Scottish Maritime Museum Trip 22/11/17

Primary Two visited the Scottish Maritime Museum to learn more about Katie Morag.

We have been learning all about Island life through our Katie Morag topic. Kate Morag lives on the Isle of Struay and has a very different life to us.

During our trip we visited an old tenement house. At the house we learned what life was like in the 1920s. A mum, dad and 13 children all slept in the one room and shared a toilet with their neighbour! They would have a bath every Sunday but they all needed to share the same bath water! We smelled the horrible soap the mum would use to clean dirty clothes and saw an old iron and fire.

We then went on a bird watch but it was very cold and wet! We used binoculars to see into the distance. We saw a seal in the water, swans and some seagulls. We think a lot of birds were hiding because the weather was so horrible!

After the bird watch we went back to the museum where we looked at lots of different boats and ships and saw their engines and how they are made. We even got to sail a computer boat!

We had lunch in the cozy teaching room and then decorated our own paper seagulls to take home. Before we left, we got to visit the gift shop!

It was an amazing day and we all had so much fun!