I’ve had a very relaxing break and I feel rejuvenated – check out my message below to see how I’ve benefited from the rest. You’ll hardly recognise me 😉

[kml_flashembed movie="http://vhss-a.oddcast.com/voki/voki_player.swf?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fvhss-d.oddcast.com%2Fphp%2Fvoki%2Fgetvoki%2Fchsm%3Dee7517ecd978d6a2e116e7e28d3190fd%26sc%3D31339" width="300" height="400" wmode="transparent" /]

…….. and welcome back, too, to all our Blogging friends from around the globe. I’m looking forward to the completion of our ‘Australia Topic Wiki’ project carried over from last session – our first priority!

I’m almost at the end of my Charter Teacher course – has it really been 4 years already? I’m hoping to complete it this year …… with your help, Primary 7. I’ve decided to write about our use of Blogs and Wikis and I would like you to take more control over how we use them. I’ve been thinking about some projects and I’ve listed them below.

  • How about a School Magazine? Click HERE to see rough example of what I have in mind.

  • An ‘All About Carronshore’ wiki that anyone can edit and add to sounds like it could be interesting and could involve pupils, parents as well as others in the community. I’ve set one up HERE

  • Finally, what about the idea of a ‘Passion Project’? I read about this in another school blog, but I’m sorry that I can’t remember where! The idea is that you ‘blog’ about anything you are really passionate about and gather as much information about the subject as you can. You’ll then share it with the rest of the class by presenting the information on our interactive whiteboard.

 These are a few ideas to get us started this session. I hope there’s something there to interest you 🙂

15 thoughts on “WELCOME BACK!!”

  1. Hello Mrs Vass!
    Welcome back to the blogosphere – we have missed you 🙂
    Sounds like you have a whole year’s worth of interesting things to get up to.
    We love your VOKI, was it easy to do?
    Enjoy the beginning of the school year 😆

  2. Hello again Allstars! This is my first day back at school – those lucky pupils have one extra day of holidays. Yes, we’re going to be busy! I tried to think of a project and came up with three – I’ll need to ask the pupils to help decide where to start.

    The Voki was easy to make … and good fun choosing an identity! I just made a podcast using audacity (one thing I had to do was save as a WAV file – the usual mp3 file was a bit crackly when uploaded to Voki). Voki did the rest!

    Looking forward to working with you all again 🙂

  3. Hi Mrs Vass I had a great day at high school it’s brilliant. I love high school and all the new things you can do!! P7 I hope you have a great year in p7 It’s probably the best level in primary school . Enjoy p7 and make the blog as good as you can! I think you will love going to high school and it’s not scary at all but you might have nerves , on the first few day but it will go away after you meet loads more friends!!
    Make the last year the best year at primary!!
    From Danni
    I like your ideas Mrs Vass and I wont forget you!!

  4. Thank you all for your comments!

    Danni, it was great to hear from you. Your comment is great – please keep in touch! Are you going to keep your blog going now you are at High School? I really hope you do!

  5. Hi, I hope you have the time to help me out. I love the voki idea and would love our class to make them, but I can’t figure out how to embed them into my edublog. Which output destination do you use? and do you just paste the code into the codes part of a post? I really appreciate the help, great page!

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