Category Archives: Drama
New Gang Awareness Drama Workshop and topical Autumn production for schools
Divided City by Theresa Breslin: New Musical Version for Primary Schools
Register: (Glow log-in required)
Join Theresa Breslin and Elly Goodman of the Citizens Theatre as they offer a unique insight into the history of bringing this iconic book to the stage. Pupils and teachers will get the chance to ask Theresa and Elly questions about the play and the book and to find out more about this ground-breaking project. The Citizens Theatre has now staged three large scale musical theatre productions of Theresa Breslin’s Divided City, adapted for the stage by Martin Travers with an original score and songs by Claire McKenzie. More information about this Glow TV event is on the Education Scotland Learning Blog.
Tron Ambassador and Partner Schools Scheme
Tron Participation run a host of schemes for schools and pupils to get involved in;
Tron Skillshops
Drama classes for pupils P1 – S6. Weekly workshops held at the Tron Theatre for participants to explore the art of theatre making.
Interested in joining in the Autumn then be sure to come along and see the work the present groups have been making.
10th-12th April 7.30pm
P4-P7 + S1-S2
But Why?!
13th JUne 7.30pm
14th June 2.30pm
Tron Ambassadors
The Tron Ambassadors scheme gives S4-S6 school pupils the chance to be behind the scenes of a
working theatre. It enables them to make a deeper connection with the Tron Theatre and
gain a better understanding of the industry.
We are recruiting new Ambassadors for the 2014/15 term.
Tron Ambassadors will –
•Meet 1-2 times per month at the Tron Theatre (after school weekday meetings)
•Take part in tasks and challenges out with allocated Ambassador meetings
•Keep in contact via email with Tron Drama Officer on related tasks and challenges
•Take part in a variety of theatre workshops/master classes
•Attend Tron Shows
• Host Tweet Meets within the Tron Theatre linked to Tron productions
• Promote the Tron to friends and family
• Blog, tweet and post about the Ambassadors scheme, Tron shows and events
•Work as a team to create a Front of House event at Tron Skillshops show
Does this sound like something you would like to be involved in? If so, email to find out further information.
Partner Schools
This scheme allows Tron Participation to work closely with 2-3 schools each academic year and share our expertise. We work with schools within Glasgow and the surrounding local authorities.
The Partner schools programme is a mix of in school workshops, theatre trips and back stage tours. The partnership is hosted via Glow allowing us to keep in touch.
Would you be interested in being one of our partner schools for the 2014-15 academic year. If so contact Deborah on
Blue Blocks, Going to the Zoo and an orchestral Work-In-Progress
Blue Block Studio

Blue Block Studio is a space specially designed for babies under 24 months. It is a creative place for babies and their adults to listen, to explore, to build, to watch, to lie down, to look and to touch. See to check which community we’ll be visiting near you!
Performances of Yellow Valley, the musical-storytelling performance created for children aged 2-4 years which will accompany Blue Block Studio, are also on sale, and again more will be added over the coming weeks. See for more details and venues.
A Small Story
Dates for the Scottish tour of ‘a small story/ eine kleine gesichte’ our co-production with Berlin-based Theater o.N, are now on our website at with most venues now available to book!
The show is for children aged 2 and over and is all about the small stories which make up big stories life – love, marriage, babies, friendships, everything! It has been made by Andy Manley and Ania Michaelis with design by Fred Pommerehn and music by Danny Krass.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see this fabulous international performance!
Our Creative Skills Programme is in full swing! Early years practitioners in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Fife, Inverclyde and South Lanarkshire took part in a What is Creativity? session with Heather at the start of the year and have begun practical sessions delivered by Early Years artists. Sessions have been well attended with early years practitioners from a variety of settings, and early feedback is positive with a high percentage of participants having already started using skills and techniques they’ve learned in the sessions in their own practice.
The HNC Childcare students at Glasgow Kelvin College and Dumfries and Galloway College also continued their training, with music sessions led by Greg Sinclair. The students seem to have carried the same enthusiasm from last year’s sessions into the new year – long may it continue!
Expecting Something
We’re more than halfway through our second block of Expecting Something, our project with the Family Nurse Partnership Edinburgh and Lothians. In this block lead artist Sacha Kyle has been looking at the concept of there social and connected mother and baby, and our young mothers, babies and mothers-to-be, have been enjoying relaxing music and movement with various visiting artists. Our mums, their partners, friends or family are also looking forward to the last couple of sessions in this block, where we’ll be going on trips to Edinburgh Botanic Gardens and Edinburgh Zoo! All together now “We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, How about you, you, you…”
For more information on everything that Expecting Something have been up to see Sacha’s blog at
We’re getting closer and closer to the culmination of our Nickum project, in conjunction with the RSNO, and nursery and family centre venues in Aberdeen are now confirmed for the mini-tour of the work-in-progress Hup. Abi and Hazel, our lead artists, along with musicians Liz Lloyd and Andrew Huggan have only had one week of intensive rehearsals but already Hup is coming together and enthralled the 0-24 month audiences who saw shadings at Out of the Blue, Leith and Ashgrove Family Centre, Aberdeen.
To read all about Nickum and Hup see Hazel and Abi’s blog at
Junction 25 Teachers CPD Workshop
Teachers CPD Workshop
Sunday 30th March 2014 12-6pm
Tashi Gore and Gary Gardiner directors of the most recent Junction 25 show, i’d rather humble than hero lead a creative session designed for teachers and educators.
This one-day workshop aims to explore ways into the devising process alongside ideas of ownership and authorship in making original performance work with young people.
To book a space contact the Tramway box office on 0845 330 3501
Limited spaces available for £15/10
Refugee Week Scotland 2014
Community Celebrations Grant Application
Deadline: 3rd March – 5pm
At the Scottish Refugee Council we have been busy organising a very exciting programme for Refugee Week Scotland 2014! It will run from 16th – 22nd June in venues across the country, and we’d love for as many organisations as possible to get involved this year. The 2014 theme is ‘Welcome’, so we want you to have a think about how ‘welcome’ is shown in your community.
The SRC are awarding grants of £100 – £450 to help small community organisations to organise your own events as part of Refugee Week Scotland 2014. We strongly encourage you to apply and to spread the word to any other organisations or community groups that you think may be interested!
There are two files attached below – an Application Form and Grant Application Guidance Notes. Please read them both before applying! Receiving the grant from the SRC is unfortunately not guaranteed, so to make sure you are in the best position for acceptance, we urge you to read through these Guidance Notes thoroughly. We are looking for ideas that explore the theme – ‘Welcome’ – and discuss all the different things that this word can mean. For example, your activity could:
– Explore how welcome is shown in your community
– Encourage people to share their experiences of how welcome they have been made to feel here
– Encourage people to share experiences of how they have welcomed life in Scotland
Most importantly, you must demonstrate how your event will appeal to other communities and general public, and how you plan to involve them! The Community Celebration Events are the first step towards wide-scale understanding and integration among asylum seeker, refugee and local communities across the whole of Scotland. We want to know how your event will help this become a reality!
The deadline for submission is Monday 3rd March, 5pm. Please send all completed applications to
If you need help – we are happy to discuss any ideas and give advice where necessary – just email can also browse last year’s programme for inspiration.
Good luck!
Community Celebration Grant Application Form 2014
Community Celebration Grant Application Guidance Notes 2014 Final
The Tin Forest Light Up
The National Theatre of Scotland is asking you to make a Light Up Lantern out of junk, and join hundreds of others in your local community and around the world, to plant your lantern in a forgotten place. It might be a local park or derelict ground; it might be your garden or back court. What’s important is you plant it and share the moment when Spring arrives, with the promise of a flowering future.
So, anytime from Thursday 20th March, take a photo or video of your Light Up Lantern and your promise.
Then post it at OR tweet it with the hashtag #TinForest OR email it to
Drama CPD with David Farmer
Samantha Cedermark, a Primary Drama Teacher working at Crossford P.S. in Fife, is hoping to organise a Primary Teachers Drama CPD event in Edinburgh sometime in the Autumn of this year with David Farmer, author of several books on ideas for teaching Drama. The event would also be of use to Secondary Drama Teachers with regards to teaching S1 and S2.
If you are interested in attending this event please could you email Samantha on the address below so she can gauge potential interest