Jolly Jelly

We had lots of fun learning the sound ‘j’ when we made jelly in our class.


We all got a chance to follow instructions to make our own jelly and then took it home for a yummy treat at the end of the day.

After making the jelly we wrote instructions in our writing jotters.


Primary 1 Making Jelly Recipe


You will need:

One sachet jelly

One bowl

One spoon







  1. First wash your hands.
  2. Pour jelly sachet into bowl.dsc00642
  3. Measure two cups hot water
  4. Pour hot water into bowl.dsc00661 dsc00659 dsc00665
  5. Mix until all jelly melts.dsc00655 dsc00658 dsc00664 dsc00663
  6. Pour jelly into mouldsdsc00644 dsc00643 dsc00667 dsc00669 dsc00649
  7. Place in fridge to set.