A Very Scottish Farewell!!


Two student teachers from Arkansas visited our school for 4 weeks. Miss Jones spent her time with us in Primary 7V. Miss Walker was in Primary 6W/N. The classes got together to give them a farewell party – Scottish style. There was dancing, poetry, singing ….. and Haggis, Neeps and Tatties (and Irn Bru of course!)


[kml_flashembed movie="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=4705403833359706050" width="320" height="240" wmode="transparent" /]

2 thoughts on “A Very Scottish Farewell!!”

  1. Hiya P7V!! I don’t know if ya’ll will keep checking this now that ya’ll are moving on to High School, but I thought I would give it a shot. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday! I am back home in Arkansas, and wishing I was back in Scotland! I miss ya’ll so much and I hope we can stay in touch. Thank you for my wonderful Scottish Farewell Party! Ya’ll are so talented! I loved every bit of it…except the Haggis part 🙂 I miss ya’ll!

  2. Hi there!
    I hear there were lots of tears from all the pupils as you drove away from the school!
    We’re STILL waiting for summer to arrive here …. but enjoying the long holiday anyway
    I’ll ‘spread the word’ about your comment. It would be great to keep in touch (maybe you could set up a blog for your new class in Arkansas and keep in touch that way??)
    Did you enjoy your visit to the other European countries?

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