Our Hobbies

Myspace Graffiti Text - http://www.easygraffititext.com

Primary 7 have had their individual blogs for almost a week now. Up until now, they have been getting used to them and have been experimenting with all the ‘buttons’ and ‘widgets’, etc.

For homework this week, they were asked to write about a hobby. They were given the choice of writing in their homework jotters on on their new blog.

Already, some of them felt confident enough to write directly on to their blog. Click on the names below to have a look. Feel free to leave a comment on their new blogs (although these might not appear straight away!)

Courtney is a member of the scouts

Sophie loves Art

Anna enjoys cheerleading

Chloe’s hobby is dancing

Andrew is a scout (but he likes wrestling, too)

Rhiann dances every Saturday

Russell’s hobby is rugby

Kieran S loves to ride his bike

Monica plays the keyboard. Maybe we could record her playing it and put it on the blog??

12 thoughts on “Our Hobbies”

  1. Great! I just found it….. and your reading summary is there too. Well done! I’ll add you now.

    Thank for the graffiti text idea. I checked it out and it’s fun 🙂

  2. Hi Carronshore!
    It’s interesting that you are doing hobbies!
    Are you doing it for the whole term?
    I’ll check out a few and comment on them!
    Hope to hear from you, stay in touch!

  3. Hello Carronshore,
    I found myself reading this post to find Chloe and Rhiannhave the same hobby as me!
    Do they have any other hobbies?

    My hobbies are playng computer games, playingelastics and drawing.

    Sharon from the AllStars

  4. i think that would be a great idea about recording me i could play some songs tomorrow on the piano at school (please reply as soon as possible as then i can bring my book if its ok)

  5. Hello Sharon and Nadine,

    We hadn’t planned on doing hobbies all term – although it sounds like a great topic … thanks for the idea! Maybe we’ll pick up on it next term. It would be great to work on that with you all (lots in common – and lots new things to learn and try out!)

    What do you think??

    We discussed this term’s topic today and decided to do ‘Carronshore’. We ‘brainstormed’ what aspects to cover. I think we’ll enjoy it!

  6. Hey Mrs v! fanx for the comment….I’m not sure what you mean bye did Miss stein teach you? :S and u sent me another comment saying something about art..i think tht might have been for sophie>I’m a bit confused 🙂

  7. Hello Anna!
    Miss Stein taught cheerleading at carronshore.
    (I think maybe you were in P5 at the time?)

    The art comment was about your new novel – ‘Anneli the Art Hater’.

    Still confused?


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