EXTENDED DEADLINE! PeachyKeen competition for Fife primary schools

PeachyKeen is the human energy company, based in Kirkcaldy, who designed and made the PeachyKeen Pod which is currently part of one of the exciting exhibits in MAC’s latest exhibition ‘The Kingdom of If – Art & Sustainability in Fife’ (see image below), organised by Fife Contemporary Art & Craft.

They would like to offer a fantastic opportunity to Fife primary schools to design some kind of useful device which has to be powered by a PeachyKeen Pod – no mains electricity allowed, just pedal power!  They would like pupils to submit a design and the winning idea will be built by PeachyKeen.

  • Children to design a purposeful device to be powered by a PeachyKeen Pod.
  • The device will use the electricity created by the human powered PeachyKeen Pod.
  • The actual device is completely open to the imagination.
  • Winning design will be built by PeachyKeen in partnership with the respective school.
  • Guidance criteria: Inventive, Healthy, Sustainable and good FUN.

If your school would like to take part, please click on the link below to download the application form

PeachyKeen competition form EXTENDED DEADLINE

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