Category Archives: OUR CLASS COMMUNITY!

The Visit From The Bookbinder!

bookbinder linkIt was well worth the wait!!

A couple of months ago, we wrote letters to a local Bookbinder. He replied and offered to come to visit our class to show us what sort of things Tom Valentine Bookbinders does. This prospect inspired us to write our own books and we linked to some of them in a blog post. You can read the post by clicking HERE

When Louis visited our class on Friday, we were all amazed and delighted that he’d read all our finished stories … and had made them into real books – we’re going to design our own illustrations for the front covers. We’ll post pictures of them on here soon.

Here’s what Kian and Andrew said about the visit:

“We had a very exciting day! Mr Valentine came in and gave a demonstration on how to bind books. He talked about how paper has developed through the years. At the start people scratched on rocks, then the Ancient Romans invented tablet things to write on. After that the Egyptions invented Papyrus made from reeds. Next people copied papyrus and made a scroll. Then the japanese invented paper made from grass. After that the Japanese invented the first notebook.

He then told us about what skills you need to be a Bookbinder. There was reading, listening, patience, spelling, imagination, maths, communication skills and you had to be good working with your hands. As you can see there are a lot of skills you need to become a Bookbinder.

Next Mr Valentine told us about the tools and leather you use. Did you know that the glue is melted animal fat!?”

We looked at the pictures we took and tried to remember some of the things we learned. Press play and have a listen.

A Wonderful Writing Opportunity!

book letter small 

A few weeks ago, we all wrote letters to a local Bookbinding company .

We’re so excited that they’ve written a letter back to us saying that they would like to come to our school and show us how to bind books so that they can be published.

They didn’t just reply to our letters, though – they took the time to display them in a beautiful leather-bound book with gold lettering 🙂

book small 1

When they come to visit us, we’ll want to show them that we have great story ideas and we’ve all been very busy writing books. Some of us have been writing them on paper, and others have been writing them on our new wikispaces.

Andrew loves his new wikispace and he wrote about it on his Glow Blog.

You can read his Glow Blog post by clicking HERE .

 You can also read the start of his story on his ‘my stories’ page on his wiki:

Here are links to two more of our story pages on our new wikis:

Check back soon and read about how our stories are being updated.

Our next post will be about some of the things we do outside of school … some of it might impress you 🙂

Getting To Know Primary 6V

weemee cubeIn Primary 6V, we all have our own Glow blogs. You can find links to them HERE . If you read them, you’ll find out lots of things about what we do inside and outside school.

This post is about some of the books we like to read. We like our new reading books so much that some of us decided to write reviews about them on our Glow blogs.

You can check out Anna’s review on a Margaret Ryan book by clicking on her weemee anna . She gives it 9 out of 10, so it sounds like a good read 🙂

The book that Mason has just read comes with a warning that it contains some strong language but he still recommends it for Primary 6 stage. Have a look at what he has to say by following the link to his blog post about it mason .

The third book review is by Natasha. She gives her book seven out of ten – but she doesn’t give too much away just in case you want to try reading the book for yourself 🙂 . Check out Natasha’s review by clikcking on her weemee natasham

If anyone out there has read any of these books, we’d love to hear what you think about them. Leave us a comment and let us know if you agree or disagree with our reviews … and check back often to read about what else we write about on our Glow blogs.

Hello Edublogs

 Recently, we told everyone that P7V have moved their

individual blogs  

from learnerblogs to edublogs 

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P7V are still finding their way around their new ‘homes’, but some of them have still found the time to add some great new posts. Just click on their wemmees.

Check them out below!

hit (24k image)




So it’s goodbye learnerblogs

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…….. and HELLO edublogs

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 Rhiann took the time to make her jumpcut movie.


…… and we’d like to say a big welcome to Katherine who joined our class just last week 🙂

World of Work Series – Becoming a Writer .. 2

mr-white1.jpg Facts we learned about becoming a writer – by Anna, Nina and Monica (photograph by Russell).

  • Proof Readers check your work, but they don’t read the book from ‘cover to cover’ in case they get too caught up in the story and miss any mistakes. So they start from the back of the book instead

  • It’s much easier to write a book now that we have computers. Before that, the writer used a typewriter and printed off the story and the printer had to re-type everything

  • You need to find somebody to publish your book

  • There are different ways of binding a book. Mr White’s newest book has the most expensive method. Cheaper, older methods can mean that the book falls apart easily

  • It takes about a year to write a book but the book Mr White is writing this year may only take a few months as it as not as long as his others

  • He has written  loads of books and has a previous one coming out.This one will be about a mystery story and it sounds quite good.It is set in Grangemouth,Falkirk and is a story about a murder 

  • He also in his spare time writes for The Times. He has wrote a set of books all about Falkirk Football Club throughout the ages. His set of books started of with Volume 1 and is still writing the other sequels

  • His two books the 50th anniversary and the Big book of lists are both ringbinders.You can see them on our class blog!(the post down below)

  •  We would like to thank Mr White for coming and telling us about his book.It was an interesting talk and we learned loads.

The World of Work Series …. Becoming a Writer

Mr White came to talk to us today about his job as a writer. His books are about the history of Falkirk Football Club Players …… ‘The Brockville Bairns’!




It’s really exciting, because he left us 3 signed copies of his latest book. We’re going to have a competition to determine the lucky winners!!

He also left copies of 2 earlier books written by him – all the books he left for us are pictured below.




He took the time to sign the books for us 🙂


The books tell the story of Falkirk Football Club.


Nina, Anna and Monica are going to write a post about what they learned today.

It will appear on here soon 😀

The 'World of Work' series …….more on John's photographs

Yesterday, John told us about a photograph he was glad to have taken. He explained how he happened to be in a position to be able to capture the moment.

Isn’t it great!!!!


copyright of JSP-photography & John Summers.

P7V are on holiday today … but the teachers have to work 🙁

 …… It wasn’t ALL bad, though, because John’s mum is a teacher in our school and she told me that he has his own website where more of his pictures are displayed. You can visit it HERE.

John has offered to come back and give us some more tips on how to take a good photograph. Meanwhile, you can look out for some of the pictures taken by P7V yesterday when we went outside to experiment with our new fancy camera!

We’ll post some on our Photo-a-Day blog soon 😀

The World of Work series … Photography!


John came to school to talk to us about photography. Last session’s primary 7 class met John when he helped us with our Photo-a-Day project.


This year’s P7’s are going to re-start this project – and we’re in the process of electing photographers, writers and editors.

Some P7’s have been blogging about John’s visit. Anna wrote:

‘Today we had John Summers in. He is a photographer and a very good 1 at that! It was so koooooool! He let a little group go out and take pictures in the playground they were really good.I liked courtneys 1 with the sky in it and russell’s 1 when he was taking a pic of courtney  and she was taking a pic of him across the bench D I was thinking maby i could be a Fashion Photographer?Cause they are 2 of my fav i found out about photography and it was good.’

Courtney also put on a blog post. She wrote:

‘Hi today we had John in. he was talking about Photos as he is a photographer – he was nice and i was really interested as i Kinda want t be one when i’m older. I have learned sooo much …..’

He gave is a copy of a photograph he’s particularly proud of … we’ll post it tomorrow – it’s super!!

Scottish Poem Competition

Carronshore Primary School and Carron Primary School have a traditional ‘Scottish Poetry’ competition every year around this time. We invite the Higginsneuk Burns Club to judge the entries.

It’s always VERY tense waiting for the winning Primary School to be announced!


…………… and the winner this year was – Carron Primary School!! Well done to all of them – they were great 🙂

 Carronshore were the hosts this time and we provided some great entertainment while the judges counted up their scores. Although it’s a poetry competition, the ‘interval entertainment’ gives lots of pupils the opportunity to show off their talents.  

Aimee from Carronshore’s Primary 6W/N had the audience captivated by her fantastic dancing display!


The World of Work!

 Recently Primary 7V have been ‘blogging’ about what jobs they might like to have in the future.

 Maryam posted this on her blog in January:

“I’ve been thinking of being a book writer. Well, i dont know yet but i love reading books and i always like writing stories. I might start writing more on my wiki.  My room has quite alot of books flooding everywhere. …… “

 Ainsley  also wants to be a writer. She wrote:

“i just love reading books, i dont know why, i just love it. I love to write stories and read stories. When i am older i want to become a writer and write lots of things ( but i dont know yet what i am going to write) ……..”

Nina wrote a super post about the decisions we have to make in life. You can read some of it here:

“Decisions. There is so much decisions in life there right in front of you, some are hard and some are easy (i tend to ask for advice on the hard).

…… But the one thing that is the hardest i think is what your career should be. Well when we were young we all wanted to be heroes and heroines like firemen, Police, Vets, doctor, teachers, dancers and more. But when you get older you start to think more about this. I’m not old enough to get a job yet of course but it just makes me think.

……. Here are a few jobs i’d like to do and why. Well my first one is a Journalist i’d like to do this because i like to find out things and it would be interesting and i think i’m alright at writing. I’d like to get in touch with a newspaper and get better at my writing…….”

Anna also wrote a post:

“…………Well when i’m older i really want to be something along the lines of a Journalist. (eg;Fashion magazine editor;Write:Journalist) That kinda stuff. ….

We are really lucky, because Mrs Hart’s daughter is a Journalist. We asked her if we could interview her about her job. You can watch the interview below.


Sometimes ‘Google Video’ doesn’t work in school, so we’ve uploaded it to ‘TeacherTube’, too  – but the quality and the sound isn’t as good 🙁

Download Video: Posted by carronshore at

Hopefully, we’ll be able to get some more information about ‘The World of Work’ soon. Here are some more of our thoughts …

Russell wants to be a policeman like his dad. He wrote:

“…… When i grow up i would either like to be a normal police officer which is like solving crimes and stuff. Or in the traffic police, which is like catching speeders and arriving at motorway accidents or illegal number plates. Or be in the armed responce unit which are the police with guns and go to accident which suspects are armed….”

Bethany is going to ‘go with the flow’ – she wrote:

“…… I also used to want to be either a vet or a teacher until i found out that being a vet can involve putting animals down.:( ! A teacher i am still considering with about a million other jobs).

If you think about it there is so much out there so i will just have to go with the flow and see what life throws at me!”

Monica joined in, too, with this post:

“When i am older i would like to become a singer. I would go on the X factor. I have always been quite shy. So that would be a thing i would need to work on…..”

Does anyone know Leon? …. or any other famous singers who might be willing to come and be interviewed 😀

A Very Scottish Day!!


Today in school, we celebrated everything Scottish!

There was poetry, dance …… and some drama, too! We had a fantastic afternoon (shortbread and irn bru as well!)

Before we all met in our school hall, Primary 7V had a practice in the classroom and we recorded some of the action on video.

First of all, Jaydean acted out her ‘Stageworks’ performance ……….

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Next,our ‘Wee Malkies’ and the poor women they ‘tormented’ made an appearance. Thanks to Miss Law for all her ideas and help with this performance 🙂  

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Ashleigh entertained us with her wonderful Scottish Dancing display!!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /]

Everyone agreed that the whole afternoon was a superb success ……. well done ALL of Primary 7 😀


The Story of Flt. Sgt. Tom "Chalky" White.


Mr White came to talk to us today about his Dad’s role in World War 2. It was so interesting to listen to his Dad’s story .


We interviewed Mr. White after his talk to find out more!

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We also found out that Mr White has written 6 books. We have invited him back to talk again because some of primary 7V think that they might want to be writers too!


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Mr White showed us his Dad’s Medal from World War 2.

It’s worth a lot of money, but Mr White said that his family can’t part with it!!



Fraser M. Goes Back In Time :)

Fraser interviewed his Grandad ……… thank you Fraser’s Grandad! We learned so much from you 🙂

Click on Fraser’s ‘weemee’ to hear his interview with his Grandad.



We’re also learning some Scottish poems. Fraser’s is called ‘Heh Granny’ ……… more poems to follow 🙂 

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Come Back In Time With Us :)


Primary 7V are having a wonderful time listening to how times have changed over the years!

Life is very different now ……… click on the ‘weemee’ images below to be taken back in time.

Some memories go back to the 1930’s!

We wrote thank you letters today to show how much we appreciate the time taken to record these memories …………. and there’s lots more to come, too, so stay tuned 🙂

Please remember that the wee ‘mp3 icons’ don’t work – click on the images instead (be patient …… it’s really worth waiting for the podcasts to load!)









Who Did We Think We Were?

We are going to be learning about life during WW2. Before we do that we wanted to get a sense of history, so we made up interview questions to ask an older person in our family. Some of us interviewed our mums or dads, some interviewed grans, grandads … even great grans and grandads.

We want to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to them all ………. we learned loads listening to what life was like in the past!!

We’ve included just a few of them here ………. but promise lots more great interviews to follow in our next few posts.

Click on the ‘weemee’ pics below to take you to the interviews.

The wee ‘mp3 icons’ don’t work – just ignore them 🙂

weecourtneya3.png                                             weeninam.png


Our Plays …….

 Primary 7V worked very hard to convert their stories into playscripts…. and then into plays!  They’re really keen to see the final results!

Have a look at the first to get published!!!!

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Our Plays

In school we have been making small movies up. We got into groups and came up with a few ideas. Then we brainstormed what would happen. Mrs Vass and the class then commented on your different plays and then we changed the bits our classmates were unsure about. Then we went up-to the costume room that they used for accent on schools and we picked out our clothes but we did not take them.We then showed Miss Law who is a student teacher our plays in our groups she decided if it was ok or not.We fixed our plays then showed our class.Then we changed our stories into scripts for a writing lesson.Then we showed our plays again.In the future weekswe will be videoing them and they might go on the blog!movie1.jpg

By Monica and Darcie. Visit our blogs by clicking on our weemees.

monicathumbnail.png                 darciewthumbnail.png

World War II

We are doing World War II for our topic at school.We had done a bit before but the teacher said that we would be doing it agian after the Christmas holidays.We have now started it agian.Our teacher, Mrs Vass, gave us a letter home about going on a trip to the Calendar House Workshop for a trip.P7V’s class ( the class i am in ) are going on the 22nd and the other P7K/S Are going on the 29th.We are going to come back at lunchtime then.Our art teacher , Mrs Williamson, She has planned on making some World War II scenes.We are hoping on doing well.Some people in my class are thinking World War II is a bit boring because its all black and white.Well,at least it might be fun!

By Maryam

Click on my weemee to visit my blog. maryamsthumbnail.png

Enchanted review

We have both decided to write a review on the film Enchanted. We have both been to see it at the cinema and agree its a fabulous film. If you like singing princesses,humor,love and action this is your film. We have decieded to give it ***** and 9/10. The film starts off as a cartoon when Princess Giselle(Amy Adams)  and Prince Edward(James Marsden) are going to get married but the evil step mother Queen Narissa ( susan sarandon) gets in the way by sending Giselle to New York City-certainly not a cartoon!Giselle meets a man called Robert(Patrick Dempsey) and his daughter Morgan(Rachel Covey). He looks after her and gets into a lot of fun but Roberts grlfriend who he is planning to propose  to Nancy Termaine (Idina Menzel)  doesn’t like Giselle. Edward misses his true love Giselle and comes to get her with Giselle’s best animal friend-the chipmunk Pip(Jeff Bennet & Kevin Lima)! He gets into a lot of trouble with the people. Queen Narissa does not want Edward to meet Giselle cause she wants to be queen so she sends her servant Nathaniel(Timothy Spall) to try and poison Giselle with apples. Nathaniel is unsuccessful and he is nasty Pip. So Queen Narissa comes herself and tries to give Giselle the apple. This ends up in a bit of a disaster and you can see it for yourself and the rest of the film at your nearest cinema. So get down there!

By Bethany & Nina


We got these pictures from google images.

Here’s a link to a video we got.

You can visit our own blogs by clicking on our Weemees

weebethanyr.png  Bethany’s blog

ninamthumbnail.png   Nina’s blog

Primary 7V Have Been Very Busy!


It’s been quiet on our class blog for a while, but there’s been lots of activity going on in the P7 Individual Blogs and in the P7 Wonderful Wiki Spaces!! In class today, we decided that these activities should be shared on this class blog on a regular basis. Some have been writing about hopes for 2008, some have been writing reviews on games, etc.

…….. and recently some of the P7’s chose to write imaginative stories on their wikis or blogs.

‘Tasters’ are included here.

Story 1:

…… Ava Dun went to North Village High school in Orlando, Florida. Ava was a normal 16 year old girl but something very unusual happened to her and her best friends.

           One extremely stormy day 16 year old Ava Dun was in her room very bored as all her friends had something on, like her best friend Carla who was at dancing lessons and her other best friend Grace who was babysitting her 6 year old little sister. So while Ava’s friends were busy, she lay on her bed looking at the ceiling daydreaming. Then Ava had an idea! She decided she would look through all her clothes, shoes and accessories and see if she could give any away to charity. Just as ava started to look through all her clothes her phone rang so she walked to her bedside table,picked up her phone and answered it. “Hello,” Ava said into the phone.

“Hey!” Replied Carla.

“How was dancing?” asked Ava.

“Good!” Carla said enthusiasticly, “I learned a whole new dance and i was wondering if i could come over and show you it?”

“I think that would be ok. My room is a bit messy though as i started to clear out my clothes to give to charity,” Ava murmered.

“Its fine, my room is the same except i don’t have an excuse for mine to be messy!” Carla giggled, ” Will i just get my mum to drop me off just now or would you rather i come over later?”

“Whenever you’re ready,” said Ava breezily, “See you soon!”

“Bye!” replied Carla.

              Ava hung up and then walked over to the sea of clothes on her bed and started to look through them. Wow Ava thought i never realised how much clothes i had. Ava had eventually gone through the whole pile and she was absolutley shattered…………..

Click on the ‘weeme’ below to


Story 2: 

I was sitting on my bed listening to music because it was raining outside so I had nothing to do. I watch the raindrops slide down the window and thought; this is such a boring day. Then I decided to play a game. I went to my closet and opened the door. After that I looked for a game but there was an egg on top of the game I wanted to play. This was no ordinary egg. It had fancy patterns, it had a crystal on the top and it had diamonds round the middle. It was twice the size of an egg a chicken would lay. Then suddenly it began to crack and out came a dragon no bigger than a shoe. I called my brother through and he was stunned. He nearly fainted. “What will I do with it?” I asked in disbelief” “We could keep him as a pet and not let mum and dad know.” He said with sparkling eyes.

…………. want read how it ends? Click on the ‘weeme’ below!


Story 3:

It all started one Saturday morning when I got up and got my self ready. I had nothing to do so I decided to see what games I could play I had a good look and all the games i had were boring and i had already played millions of times.

I went out for a walk to the park.When I got to the park I fell of the swing and landed on the turf.When before my eyes fell a manual for something.I looked at the front cover and it said THE GAME!.I opened it up and it had characters, just then my friend came running over to me.He said whats that, I then explained to him what it was .We both opened it again to the characters and one of them was me and another one was him.We were both amazed  at this book when all of a sudden WOOSH! we had been somehow warped into the game.We both looked at each other and we had taekwondo suits on and we were both white belts.

Lots of enimies came from every where and each level getting harder oponents to fight and we were moving up belts.It was gettin tough when we became black tags because we were against six black belts.After all that we got medals for winning the game and we became black belts and WOOSH! we were back at the park.We heard our parents calling us for dinner and I said,”I could do with a bite to eat”                                              


If you want to read more of Russell’s blog posts, click on his weeme below 🙂


 Story 4 :

My story called Help

Here is a story about a girl who got very scared about really nothing in a way……………….jessica is a girl who lives in america .She used to live in Scotland but she moved as her dad got offered a job in america so they went.Jessica really didn’t want to go at first but then she thought about it for a while and she decided if it was best for her dad she would go.So jessica packed her bags the day before.She filled her bags up to the brim.She packed a loads of rubbish like millions of notebooks and stuff she didn’t really need.She threw out a lot of her old clothes as her mum said she would get lots of nice brand new things in America.

The next again day Jessica said goodbye to all of her friends at school, as she was leaving at lunch time.She started to cry as her friends really didn’t want her to leave so soon and full stop but she knew it had to be done.The bell rang for lunch Jessica slowly picked up her bag and walked out of school with all her classmates to the gates.They all said goodbye and then Jessica’s dad drove her home to pick up her bags……………..

Find out more – click below now!!


Merry Christmas from Carronshore and 'Voices of the World'!

Our December task for the ‘Voices of the World’ project is to sing ‘Jingle Bells’ in our own language and use one of tools from a previous task – Voki, Animoto or One True Media.

We chose ‘One True Media’ ……… Thank you, P7V, for another great performance 🙂

We’ll include a link to the VOTW wikispace again once all the entries from around the world have been added – meanwhile, ‘Season’s Greetings’ from Carronshore 🙂

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