Category Archives: Pupils

Easter Eggstravaganza

 The pupils are busy creating their characters for our Easter Eggstravaganza this week.The children have been writing adventure stories, diaries and and character profiles to go along with their eggs which will be displayed on Thursday afternoon from 1.45pm.        

Everyone is welcome to come along on Thursday to have a look at what the pupils have been doing!  You are also welcome to have a refreshment during the Easter Treasure Hunt…  (I wonder if it will be snowing like it was last year?)

Netball Competition

A huge well done to Uplawmoor Primary School’s netball team who came 1st place at last night’s Netball competition at Eastwood High School’s sports centre. 

“We’ve been working hard at lunchtime with Mrs Dobbins to ensure we were at our best.  We won each game we played in and we are looking forward to representing our school at the next event on the 1st April 2014”.

The Netball Team:
Shannon, Erin, Niamh, Bobbi, Luca, Morgan, Eve, Glen, Amy.

Sculpture Workshop and Exhibition

The boys and girls of Uplawmoor Primary welcomed Rachel Lowther last Wednesday afternoon.   Rachel is a Scottish artist, who, in collaboration with other artists, will be  hosting an art exhibition to be held at the Mure Hall on 8th – 21st April 2014. 

Rachel took the time to show the children a variety of sculptures and talked to the children about what inspires artists and their work.  The children participated in a ‘living sculpture’ session which Rachel photographed and will use as part of the exhibition in April. 

The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and we are all looking forward to the exhibition in April.

For more information please follow this link:

Stuart Reid – Author Visit


We were lucky enough to welcome Stuart Reid to our school this afternoon as part of our World Book Day celebrations.  

Stuart Reid is one of the busiest children’s authors around.   Stuart’s uniquely entertaining readings are wild, wacky, crude, rude and hilariously fun for everyone involved.  Some of his work includes ‘Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator’ and ‘Gorgeous George and the Zigzag Zit-faced Zombies’.  The children enjoyed hearing his funny stories and learning about how he started writing novels.

I wonder if we have any future authors amongst our pupils?

For more information, please visit

World Book Day at Uplawmoor Primary

World Book Day is a celebration!  It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading.  Today, children of all ages will come together to appreciate reading which is the main aim of  World Book Day. 

The children of Uplawmoor Primary got into the spirit of things and dressed up as their favourite author, story or character and celebrated World Book Day with a variety of fun activities.  Children were encouraged to take some quiet time to read silently each time the ‘reading’ bell rang.   

What a great day!

Drama Workshop

P4-7 were lucky enough to spend the morning with Zoe, Beth and Charlie who came to help us with our acting and performing skills.  We started the morning with some warm up games to help us act out scenarios and project our voices.   Afterwards, Zoe, Charlie and Beth talked to us about the story and gave us some acting tips which we could use in our performance.  

We worked in little groups and used our bodies and voices to create different objects such as an oven, a clock, a forest, animals and trees.   There were different children playing the role of Red and Reuben which allowed everybody the chance to play a part.

To end our morning, we performed our show to the staff and Primary 1-3.  Beth and Charlie were really funny as they played the role of the granny, the wolf and the baker. 

By P4/5

A Braw Burns Celebration

The boys and girls of Uplawmoor did us (and Robert Burns) proud today.  The audience were well and truly entertained by our wonderful musicians, singers, actors and dancers.  A huge well done to P4-7 for their superb (and brave) poetry recitals, not to mention Ashley, Rob, Shannon, Naimh, Eve and Morgan who sang for the judges.

Eco Schools

We were recently visited by Mrs Anne Black of the Keep Scotland Beautiful Eco School’s Team.   Mrs Black came to assess whether or not we should keep our Green Flag status.  The day was led by member of our Eco-Committe, two representatives of our Garden Committte and one of our JRSOs.  They had a very informative presentation, a tour of the school and school grounds and answered questions about our Eco Action Plan.  Mrs Black was very impressed by all of the pupils she had spoken to and commented that she was made to feel very welcome by everyone at Uplawmoor.

We are thrilled to hear that we are indeed an Eco Friendly school and that our shabby flag willl be replaced by a new one.  Well done everybody!  What a fantastic achievement!

My Region – My Traditions

A huge congratulations to Primary 2/3 on entering a drawing competition run by the European Alliance.  The theme of the competition was ‘My Region, My Traditions’ and Councillor Buchannan nominated Uplawmoor Primary to take part.  Only 7 schools across Europe entered.  The artwork was displayed within the ‘Committee of the Regions’ in Brussels.  Our prize winners were:

1st place, Scott King

2nd place Mollie Long

3rd place Abigale Grierson. 

Councillor Buchannan came to award the pupils with their prizes.  Scott, Mollie and Abigale received a set of beautiful coloured pencils and the class won a Nikon camera for the school.  Well done!

Back in the swing of things…

Well, the festive celebrations are now a thing of the past and all the pupils of Uplawmoor Primary School have their brains back in action and are working hard in class. 

Some of you may have been lucky enough to celebrate Burns Day on Saturday 25th January 2014.  The staff and pupils are now starting to think about celebrating the life and works of Robert Burns at our Burns Competition, which will take place on Friday 28th February 2014.

The boys and girls in P4-7 are currently busy learning a song or poem which they will perform for our judges on the day.  In addition, all pupils will be involved in entertaining our audience through song, dance and drama.  

For more information on Robert Burns,  log on to 

We look forward to seeing you very soon!

Eco Song

The staff and pupils were lucky enough to be entertained by the Eco-Committee at Friday’s assembly.  They have been busy writing and and rehearsing an Eco song which they performed for the school on Friday. 

They also took the time to talk to us about the Eco code as we are all making a special effort to ensure we remain an Eco friendly school and continue to look after our environment.


We all had a great time (oh yes we did!) at the Kings Theatre today.    We thoroughly recommend a trip to see Aladdin if you haven’t already planned to go to a panto this Christmas!

Diary of December Events

Saturday 7th December

Our Christmas Fayre will start at 10am and will finish at midday.  There will lots of festive fun and a range of goodies to buy.  The children have also been busy making christmas crafts to sell. We look forward to seeing you there.

Thursday 12th December

The pupils and staff welcome parents to attend our open morning from 9.30am – 10.30am which will give you an opportunity to see your children in their learning environment.  Make sure your brains are switched on and you are ready to learn!

Friday 13th December

We are all thoroughly looking forward to our Christmas outing to the Kings Theatre to see Aladdin.  Please remember to bring a packed lunch for your child.


 Class Christmas Parties

 P1-3 – Monday 16th December  

P4/5   Tuesday 17th December

P6/7  Wednesday 18th December   

All parties will start at 1.45pm and chilren can bring their festive outfits in a bag and change at lunchtime.

Thursday 19th December 2013

The pupils of Uplawmoor will be entertaining parents, friends and family with song and dance at our  ‘Carols and Shortbread’ afternoon. Primary 1-3 will also be putting us into the festive spirit with their wonderful nativity performance.  Refreshments are available from 1.30pm with our performances starting at 2pm (approx).

Friday 20th December 2013

Our Christmas service will be at 1.30pm and parents and friends are welcome.  Children will be dismissed at 2.30pm (approx).


Intergenerational Quiz

Liam, Katie, Esme, Jason and Eve (who was a reserve) from Primary 7  competed in an intergenerational quiz at Carlibar Primary School.  Local residents Dodo, Eric, Sheila and Heather, together with the pupils, were  ‘TEAM UPLAWMOOR’.  The aim of the quiz was to work together to teach each other various activities such as texting, playing the Wii, dominoes and ‘hanging the washing’. 

Team Uplawmoor came second and won a medal each.  We spent weeks preparing for the quiz and we all had a great time together and made lots of new friends.  By Liam P7