Category Archives: Expressive Arts

Fife’s Secret Song!

A practice session at St Margaret's PS 🙂

A flashmob of children from four Dunfermline primary schools performed a secret song they helped compose called ‘Fife goes Olympic’ today.

Around 170 primary 6 &7 youngsters gave unsuspecting shoppers at the Kingsgate Shopping Centre a big surprise when they performed their song for the first time ahead of the Olympic Torch Relay in Dunfermline.

The pupils from Cairneyhill, Duloch, St Margaret’s RC and St Leonards Primary Schools have been working together on the top secret project which was supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland and Fife Council under the ‘Summer of Song: Celebrating the Olympic Torch in Scotland’ banner.

The children wrote their very own Olympic Song for Fife during a songwriting process which was led by musicians from Edinburgh based charity, Fischy Music.

The charity worked with the children over the course of four weeks to compose their song and co-ordinate their special flashmob surprise. 

Fischy Music has worked directly with children for over 14 years and their resources, promoting emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing, are used in thousands of schools across the UK and beyond.  

Also helping to support the performance on the day were the Kingsgate Shopping Centre Management team and representatives from Queen Anne Singers and Dunfermline Choral Union.

Heather Gibson, Area Cultural Co-ordinator from Fife Council who lead the project said: “This really has been a top secret project as we wanted to make sure everyone got a big surprise!

We were delighted to receive funding from Creative Scotland and the council to make this project come to life. We also worked closely with the council’s Education Service who advised us on potential schools to develop the project with and also recommended the specialised skills Fischy Music could bring to this very exciting idea. 

I’d like to thank them, the children and staff from the schools involved, who really embraced this idea from the very beginning and who were delighted to be involved in making Fife Secret Song a reality.”

As a thank you to the hard work and dedication of the children, the staff, Fischy Music and Fife Council’s Cultural Partnerships Team to make this flashmob happen, please help us promote Fife’s Secret Song – ‘Fife Goes Olympic’ far and wide.  Tell everyone you know to go to to view Fife Council’s flashmob clip and also search Dunfermline Flashmob which Colin Weaver (parent) kindly put up of almost the full concert!  Get ‘sharing’, ‘blogging’ and ‘tweeting’!

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland- CPD

The Short Courses programme 2012/13 from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is now available!

The Short Courses programme at the exists to support access to and participation in the wide range of performance and production arts specialisms here at the Conservatoire.  They also help widen participation by creating schemes, projects and partnerships to engage with communities of students less likely to take part.  Their short courses are designed to benefit all ages and stages of development, lifelong learners and also on-going professional development requirements in dance, drama, music, production, screen and teaching skills. 

Click Short Courses – Portfolio 12-13 to view the programme

Music resource!

Musical Futures believes music learning works best when young people are making music, and when their existing passion for music is reflected and built upon in the classroom. As well as a website full of resources and news the site also offers the 2nd Edition Musical Futures teacher resource pack. Each chapter has its own section, many with additional audio, video and other materials. If you prefer, download the entire pack, or order a hard copy for free

Two fantastic film opportunities for young people!

What a fantastic and unique Film-Making scheme for your young people. We are looking for twenty 16-19 year olds to get involved in the Edinburgh International Film Festival and make a short film, which will be screened at the Filmhouse in August!

Click here for more details!


Are you aged between 16 – 25? Could you make a sci-fi film in just a few short days?  If you are up for the challenge you could get your film screened at EIFF this year! 

Click here for more details


Your future in the creative industries – a guide for young people


–        5.00pm – 6.00pm

–        Church Hall (upstairs)

–        FREE

–        Age 14-21

A rare opportunity to be guided by a top professional TV and film director Stewart Svaasand.  Stewart’s work includes Hollyoaks, Missing, One Last Chance being shown later tonight and Waterloo Road Reunited.  Stewart will outline the challenges and opportunities in the creative industries – a not to be missed event for any young person determined to succeed in this field.

Win the Gold – music and olympics – free online resource

A new Olympics project, allowing pupils to create and work with music through an online tool from ABC Creative Music is now free to 6 local authorities, with a free trial available to all others.

The six local authorities include: Edinburgh, Midlothian, Dumfries & Galloway, East Ayrshire, Clackmannanshire, and Western Isles.

Due to popular demand and a great response from P4 and 5 teachers who have seen the material we have created a separate course so that teachers can use this resource from P4-7 (Year 3 – Year 6). Check out the fantastic Medal Ceremony Interactive!!

Here is a short movie about our Olympic project – WIN THE GOLD: and then click on the SITE TOUR button.

On Youtube:

On Screencast:

WIN THE GOLD is a fun Olympic themed song and range of flexible projects for P4-7 (Year 3-6) that class teachers can use to add music to an Olympic project.

To sign up log into ABC Online at <>  and go to Staffroom>Request & Unlock Trial Course and choose WIN THE GOLD – OLYMPICS 2012.

New National Qualifications Music website

This website has been developed by Education Scotland in in partnership with practitioners to support learning and teaching at National 3, National 4 and National 5. It is hoped that both learners and practitioners alike will use this website and find the materials to be invaluable when studying music.

Click on the image for more info
Click on the image to go to the website

CPD: Curriculum for Excellence and the GI Festival – An NSEAD Conference for Teachers

Artist Teacher Programme, School of Education, University of the West of Scotland

Location: Tramway, 25 Albert Drive, Gasgow G41 2PE

10.30am – 6pm

In partnership with The National Society for Education in Art and Design (NSEAD) and University of the West of Scotland (UWS) Artist Teacher Programme, this event is designed for primary and secondary teachers of art, craft and design.  Presentations during the event will focus upon the experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence and will include presentations from Sheila Page HMIe\Education Scotland on Creativity in the art and design curriculum, the staff and young artists of Room 13 from two Fort William primary schools will look at contemporary art and how it helps raise contemporary issues in the classroom and others in the field of arts education in Scotland and beyond including Paul Dash, Goldsmiths, Graham Jeffery, Diarmuid McAuliffe and Katarzyna Kosmala from UWS. The GI artist Graham Fagen will also contribute to the event.

Follow this link for a booking form
£45 to include refreshments and a bus tour of the GI Festival.