultural Trust Head Office
16 East Fergus Place
Direct tel: 03451 555 555 ext 472791

Please note that invoices for these events will be sent in the new financial year.

Any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

BOY Event Flyer

BOY Film Booking Form 2014



Artist Will McLean Talks to Glow

27/02/2014 10:45-11:30

What inspires a leading contemporary artist? How does an artist go about his work? How do I develop as an artist? If you’ve ever had questions like these then this is the Glow TV event for you.

As part of the preparation for the MUSA Young Artist Award 2014 renowned Fife-based artist Will Maclean will be talking about his life and work and will be answering YOUR questions.

Will is going to speak briefly about his own work and career before taking your questions.

If you are not able to watch the session live you can submit questions in advance by email for Will to answer.

The MUSA Young Artist Award is an art competition for schools in Fife organised by the Museum of the University of St Andrews.

Schools from all over Scotland are invited to participate in this Glow TV event.

For more information and to register for this event click here. (Glow Login required)