Category Archives: OUR CLASS COMMUNITY!

Watch This Space!!

Primary 7V had a REALLY exciting day today! We interviewed Master Bailey who teaches Taekwondo. He teaches some of our pupils and came to school recently to take part in one of our Assemblies – it was GREAT!!

 We were keen to interview him for our Blog. When he agreed, we were really pleased and wanted to ask some great questions, so we spent some time with our ‘shoulder partners’ brainstorming ideas. We shared our questions with others in the class until we were happy with 5 good questions. We also made up an introduction ………..

The video is uploading now (it was too big for ‘jumpcut’ so is uploading on ‘Google Videos’ which takes a bit longer).

There’s also a ‘Bonus Video’ of a taekwondo demonstration by some volunteers from P7V.

Check out our next post to view!!


Welcome to Carronshore Mrs Paton!

Mrs P is going to be with us for the next 5 weeks. Today was her first visit to Carronshore P.S. We all spent a lovely (but very busy!) day together. We took some time to interview Mrs P so that we could get to know her better. We picked some names out of a hat to decide which 4 pupils would have the job of making up questions to ask her.

You can listen to the interview by clicking on the icon below


Monica on the Keyboard

 Today, Monica played the keyboard for us. She has been going to Keyboard lessons and was keen to show us what she had learned.

We also wanted to practise making a video. Darren was chosen to be the ‘cameraman’. As a class, we uploaded the video on to ‘Jumpcut‘. There were lots of editing tools to play around with, too. We didn’t have lots of time to play around, but we’ll certainly experiment with it again!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="408" height="324" wmode="transparent" /]

Primary School – High School Link!!

 Today we had some visitors from Larbert High School.

Mark, Connie and Sophie popped in to see us. They were in P7V last session. We wanted to know how they were getting on in High School so Nina and Bethany interviewed them hoping to make a podcast for the Blog.

We ran out of time before the podcast could be published, so I completed it for them …… I hope they don’t mind that I used Voki to ‘spice it up’ a bit .

Press the little arrow to listen.


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="300" height="400" wmode="transparent" /]

Thumbs up to Anna's mum …. and to 'Voicethread'!

Anna wrote a great post describing her cheerleading hobby ….. and her mum read it at work and left this lovely comment: 

Hi Anna,

Love reading your blog while I am at work,

Love Mum xx

Anna discovered it at school on Friday while we were writing our ‘Bio Poems’. It was VERY exciting! You can visit Anna’s Blog HERE  … and thank you, Anna, for the lovely poem 😉

Maybe more mums, dads, grans, grandads, uncles, aunties etc will start to add comments. We’re going to have an evening workshop on the 2nd of October to show them how easy it is (and to tell them about some other cool stuff we’ve been doing!)

I’ve also been playing around with Voicethread. I hope it works in school! Press the play button below to see an example …. made it in a rush but it seems to have potential 😀

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="480" height="360" wmode="transparent" /]

Our Bio Poems – Thanks Sandaig Primary :)


Thank You Sandaig Otters (we ‘borrowed’ this picture from their blog!)

Sandaig Primary gave us the idea to write these super poems!

Here’s Courtney’s poem:

Happy, crazy, mad, and a good friend.
Daughter of Nettie, sister of Chelsea.
Lover of animals, chocolate and more.
Who feels happy when with friends and family.
Who needs fun and laughter.
Who gives chocolate and friendship and bad imformation.
Who fears the Dark.
Who likes to see her friends.
Who lives in falkirk in scotland.

Stuart wrote:

Sometimes happy, sad and excited.
Son of Heather, brother of Carrone and Lauren
Lover of football, golf and rugby
Who feels happy when playing with friends
Who needs privacy from his sisters and a lock on his door
Who gives love to his family
Who fears rottweilers and scary movies and his sister in the dark
Who likes to have chocolate for desert
Who lives in Falkirk, Scotland, UK

Please visit all our individual blogs at and read some more. Let us know what you think!

Our Wall Display Posters

At the beginning of the term, Primary 7V were asked to come up with ideas for wall displays. The classroom is now beginning to look great. Every group came up with very ‘ECO’ friendly posters. It’s great that they wanted to share important messages like looking after ourselves and our planet. You can see the posters in the slideshow below. Just press the little arrow to view. 

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="408" height="324" wmode="transparent" /]

Our Hobbies

Myspace Graffiti Text -

Primary 7 have had their individual blogs for almost a week now. Up until now, they have been getting used to them and have been experimenting with all the ‘buttons’ and ‘widgets’, etc.

For homework this week, they were asked to write about a hobby. They were given the choice of writing in their homework jotters on on their new blog.

Already, some of them felt confident enough to write directly on to their blog. Click on the names below to have a look. Feel free to leave a comment on their new blogs (although these might not appear straight away!)

Courtney is a member of the scouts

Sophie loves Art

Anna enjoys cheerleading

Chloe’s hobby is dancing

Andrew is a scout (but he likes wrestling, too)

Rhiann dances every Saturday

Russell’s hobby is rugby

Kieran S loves to ride his bike

Monica plays the keyboard. Maybe we could record her playing it and put it on the blog??

A Busy Week!

 What a busy 4 days we’ve had. You can visit the new Individual Blogs by clicking here

It made me smile when I read Nina’s post on her new blog. She wrote,

‘Hello,my name is Nina and i am in P7V at Carronshore Primary School.I think P7 so far is good we are not doing an awful lot of work though.’

I think you all worked VERY hard! In just 4 days:

  • You produced ‘wow factor’ wall displays (photos on here soon!)

  • Everyone can now log in to their individual blog, change their password, add sidebar widgets, write a post, comment on other blogs, change the themes …. and more!

  • Some pupils can now use the mp3 players and make podcasts using ‘Audacity’. Their Vokis look great!

  • We made a start on the ‘Australia Topic’.

  • You had Music, Art and French …… and loads more, too!

Next week the formal timetable begins …. maths all Monday morning – I’ll try not to make it seem too much like hard work!

Here’s a wee reminder of week 1!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="432" height="250" wmode="transparent" /]

News From Larbert High!

Danni, who left Carronshore to go on to Larbert High School, has posted a lovely comment on this blog. You can read it below:

“Hi Mrs Vass I had a great day at high school it’s brilliant. I love high school and all the new things you can do!! P7 I hope you have a great year in p7 It’s probably the best level in primary school . Enjoy p7 and make the blog as good as you can! I think you will love going to high school and it’s not scary at all but you might have nerves , on the first few day but it will go away after you meet loads more friends!!
Make the last year the best year at primary!!
From Danni
I like your ideas Mrs Vass and I wont forget you!!”

We hope that Danni keeps in touch and that she can find the time to post on her blog so that we can follow her progress in High School!

Marc has already added a post to his blog to let us know how things are going. You can read it here:

It was my first day back at school and it was really good. It was scary on the first day. I had lots of subjects and lots of nice teachers. I hope I like Larbert High School for the rest of my years their. I’m missing Carronshore P.S already I will keep on blogging when i’m in High School. Hope to speak to you soon, bye. )

Maybe our new Primary 7 have some questions they’d like to ask you both 🙂 

Computer Use

Yesterday was our first day in Primary 7 and we brainstormed on paper how we use computers at home and at school. We rated the programmes on a scale from 1 to 5. 1 meant we didn’t rate it very much, 5 meant it was great. Adam’s is shown below.


We all agreed that, in general, we enjoyed using our computers at home more than at school. We wrote statements to add more information.

Adam wrote, “The reason the computer at home is better than the computer at school is because nothing is blocked.”

Rhiann wrote, “The stuff we have to do at school on the computers is a bit boring so I think home is better.”

Nobody enjoyed using computers at school as much as they did at home ……… oh dear! I wonder how we can change that!


 I’ve had a very relaxing break and I feel rejuvenated – check out my message below to see how I’ve benefited from the rest. You’ll hardly recognise me 😉

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="300" height="400" wmode="transparent" /]

…….. and welcome back, too, to all our Blogging friends from around the globe. I’m looking forward to the completion of our ‘Australia Topic Wiki’ project carried over from last session – our first priority!

I’m almost at the end of my Charter Teacher course – has it really been 4 years already? I’m hoping to complete it this year …… with your help, Primary 7. I’ve decided to write about our use of Blogs and Wikis and I would like you to take more control over how we use them. I’ve been thinking about some projects and I’ve listed them below.

  • How about a School Magazine? Click HERE to see rough example of what I have in mind.

  • An ‘All About Carronshore’ wiki that anyone can edit and add to sounds like it could be interesting and could involve pupils, parents as well as others in the community. I’ve set one up HERE

  • Finally, what about the idea of a ‘Passion Project’? I read about this in another school blog, but I’m sorry that I can’t remember where! The idea is that you ‘blog’ about anything you are really passionate about and gather as much information about the subject as you can. You’ll then share it with the rest of the class by presenting the information on our interactive whiteboard.

 These are a few ideas to get us started this session. I hope there’s something there to interest you 🙂

Some Messages From Around the World

 Kayleigh, who left Carronshore with her family to live in Australia, has posted a new comment on her blog. I’ve copied the pictures from her blog and pasted them here.


here are pictures of austraila hope u like them


some kangaroos     me and logan         me and taylar

                                                         on our first day

                                                          of    school

You can leave Kayliegh a message on her blog HERE.

Miss Jones is back home in Arkansas. She left a comment on our Very Scottish Farewell post. I’ve copied it below ….. she’s still not convinced that Haggis is yummy! 🙂

  1. Miss Jones Says:
    July 12th, 2007 at 5:14 pm Hiya P7V!! I don’t know if ya’ll will keep checking this now that ya’ll are moving on to High School, but I thought I would give it a shot. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday! I am back home in Arkansas, and wishing I was back in Scotland! I miss ya’ll so much and I hope we can stay in touch. Thank you for my wonderful Scottish Farewell Party! Ya’ll are so talented! I loved every bit of it…except the Haggis part ) I miss ya’ll!

Some Thank You Messages!!

 Thanks for the Blogging

Thank You Allstars in Australia for your lovely message! It’s been great having you as ‘blogging pals’. You all worked so hard with us on our Australia wiki project. It’s looks good but we didn’t have time to complete it ……… that’s the first job for the new primary 7’s!!!

I’ll keep an eye on your blogs over the summer to find out what cool new things you get up to!

Thank you, too, P7 at Loirston, Dingwall Videos, Sandaig Primary just to mention a few!!

A big ‘Thank You’ also to all of Primary 7V!! We had a lovely last day on Friday. Marc and Jeanan have ‘blogged’ about it.

 We’ve had a fantastic session, learning together about blogs and wikis ……. and flickr, and bubbleshare, and rock you, and so many other cool new things. Every day seemed to bring a new adventure. We’ve come such a long way from making that first blog post last September. I’ve copied it below!!

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Our first Blog! I’m hoping to use this weblog to provide a link between the school, the pupils in my class and their parents. I hope that the parents will contribute by commenting on the children’s work and that the pupils will comment on each others’ work. Primary 7V have been learning to assess each others’ writing in a way at is both constructive and non-offenive, using ‘2 stars and a wish’ . . . . more information will follow!

Have a great summer …. and, Primary 7V, please keep in touch by posting about all your adventures at High School 🙂

A Very Scottish Farewell!!


Two student teachers from Arkansas visited our school for 4 weeks. Miss Jones spent her time with us in Primary 7V. Miss Walker was in Primary 6W/N. The classes got together to give them a farewell party – Scottish style. There was dancing, poetry, singing ….. and Haggis, Neeps and Tatties (and Irn Bru of course!)


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="320" height="240" wmode="transparent" /]

P7v Back At Carronshore…..With More Thoughts On Their LHS Visit. Thank You, Marc, For The Photo Show!


 [rockyou 73294465]


‘Heyah World !x!

I loved Larbert High, it has been one of my  best experiences. I made a lot of cool new friends……….

 I enjoyed all my new subjects like health food and technology. I also liked all my new teachers such as Miss Buckley. Larbert high is the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can’t wait to go !!’



‘The high school was great! The lessons were really good and fun. My favourite lesson was music, we got to play on some keyboards, had a shot at some samba drums and normal drums. The lunches were very cheap and there was a big selection of what to eat.



‘We were all pretty nervous about going up into the high school about meeting new friends and teachers, but it was all fine when we got there and my favourite subjects are science,music and P.E. I am now looking forward to going up to the high school after the summer holidays.’



‘I think Larbert High  is great, I made lot’s of new friends. Larbert high is a very big school it is one of the biggest schools in Scotland.’



‘Yesterday was the last day of our 3 day visit to Larbert High School I really enjoyed it. I was sad to leave

                 There is loads more subjects to choose from and we got to try most of the subjects it was really fun I made a new friend called Christopher from Stenhousemuir primary. I cant wait to go back in the summer i wish i was there now

(Jamie D)


‘I loved my three day visit at Larbert High School. Especially meeting my new friends, meeting my new teachers and doing fun things with them. I was scared incase i got lost and scared that i was going to be late. I really enjoyed Larbert High School and cant wait to go in August !x!’


P7V Are Ready To Move On!

 Thanks, Jeanan!

I think that your most recent post probably describes the feelings of all of the P7’s after the three day visit to the High School. I’ll really miss you, but I’m so glad that you all had such a great time and that you’re all ready to ‘move on’. 

I’ve included your post below …..


 … and don’t forget that we have a wiki project to complete before you all go   –

back to work tomorrow!! 🙂


Jeanan’s Blog

My blog all about school!!

My Last Day at LHS !

Posted in Uncategorized at 7:36 pm by Jeanan

Well today was a very good day but also quite sad as it was my last day. I have met alot of new people like Hayley, Garry, matt, robert, Jordan, Andrew & alot more. I cant wait to go back to LHS after the holidays. I am not scared or nervous, I am excited about going to LHS now. We only have about 2 weeks left of primay school then we are having our summer holidays then its off to high school. Bye talk to you all soon and please keep on leaving me comments please.


Primary 7 Induction …. Day 2 Report!

It’s the second induction day at Larbert High School….. and Jeanan says it’s getting even easier!! Tessie found her first day at the ‘hub’ quite confusing.

I can’t wait to read the posts about their final ‘induction’ visits!!

You can read the ‘Day 2’ reports below!

Jeanan’s Blog

My blog all about school!!


Day 2 !x!

Posted in Uncategorized at 7:19 pm by Jeanan

Today was our second day at high school and it was much easier to work out where we were going at what time. Today I had english, I.C.T, music, french, P.E & Chemistry. My favourite subject today was I.C.T. I also made new friends from different schools but I still hang around with my friends from my school. I will talk to you tomorrow to tell you about my last day at high school before the summer. Bye xx

first day at larbert high school (lhs)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tessie at 6:23 pm on Tuesday, June 12, 2007

well today we went to larebrt high school (lhs) we got to make our own way there but some schools had to walk with their teacher! how embarrassing! we got there and then we waited for the teachers. after that we went into the assmbly hall and got a talk and then a presntation about school uniform. after that we had our classes. for second period i had french. as i read my timetable i though ‘oh noooooo’ but it was really good. the teacher was really nice and she chatted to us and asked us some questions. then we played a couple of games on the smart board *interactive white board* and did a wordsearch. it was good. then it was break time and we got juice and crisps. yum yum. after that we did classes. i had p.e. we just got a tour and got told about the p.e lessons. i have p.e again tomorrow. we are doing fitness :S after that it was lunchtime. a confusing nightmare. we had to line up and put money on our card which was easy. but then we went to the hub *dinner hall* and we got told to get a drink. easy. but then if you went and said can i have a burger please she would say something about do you have a meal deal drink. and i was like what??? it was weird. but i got a burger, a fruit salad and a bottle of water. my friend zoe only got a cereal bar and i was shocked! we went outside and i just went round and said hi to people i knew. then i saw a huge group of people coming out of the ashy. i went over and nathan had fell and REALLY hurt his nose. it was bleeding rly bad. i got worried about him but i think he is alright now. after lunch we had first day activitys. first harris went to the carrongrange hall and watched a presentation about eco schools. then we went to the games hall and played team games. that was fun because the prefects mandy and phoebe were gettin rly excited and involved! then we watched a show by the second years about skl uniform.  after that we had another talk and then we got dismissed. watch this space for more about lhs