Monica on the Keyboard

Β Today, Monica played the keyboard for us. She has been going to Keyboard lessons and was keen to show us what she had learned.

We also wanted to practise making a video. Darren was chosen to be the ‘cameraman’. As a class, we uploaded the video on to ‘Jumpcut‘. There were lots of editing tools to play around with, too. We didn’t have lots of time to play around, but we’ll certainly experiment with it again!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="408" height="324" wmode="transparent" /]

5 thoughts on “Monica on the Keyboard”

  1. Hi Monica!
    You sure do have talent! I love keyboards and it is my dream to play one!
    It sounds like you will be something special when you grow up!
    Bye! πŸ™‚ :mrgren: πŸ˜‰

  2. Hi Monica and Primary 7v
    I am a teacher from Sydney, Australia. I was very impressed with your keyboard skills and your interest in making videos. My class is making a movie using jumpcut. We, too, have enjoyed using all the editing tools but are not sure how to post the finished product into our blog. I would appreciate it if you could help me out here as my class are very keen to show the world their finished product.

    Mrs J

  3. Hi Mrs J,

    I’ve posted our code on the ‘forums’ section – doesn’t like it on here!

    Your URL doesn’t work – it would be great to see what you and your class are up to

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