Thumbs up to Anna's mum …. and to 'Voicethread'!

Anna wrote a great post describing her cheerleading hobby ….. and her mum read it at work and left this lovely comment: 

Hi Anna,

Love reading your blog while I am at work,

Love Mum xx

Anna discovered it at school on Friday while we were writing our ‘Bio Poems’. It was VERY exciting! You can visit Anna’s Blog HERE  … and thank you, Anna, for the lovely poem 😉

Maybe more mums, dads, grans, grandads, uncles, aunties etc will start to add comments. We’re going to have an evening workshop on the 2nd of October to show them how easy it is (and to tell them about some other cool stuff we’ve been doing!)

I’ve also been playing around with Voicethread. I hope it works in school! Press the play button below to see an example …. made it in a rush but it seems to have potential 😀

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="480" height="360" wmode="transparent" /]

4 thoughts on “Thumbs up to Anna's mum …. and to 'Voicethread'!”

  1. Always exctiing new ideas on your site – must look into Voicethread.

    Our Primary 4 have just started their first blog –could you give them some words of encouragement?

    We hope to start a blogclub next week which will give us a chance to comment on your individual blogs.

  2. A blogclub sounds like a great idea! There’s never enough time in the school day! I hope you got our comment – welcome to blogging P4 🙂

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