P3b.1 Wednesday 25th March

Good morning!

Here’s today’s task sheet. As always, looking forward to hearing from you on Seesaw.

Mrs Lord

Daily Plan 25 Mar


Good morning from Granny and Granda!

Good morning P3b.1 and P3b.2!  We are really missing you and our weekend visits to your homes. We thought we would send you regular updates (for a little bit of fun) about how we are spending our time since school closed last Friday.

Granny and I have a little house in the countryside where we like to go when you are not at school. It is lovely, peaceful and quiet. We like to read, do some gardening and enjoy outdoor activities.

Granny enjoyed the sunshine today and I enjoyed reading my book.

Make sure you continue to check your class blog for more fun updates!

Love, Granny and Granda xx

Education City Login

To access Education City click on the link below.


Click on log in

Under username and password type the following




Once you are logged on choose student and input your pupil details for example see below



Tuesday 24th March P3b.1

Hi all!

Hope everybody is well and managing to navigate Seesaw without too many problems. I’m just learning too! I’ve attached today’s task sheet in case any of you would like to print it out for reference and will do so every day. All tasks are also on Seesaw at 9am every day. I’ll post any answers needed the following morning so you can mark your own and see how you got on.  If you have questions, I’m on Seesaw most of the day and will respond to queries as quick as I can!

Lovely seeing so much work from many of you.

Mrs Lord

Daily Plan 24 Mar

Harry Potter read by Mr Tyler

Good Morning, Every day I am going to record and share a chapter of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone for you to listen to. Like many children’s authors JK Rowling has very kindly given permission for teachers to record themselves reading and share it with pupils in their schools.


The link below will let you listen to chapter 1 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Chapter 2 will follow tomorrow.



3b.2 Daily Task 24.3.20

Good Morning!

Thank you for all of your hard work yesterday. I loved seeing photographs of your work and the other things you have been getting up to. Here are your tasks for today, I’ll check in later on 🙂

As always, here to help,

Mrs Kirkpatrick

Alph Order 24.3

Prob Solving 24.3

Daily Plan 24.3

Image result for funny joke for children


P3b.2 Daily Tasks 23/3

Good Morning!

Here is the first of your daily task sheets 🙂 Please try your best to complete the activities. We would love to see videos, pictures and responses to your work on Seesaw. You can also complete these tasks in the jotter you were given on the last days of school. Please don’t worry if you didn’t receive one, logging your responses on Seesaw is enough.

I will be available on Seesaw throughout the day so please send me a message if you have any questions or queries , we are all finding our feet with this!

Keep safe, Mrs Kirkpatrick

Daily Plan (1)

problem solving strategies


P3b.1 and P3b.2 Glow passwords and Seesaw

Good Morning!

I have changed passwords for any children in P3b.1 and P3b.2 who have reported difficulties accessing Glow. The children have chosen a memorable word and new passwords are in their school bags.

I’m delighted to hear from your children that they are able to access Seesaw. Please help your child complete the short assigned task if they haven’t already done so.

Please continue to check Glow for updates.

Thank you,

Mrs Duffy

P3b.2 Seesaw Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

Some of the children in our class told me this morning that they were unable to access Seesaw from home. I have changed the settings for signing in and I’m hoping everyone will now have access.  Every child in class today will be issued with a sheet with a code to type in or a QR code.  Please check school bags for this and keep it in a safe place. An email will go to you if your child is absent from the school office.

Thank you, as always for your support!

Mrs Duffy

P3b.2 Seesaw Information

Can all P3b.2 children try logging on to Seesaw and write/draw hello as a response on the assigned activity?

To do this–

  • either open Seesaw on a PC or download the app to a tablet or phone. It works better on Google Chrome.
  • Select  ‘I’m a student’
  • Enter pupil’s email which is glow username@glow.sch.uk. (all pupils were given a card with their glow username on Friday)
  • Enter password – this is their sumdog password followed by a full stop (no spaces)

I’ll be able to check Seesaw for the responses. However please let me know if you have difficulty accessing this app.

Thank you!

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