A Busy Week!

 What a busy 4 days we’ve had. You can visit the new Individual Blogs by clicking here

It made me smile when I read Nina’s post on her new blog. She wrote,

‘Hello,my name is Nina and i am in P7V at Carronshore Primary School.I think P7 so far is good we are not doing an awful lot of work though.’

I think you all worked VERY hard! In just 4 days:

  • You produced ‘wow factor’ wall displays (photos on here soon!)

  • Everyone can now log in to their individual blog, change their password, add sidebar widgets, write a post, comment on other blogs, change the themes …. and more!

  • Some pupils can now use the mp3 players and make podcasts using ‘Audacity’. Their Vokis look great!

  • We made a start on the ‘Australia Topic’.

  • You had Music, Art and French …… and loads more, too!

Next week the formal timetable begins …. maths all Monday morning – I’ll try not to make it seem too much like hard work!

Here’s a wee reminder of week 1!

[kml_flashembed movie="http://widgets.clearspring.com/o/46928cc51133af17/46d047345dbcfdfd/46928cc51133af17/aa457b99/autostart/false/file/e6c9c5ed6d1732eefa7a67177b29794f" width="432" height="250" wmode="transparent" /]

3 thoughts on “A Busy Week!”

  1. What a great first week P7V! It really IS a lot of work when you write it all down 🙂
    Congratulations on getting your blogs up and running so quickly – we will have a little “look-see” when we get back to school on Monday.
    Thank-you to everyone who has already left a comment on our blog this week – it was great to hear from you, and to start to get know you as well.
    We are looking forward to sharing more of our school days and school work with you.
    Hope your Week 2 is as great as your Week 1!!!!

  2. Hi Mrs Vass i’m glad you enjoyed your first week back. When do you think it would be a good time to come in and see you.

    From Marc

  3. Hello Marc!

    Please come in any time! I don’t know why, but your comments keep getting blocked as ‘spam’. I’ll need to investigate.

    We’d really love a visit from you and find out all about how High School is treating you 🙂

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