Some Messages From Around the World

 Kayleigh, who left Carronshore with her family to live in Australia, has posted a new comment on her blog. I’ve copied the pictures from her blog and pasted them here.


here are pictures of austraila hope u like them


some kangaroos     me and logan         me and taylar

                                                         on our first day

                                                          of    school

You can leave Kayliegh a message on her blog HERE.

Miss Jones is back home in Arkansas. She left a comment on our Very Scottish Farewell post. I’ve copied it below ….. she’s still not convinced that Haggis is yummy! 🙂

  1. Miss Jones Says:
    July 12th, 2007 at 5:14 pm Hiya P7V!! I don’t know if ya’ll will keep checking this now that ya’ll are moving on to High School, but I thought I would give it a shot. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday! I am back home in Arkansas, and wishing I was back in Scotland! I miss ya’ll so much and I hope we can stay in touch. Thank you for my wonderful Scottish Farewell Party! Ya’ll are so talented! I loved every bit of it…except the Haggis part ) I miss ya’ll!

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