Category Archives: Creativity

Glow Meet: Big Book Brain Quiz 2012

Glow TV

Join us at The Rothes Halls in Glenrothes for the Big Book Brain Quiz Final 2012 organised by Fife Council Libraries Service!

P6 pupils from all over Fife are taking part on the 27th January…and those that can’t make it along on the day are signing up to participate in the event through a Glow Meet hosted by Fife’s Creative Learning Network.

Sign up here

MAIL Online article: PAUL McKENNA reveals.. How you can be just as creative as Walt Disney

Walt Disney- Mickey Mouse

“The only real limit on your creativity is your willingness to recognise it and put it to work for you.

That doesn’t mean you will suddenly be able to write songs or to paint masterpieces. It just means that you can tap into the creative force whenever and wherever you want, to solve problems and create new possibilities in your life and work.”

“Walt Disney was one of the most creative and innovative geniuses of the 20th century.

The power of Disney’s creativity strategy is that it makes full and separate use of the three stages of any creative process: daydreaming about possibility; taking action; and a healthy critique of the process, interrogating it to ensure what’s being created is worth creating.”

Paul McKenna

Read the full article online

Year of Creative Scotland 2012

“The Year of Creative Scotland 2012 is a unique opportunity to celebrate the huge strength of Scotland as a creative nation. Scotland’s talent reaches into every home and in the next year will play out on an international stage.”

Andrew Dixon, Chief Executive, Creative Scotland

“The Year of Creative Scotland is a chance to spotlight, celebrate and promote Scotland’s cultural and creative strengths on a world stage by encouraging the cultural and tourism sectors to work in closer partnership to enhance cultural tourism in Scotland. It marks the beginning of an exciting programme that will embrace London 2012 and celebrate Glasgow 2014 – as well as generate real momentum towards Homecoming 2014.”

Mike Cantlay, Chairman of VisitScotland


Remember to keep up to date with news on our FCLN glow group!

Children in Scotland have announced places still available at two training events…Nature Kindergartens: making a start…and…Transforming Early Years Spaces on a Shoestring…both on 8/2/12.

For further information or to book, please visit online at or contact by telephone on 0131 222 2446.

Fife’s creative resource inspiring all Scotland!

Marks on the Landscape is a resource available through Education Scotland to inspire creativity across the curriculum. It integrates creative skills with experiences and outcomes across a range of curriculum areas to support interdisciplinary learning. 

Creative Skills


The context for learning and teaching for this resource is Fife Earth, an ambitious land regeneration project. 

Fife Earth

“Fife Earth is a surface coal mine, three miles squared, being reclaimed as a huge project, but this is much more. Fife Earth is reclaiming and transforming this huge site into a celebration of art, creativity and of Scotland, its history, its achievements and its place in the world. It is art created by bulldozers. It is a vision driven by ambition, conceived by one man and being realised by many. ” 

From the essay ‘How big are your dreams?’ by David Cameron, Education Consultant 

Take a virtual tour of Fife Earth 

Visit Marks on the Landscape to find out more!